Why do eggs turn hard when you boil them? (2024)

Eggs are rich in protein, especially the egg whites. It's this protein that causes eggs to become hard when boiled. Here's how it works:Protein is a chain of amino acids. These amino-acid strings fold back on themselves (the way the strings fold determines the protein's chemical and biological properties). The proteins are held in place by weak bonds (non-covalent) between different parts of the amino-acid string. When you break those strings, by various methods, you are denaturing the protein.

You can denature a protein in several different ways. Here are two ways to do it with eggs:


  • Heat - When you heat an egg, the proteins gain energy and literally shake apart the bonds between the parts of the amino-acid strings, causing the proteins to unfold. As the temperature increases, the proteins gain enough energy to form new, stronger bonds (covalent) with other protein molecules. When you boil an egg, the heat first breaks (unfolds) the proteins, and then allows the proteins to link to other proteins. As the proteins form these new, strong bonds, the water that surrounded each protein molecule when the egg was liquid is forced out. That's why the egg turns hard. (Heat affects all of the proteins in an egg, so it's the best way to cook an egg.)
  • Chemicals - You can also break the weak bonds between protein molecules with chemicals. According to an experiment done by the BBC Science Shack, if you put vodka on an egg white, the alcohol in it breaks weak hydrogen bonds in the protein. If you put vinegar on an egg white, the acid in it breaks ionic bonds. If you mix the two (vodka and vinegar), you break both types of bonds and quite effectively denature the protein. Lots of other chemicals will also break those weak bonds. This won't work as well on the yolk, which, while also protein-rich, has lots of fats and other properties that make it more difficult for it to become hard.

You can do something similar when you whisk egg whites: By exerting mechanical energy in the whisking process, you cause the protein bonds to break, and subsequently re-connect. Once these new, strong bonds are formed, the egg stays in that state. The proteins have formed a network of strong, permanent cross-links. A cooked, chemically-altered or well-beaten egg will never go back to its original state.

When cooking eggs, use moderate heat. High heat causes the protein in eggs to become tough and rubbery. When you use high heat to boil an egg, it causes a chemical reaction between the yolk and the white that leaves a green film around the yolk. That film is iron sulfide, caused by iron in the yolk reacting with hydrogen sulfide in the white. It won't hurt you to eat it, and the egg will taste the same, but it sure looks awful!

Here are some interesting links:

  • American Egg Board
  • How Cholesterol Works
  • How Fats Work
  • How Food Preservation Works
  • How Easter Works
  • How can an egg carton claim that the contained eggs have less fat and more vitamin E?
  • Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
  • How does a chicken's egg get its shell?


Eggs Turn hard FAQ

Why do proteins become solid when heated?

When you boil an egg, the heat first breaks (unfolds) the proteins, and thenallows the proteins to link to other proteins. As the proteins form these new, strong bonds, the water thatsurrounded each protein molecule when the egg was liquid is forced out. That's why the egg turns hard.

How do eggs denature?

Protein is a chain of amino acids. These amino-acid strings fold back onthemselves. The proteins are held in place by weak bonds between different parts of the amino-acid string.When you break those strings, by various methods, you are denaturing the protein.

Which part of a hard boiled egg has the most protein?

Eggs are rich in protein, especially the egg whites.

Why shouldn't you cook eggs over high heat?

High heat causes the protein in eggs to become tough and rubbery. When youuse high heat to boil an egg, it causes a chemical reaction between the yolk and the white that leaves agreen film around the yolk.

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Why do eggs turn hard when you boil them? (2024)


Why do eggs turn hard when you boil them? ›

The heat coming from your stove denatures the protein by disrupting some of its bonds that held the molecule into shape. In the case of hard-boiled eggs, the proteins clump together and solidify, causing the egg white and yolk to harden.

Why do eggs turn hard when boiled? ›

When you boil an egg, the heat first breaks (unfolds) the proteins, and then allows the proteins to link to other proteins. As the proteins form these new, strong bonds, the water that surrounded each protein molecule when the egg was liquid is forced out. That's why the egg turns hard.

Why do eggs become solid when we boil them? ›

As the egg gets hotter, the spliced proteins form a mesh with water filing in the spaces within the mesh. As more protein molecules unfold and connect to each other, the mesh gets stronger and the egg becomes more solid.

