Why Almond Flour Is Better Than Most Other Flours (2024)

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Wheat Flours Coconut Flour FAQs

Almond flour is a popular alternative to traditional wheat flour that’s low in carbs, packed with nutrients and has a slightly sweeter taste.

Almond flour may also provide more health benefits than traditional wheat flour, such as reducing “bad” LDL cholesterol and insulin resistance (1, 2).

This article explores the health benefits of almond flour and whether it’s a better alternative to other types of flour.

What Is Almond Flour?

Almond flour is made from ground almonds.

The process involves blanching almonds in boiling water to remove the skins, then grinding and sifting them into a fine flour.

Almond flour is not the same as almond meal, despite the fact that their names are sometimes used interchangeably.

Almond meal is made by grinding almonds with their skins intact, resulting in a coarser flour.

This difference is important in recipes where texture makes a big difference.


Almond flour is made from blanched almonds that are ground and sifted into a fine flour.

Almond Flour Is Incredibly Nutritious

Almond flour is rich in nutrients. One ounce (28 grams) contains (3):

  • Calories: 163
  • Fat: 14.2 grams (9 of which are monounsaturated)
  • Protein: 6.1 grams
  • Carbs: 5.6 grams
  • Dietary fiber: 3 grams
  • Vitamin E: 35% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 31% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 19% of the RDI
  • Copper 16% of the RDI
  • Phosphorus 13% of the RDI

Almond flour is particularly rich in vitamin E, a group of fat-soluble compounds that act as antioxidants in your body.

They prevent damage from harmful molecules called free radicals, which accelerate aging and increase your risk of heart disease and cancer (4).

In fact, several studies have linked higher vitamin E intakes to lower rates of heart disease and Alzheimer’s (5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

Magnesium is another nutrient that’s abundant in almond flour. It’s involved in many processes in your body and may provide several benefits, including improved blood sugar control, reduced insulin resistance and lower blood pressure (10).


Almond flour is incredibly nutritious. It’s particularly rich in vitamin E and magnesium, two important nutrients for health.

Almond Flour Is Better for Your Blood Sugar

Foods made with refined wheat are high in carbs, but low in fat and fiber.

This can cause high spikes in blood sugar levels, followed by rapid drops, which can leave you tired, hungry and craving foods high in sugar and calories.

Conversely, almond flour is low in carbs yet high in healthy fats and fiber.

These properties give it a low glycemic index, meaning it releases sugar slowly into your blood to provide a sustained source of energy.

As mentioned above, almond flour contains a remarkably high amount of magnesium — a mineral that plays hundreds of roles in your body, including controlling blood sugar (10, 11).

It’s estimated that between 25–38% of people with type 2 diabetes have a magnesium deficiency, and correcting it through diet or supplements may significantly reduce blood sugar and improve insulin function (12, 13, 14).

In fact, almond flour’s ability to improve insulin function may also apply to people without type 2 diabetes who have either low magnesium levels or normal magnesium levels but are overweight (1, 15).

This could mean that almonds’ low glycemic properties and high magnesium content may help control blood sugar in people with or without type 2 diabetes.


Almond flour may be better than conventional flours for your blood sugar, as it has a low glycemic index and is rich in magnesium.

Almond Flour Is Gluten-Free

Wheat flours contain a protein called gluten. It helps dough stay stretchy and capture air during baking so that it rises and becomes fluffy.

People who have celiac disease or a wheat intolerance cannot eat foods with gluten because their body mistakes it as harmful.

For these individuals, the body produces an autoimmune response to remove gluten from the body. This response results in damage to the lining of the gut and can cause symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, weight loss, skin rashes and tiredness (16).

Fortunately, almond flour is both wheat-free and gluten-free, making it a great alternative for baking for those who can’t tolerate wheat or gluten.

Nevertheless, it’s still important to check the packaging of almond flour you buy. While almonds are naturally gluten-free, some products may be contaminated with gluten.


Almond flour is naturally gluten-free, making it a great alternative to wheat flour for those who have celiac disease or a wheat intolerance.

Almond Flour May Help Lower LDL Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide (17).

It’s well known that high blood pressure and “bad” LDL cholesterol levels are risk markers for heart disease.

Luckily, what you eat can have a major effect on your blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, with many studies showing that almonds can be quite beneficial for both (2, 18, 19).

