Washington Snow Report | Snowpack & Forecast (2024)

Map Snow Flow Rivers Reservoirs Mountains Skiing Whitewater Fishing Camping

May 25 2024
Snowpack Snowfall TotalsForecasts

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Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Florida Wyoming New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New York Rhode Island Nevada Colorado California Georgia Connecticut Oklahoma Ohio Kansas South Carolina Kentucky Oregon South Dakota Delaware District Of Columbia Hawaii Puerto Rico Texas Louisiana Tennessee Pennsylvania Virginia Virgin Islands Alaska Alabama Arkansas Vermont Illinois Indiana Iowa Arizona Idaho Maine Maryland Massachusetts Utah Missouri Minnesota Michigan Montana Mississippi


May 25 2024

  • Overview
  • Insights
  • Ski Report
  • Avalanche Risk
  • Mountains

Pigtail Peak,perched at an elevation of5,800 ft.,is currently experiencing some of the coldest temps inWashingtonwith air temps last recorded at38 degrees.

More snowfall is expected this week, and areas likeParadiseare forecasted to receive up to6"of snowfall in the next 5 days.



RECENT SNOWFALL TOTALSWashington Snow Report | Snowpack & Forecast (1)

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Snowpack conditions in Washington vary across different mountain ranges, providing crucial water resources for the state. The Cascades, Olympics, and eastern mountains contribute significantly to snow accumulation. The snowpack feeds into several runoff rivers and watersheds, including the Columbia, Yakima, and Skagit rivers, which play a vital role in irrigation, hydropower, and salmon habitats.

Winter climate characteristics in Washington involve a mix of maritime and continental influences. The mountains experience heavy precipitation, resulting in ample snow accumulation. The state's proximity to the Pacific Ocean and the presence of the Olympic and Cascade ranges create a rain shadow effect, leading to drier conditions east of these mountains.

Washington has a rich history in snow science and exploration. Mount Rainier, the state's highest peak, is the most extensively glaciated mountain in the contiguous United States. Notably, the Paradise Ranger Station on Mount Rainier holds the world record for the most annual snowfall at a single location, with over 93 feet recorded in the winter of 1971-1972.

Snow Forecast

Washington Snow Report | Snowpack & Forecast (2)
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Featured Ski Areas

Mission Ridge Ski Area 1" Snowpack Sitzmark Ski Hill 1" Snowpack

' retstring += '

Snowpack: '+row[2]+'"
' retstring += 'Past 24 Hours: '+row[3]+'"

'return retstring//Snowpack: '+row[2]+'"
New Snow: '+row[3]+'"

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Streamflow: ' + test_data.getValue(row, 2) + 'cfs
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Washington Snow Report | Snowpack & Forecast (2024)


Will Washington state get a lot of snow this year? ›

There is also some indication that a stronger El Niño favors even less snowfall than weak and moderate events. Overall, it is more likely that early season (Nov-Dec) snowfall will be normal to above normal, while mid to late season (Jan-Apr) is more likely to be normal to below normal.

What is the snowpack level in the Pacific Northwest? ›

Snowpack levels across Pacific Northwest are currently 121% of normal.

What is the most accurate snow forecast website? ›

Snow Weather Forecast at Weather.org is the most reliable and accurate winter travel weather, snow forecast and ski resort conditions for the United States, Canada and the world. It is the goal of Weather.org to help travelers plan for severe winter weather conditions in order to promote public safety and save lives.

What will summer 2024 be like in Washington state? ›

According to the National Weather Service, Western Washington will lean into above normal temperatures May through July 2024, with below average precipitation.

What kind of winter will the Pacific Northwest have? ›

The 12-Month Long-Range Weather Report From The 2024 Old Farmer's Almanac. Winter temperatures will be colder than normal, with below-normal precipitation and snowfall.

Does El Niño mean more snow? ›

While El Niño raises the odds for snow in certain regions, it's not a guarantee that more snow will indeed fall. Overall, a warming climate has nudged annual snowfall totals down in many states.

Which part of the Pacific Northwest has the most snow? ›

The Cascade volcanic peaks receive the most snow in the United States and have permanent glaciers and snowfields above 7,000 feet. Snowfall at Mt. Rainier National Parks Paradise ranger station has averaged a whopping 670 inches since 1960.

Is snow helping western drought? ›

This is why snow has become a crucial supply of water in western regions that experience dry summers and prolonged periods of drought. In California, for example, a substantial one-third of the water supply comes from snowpack.

What is the snowpack in the West Coast in 2024? ›

Key California snowpack by the numbers

Average statewide snow water content is 29 inches as of April 1, 2024. Urban water use between January 2023 and 2020 is down 9.7%. 393 households are reporting water shortage over the past 365 days. That's down 74% compared to the previous 365 days.

What is the best snow report app? ›

OnTheSnow, the worldwide leader for snow reports and ski conditions, brings you the world's most downloaded skiing and snowboarding application, the Ski & Snow Report app.

Is there an app that predicts snow days? ›

With the new Snowday App, you'll never have to guess again! The app uses advanced weather information as well as a secret algorithm which will give an accurate prediction as to whether or not the following day will be a snowday. Simply enter your town or city, click the button, and receive your reading!

What is the best website for snow? ›

OpenSnow is your trusted source for the most accurate weather forecast, snow report, high-resolution weather maps, and ski conditions information.

What does El Niño mean for Washington state? ›

In Oregon and Washington, less snowmelt and runoff during El Niño often adversely impact freshwater habitats and lead to salmon fishery declines. The growth and survival of juvenile salmon and steelhead are also affected by warm ocean temperatures.

Is 2024 going to be a hot summer? ›

The summer of 2024 could be a repeat of summer 2023, which was the hottest in more than 2,000 years for the Northern Hemisphere, a new study of tree rings found.

What is the snowpack in Washington state in March 2024? ›

Washington state's snowpack is about 70% of normal (depending on where you look) as of March 2024. With El Niño reportedly on the wane, and a potential La Niña later in the year, there is hope that the mountains will get more snowpack heading into 2025.

Where in Washington gets the most snow? ›

Mount Rainier and Mount Baker in Washington are the snowiest places in the United States which have weather stations, receiving 645 inches (1,640 cm) annually on average.

Is summer 2024 going to be hot? ›

"And we're still counting, of course." It's already been so hot that 2024 is guaranteed to be one of the five hottest years ever recorded. As another sweltering summer approaches, the potential for climate-fueled disaster comes with it.

What is the record snowfall in Washington state? ›

Mount Baker Ski Area (4,200 feet elevation) in Washington holds that record, according to NOAA. An amazing 1,140 inches (95 feet) was recorded there during the July 1, 1998, to June 30, 1999, snow season.

What month does it start to snow in Washington state? ›

These and other high peaks above 7,000 or 8,000 feet remain snowcapped throughout the summer. Snowfall usually begins in the higher elevations in September, gradually working down to 3,000 feet by the last of October.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.