What causes hard-boiled eggs? ›

Heat causes the proteins that make up the white and yolk to harden. Salt can have the same effect (called denaturing) as heat on proteins, which explains how salt stops egg whites from leaking. Basically, salt helps the egg firm up.

Can you boil eggs too long? ›

When eggs are boiled for too long, the yolk can become dry and crumbly, and the white can become rubbery and tough. This can make the egg less appetizing and more difficult to digest.

Do you boil water before adding eggs? ›

You might have heard that you should drop your eggs into room temperature or cold water and then bring the water to a boil. This is a myth. In our tests, bringing the water to a boil first and then lowering the eggs into the bath made for easy peeling and more accurate timing.

Why add salt to boil eggs? ›

Hence, this helps the water to attain a temperature higher than 100 ° C before starting to boil. This phenomenon helps cook and hard boil the egg quicker as the addition of salt has increased the boiling point of water. Also, the added salt to the water prevents an egg from cracking during cooking.

Should boiled eggs be hard? ›

First, let me share my idea of a perfect boiled egg: It should be tender throughout, even when fully hard-boiled. The white should not be rubbery, nor the yolk chalky or green. And above all, it should peel easily.

Is it OK to boil eggs that float? ›

An egg can float in water when its air cell has enlarged sufficiently to keep it buoyant. This means the egg is old, but it may be perfectly safe to use.

How long to keep eggs in cold water after boiling? ›

Start a timer for 12 minutes and prepare an ice bath. When the timer goes off, remove eggs from the pot and immediately place into ice bath for at least 10 minutes before peeling.

Why poke a hole in an egg before boiling? ›

When you hard cook an egg, this air heats up, expands, and escapes through pores in the shell—but not before the egg white sets. This leaves the egg with a flattened end. Pricking the egg provides a quick escape route for the air, which gives you an egg with a smoothly rounded end.

What's the secret to hard boiling eggs? ›

As soon as the water begins to boil, turn off the heat and cover the pot. Leave the eggs in the hot water for anywhere from 10-12 minutes, depending on how you like your eggs. The 10-minute eggs will have vibrant, creamy yolks, while the 12-minute yolks will be paler and opaque, with a chalkier texture.

How long should you boil eggs? ›

Put the pot over high heat and bring to a boil. Once the water is at a rolling boil, turn off the heat and cover the pot with the lid. Allow the eggs to sit in the hot water for the following times according to the desired doneness: 3 minutes for SOFT boiled; 6 minutes for MEDIUM boiled; 12 minutes for HARD boiled.

Is 20 minutes too long to boil eggs? ›

For one to four eggs, bring the water to a rolling boil, cover the pot, and turn the heat down to its lowest setting for 12-14 minutes. For five to eight eggs, cook for 15 to 18 minutes. For nine to one dozen eggs, cook for 20 minutes. After cooking, transfer the eggs to a bowl of ice water.

What happens if you boil eggs for 40 minutes? ›

The egg white will also release hydrogen sulfide, which is why overcooked eggs also have a green film on the yolk; the sulfur in the white reacts with the iron in the yolk to form iron sulfide at the boundary between the two regions.

Is 30 minutes too long for hard boiled eggs? ›

"A 12-minute egg is the maximum amount of time I'll do for a (large) hard-boiled egg," she says. Steele shares this pro tip: when cooking a medium- or jumbo-sized egg, just decrease or increase the cook time by approximately 1 minute, depending on how firm or jammy you like your yolk to be.

How do you fix runny hard-boiled eggs? ›

How to Reboil an Egg
  1. Add cold water and eggs to a pot. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Once water is boiling, remove pot from eye, and cook eggs until they reach your desired doneness (at least another 3 to 5 minutes, longer if the yolk was very runny).
  3. Drain the hot water, rinse eggs with cold water, and enjoy.
Mar 31, 2022

How do you know if eggs are bad when you hard boil them? ›

If the egg is discolored or has a greenish ring around the yolk, it's likely gone bad.” A bad hard-boiled egg may also have a sulfuric smell, adds Marcus. The bottom line on hard-boiled eggs: “If the egg is slimy, mushy or smells bad, toss it,” says Steele.

Why are hard-boiled eggs so hard to peel now? ›

Eggs in General

Hard-cooked eggs may be difficult to peel if they are very fresh. This is because an egg shrinks inside during storage, which pulls the inner membrane away from the inside of the shell. For this reason, a hard-cooked egg will peel more easily if it has been stored for 1 or 2 weeks before it is cooked.

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