An analysis of five studies including 142 people found that those who ate more almonds experienced an average decrease of 5.79 mg/dl in LDL cholesterol (19).

While this finding is promising, it might have been due to other factors than simply eating more almonds.

For example, participants in the five studies did not follow the same diet. Thus, weight loss, which is also linked to lower LDL cholesterol, could have varied across the studies (20).

Furthermore, magnesium deficiencies have been linked to high blood pressure in both experimental and observational studies, and almonds are a great source of magnesium (21, 22).

Although several studies show that correcting these deficiencies may help decrease blood pressure, they aren’t consistent. More research is needed in this area to make stronger conclusions (23, 24, 25).


The nutrients in almond flour may help reduce LDL cholesterol and lower blood pressure. The current findings are mixed, and more research is needed before making a definite link.

How to Use Almond Flour in Baking and Cooking

Almond flour is easy to bake with. In most baking recipes, you can simply replace regular wheat flour with almond flour.

It can also be used in place of bread crumbs to coat meats like fish, chicken and beef.

The downside of using almond flour over wheat flour is that baked goods tend to be more flat and dense.

This is because the gluten in wheat flour helps dough stretch and traps more air, which helps baked goods rise.

Almond flour is also higher in calories than wheat flour, containing 163 calories in one ounce (28 grams), while wheat flour contains 102 calories (26).


Almond flour can replace wheat flour at a 1:1 ratio. Because almond flour lacks gluten, baked products made with it are denser and flatter than those made with wheat products.

How Does It Compare to Alternatives?

Many people use almond flour in place of popular alternatives like wheat and coconut flour. Below is information about how it compares.

Wheat Flours

Almond flour is much lower in carbs than wheat flours, but higher in fat.

Unfortunately, this means almond flour is higher in calories. However, it makes up for this by being incredibly nutritious.

One ounce of almond flour provides you with a good amount of your daily values for vitamin E, manganese, magnesium and fiber (3).

Almond flour is also gluten-free, while wheat flours are not, so it’s a great option for people with celiac disease or a wheat intolerance.

In baking, almond flour can often replace wheat flour at a 1:1 ratio, although baked products made with it are flatter and denser because they lack gluten.

Phytic acid, an antinutrient, is also higher in wheat flours than almond flour, which leads to the poorer absorption of nutrients from foods.

It binds to nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron, and reduces the extent to which they can be absorbed by your gut (27).

Although almonds naturally have a high phytic acid content in their skin, almond flour does not, as it loses its skin in the blanching process.

Coconut Flour

Like wheat flours, coconut flour has more carbs and less fat than almond flour.

It also contains fewer calories per ounce than almond flour, but almond flour contains more vitamins and minerals.

Both almond flour and coconut flour are gluten-free, but coconut flour is more difficult to bake with, as it absorbs moisture very well and can make the texture of baked goods dry and crumbly.

This means you might need to add more liquid to recipes when using coconut flour.

Coconut flour is also higher in phytic acid than almond flour, which can reduce how many nutrients your body can absorb from foods that contain it.


Almond flour is lower in carbs and more nutrient-dense than wheat and coconut flours. It also has less phytic acid, which means you receive more nutrients when you eat foods containing it.

The Bottom Line

Almond flour is a great alternative to wheat-based flours.

It’s incredibly nutritious and provides many potential health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease and improved blood sugar control.

Almond flour is also gluten-free, which makes it a great option for those with celiac disease or a wheat intolerance.

If you’re looking for a low-carb flour that’s rich in nutrients, almond flour is a great choice.

Why Almond Flour Is Better Than Most Other Flours (2024)


Why Almond Flour Is Better Than Most Other Flours? ›

Compared to wheat flour, almond flour has fewer sugars and carbohydrates. Switching to almond flour can help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels more effectively. Almond flour contains a lot of prebiotic dietary fiber. This type of fiber is digested by bacteria in your small intestine.

Why is almond flour better than regular flour? ›

Foods made with refined wheat are high in carbs, but low in fat and fiber. This can cause high spikes in blood sugar levels, followed by rapid drops, which can leave you tired, hungry and craving foods high in sugar and calories. Conversely, almond flour is low in carbs yet high in healthy fats and fiber.

What is the downside of almond flour? ›

Almond Flour Is High In Oxalates

The problem with a high intake of oxalate-rich food is that it might contribute to calcium oxalate crystal formation, which, is a major component to some kinds of kidney stone. Also, it's been implicated in gout, and also has been associated with microcrystalline-associated arthritis.

Why can't you use baking powder with almond flour? ›

Since baking powder contains baking soda, baking powder cannot be used in almond flour baking. Instead, eggs (or applesauce or bananas) can be used as the leavening agent to help baked goods rise and achieve a light and fluffy texture.

What happens when you replace all-purpose flour with almond flour? ›

Almond flour is a little more moist than wheat flour, and doesn't have quite the same binding qualities. You'll do best to substitute 1:1 to begin with, as many recipes respond well to this direct replacement. But be prepared to add more almond flour as you go to compensate for the wetter batter.

Does almond flour spike blood sugar? ›

Almond flour is one of the most popular flour alternatives, and for good reason: It has a fine texture similar to wheat flour, but packs in twice as much protein and is unlikely to spike blood sugar. A quarter-cup serving also delivers around 20 percent of the RDI for magnesium.

Is almond flour inflammatory or anti-inflammatory? ›

Almond flour is high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can be inflammatory in large amounts. Wheat flour is lower in fat than almond and coconut flour, but the mix of high carbs and low fat makes wheat flour a poor choice for anyone looking to keep blood sugar levels low.

Which flour is anti-inflammatory? ›

Quinoa flour is made from quinoa — a gluten-free seed with a nutty flavor, ground into a fine powder. Quinoa flour is a good source of protein, fiber, iron, and unsaturated fat. Quinoa may be helpful for promoting digestive health, lowering inflammation, and reducing the overall risk of disease.

Is almond flour good for your gut? ›

Almond flour, similarly, is packed with vitamin E, which is linked to better brain function, as well as with prebiotic dietary fiber, which helps our gut microbiome operate efficiently.

What flour is used in Italy? ›

Grano duro is slightly yellow, more granular, and more commonly used for pasta and some breads in the south of Italy. It's also knows as durum wheat flour. Grano tenero is generally what we think of as white flour, and is more broadly used in bread, pizza, and pastry, and northern pasta doughs.

Which flour is best for human body? ›

While all-purpose flour is a useful kitchen ingredient, other flours, such as coconut flour, almond flour, and chickpea flour are more nutritious and may offer more health benefits.

Why is almond flour so hard to bake with? ›

Since almond flour is gluten-free, it's not a good substitute for traditional flour in yeast breads. A gluten free yeast “dough” needs to be more of a thick, sticky batter and is far too soft to knead and very difficult to work with.

What is almond flour best for? ›

It is also a good source of protein and fiber and gives a moist texture to baked goods. Almond flour is versatile — its nutty flavor and delicate texture work beautifully in all kinds of cookies, cakes, and breads. It can also be used as a gluten-free breading or coating for fried or baked foods.

Does almond flour go bad? ›

Almond flour should be stored in a fridge, freezer or cool pantry in order to keep it from going bad. Generally, an unopened almond flour bag can be good for 2-4 months in the pantry, and about 6-12 months in a fridge.

How does almond flour affect baking? ›

It's nutrient dense and rich in monounsaturated fats (the good ones!) It is also a good source of protein and fiber and gives a moist texture to baked goods. Almond flour is versatile — its nutty flavor and delicate texture work beautifully in all kinds of cookies, cakes, and breads.

Is it okay to eat almond flour every day? ›

But really, almond flour baked goods shouldn't be “everyday food” anyway. However if you are eating a healthy balance of veggies and high omega-3 foods you should be fine with nuts (in reason) and able to handle a cookie here or a treat there without being too concerned.

Why is almond flour better for keto? ›

Almond flour is a 100% keto-approved baking flour. It is also the most widely used keto flour on shelves. However, what it lacks in carbs, it makes up for in calories. Though almond flour is significantly higher in calories than many other flours, it also contains considerable amounts of protein and fiber.

Does almond flour thicken like all-purpose flour? ›

Almond flour makes a great thickener for a sauce but don't expect it to act the same as traditional flour. You'll need to cook off excess liquid to achieve a thicker consistency. For a smoother sauce, puree mixture after cooking.

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