Organic Italian-Style Pizza Flour (2024)

  • Product Info

    We worked closely with pizza makers (professional and home) to develop this special blend of flavorful organic Turkey Red Wheat and high-protein Hard Red Spring Wheat. Our testers found that this finely-sifted flour (70% extraction, which is as close to 00 as you can get with stone-milling) is perfect for either airy Italian style pizza (with a longer rise time) or crisp New York style pizza (short rise time). And it has the gluten strength needed to support all your favorite toppings!

    While this flour is perfect for pizza, it’s also great for focaccia, ciabatta, and many other Italian (and non-Italian!) breads and baked goods. Any time you want a highly-sifted, high-protein, flavorful flour, try this one!

    NOTE: This flour, like all stone-milled flours, is not pure white. It is a light beige color because the nutritious germ and some of the bran are present. At 70% extraction, it has our lowest ash content (1.1%) and has a good amount of protein (13.3%). This makes it a good substitute for French T65 flour. Although we never reach the low .65% ash/mineral content of roller milled T65 flour, this flour gives you a similar airiness, plus extra nutrition and flavor!

  • Great to Use In:

    Pizza, Focaccia, Ciabatta, Pane Casareccio, Pita bread, Flat breads, Pasta.

  • Milled From:

    Blend of organic Turkey Red (Heirloom) and organic Hard Red Spring Wheat

  • Protein:


  • Extraction:


  • Moisture:


  • Ash Content:


  • Falling Number:


  • more info:

    Extremely versatile.

Customer Reviews

Based on 84 reviews










Eric Sladek

Pizza dough

It made great, flavorful pizza crust.


Pablo Viv

Excellent Quality

I have gone down the rabbit hole of Neapolitan pizza for years now. My typical recipe at this point is about 85% "00" and "0" flours from a Neapolitan mill (15% of other flours and malt meal) with a maximum of 80% hydration of 100% biga pre-ferment. I noticed this is a thirsty flour, which isn't necessarily a bad trait. I was able to push to 90% hydration in my dough and it came out wonderfully on my Ooni. I've actually started using this flour as an all purpose for the most part since I try to keep so much of it on hand. It has a lovely earthy flavor when given the chance to pre-ferment a bit and takes augments well.

I've received Italian flours in bulk before with meal moths that have gotten to them before even being open. I've never seen signs of pest pressure in any of JM's products. The quality is always consistent and outstanding and this pizza flour is no different, which is why I always keep some on hand and in the freezer. Once the freezer empties I make sure to order more.


RP Navarro

Great tasting pizza and ciabatta dough

I used this Italian flour to make sourdough pizza dough and ciabatta rolls in an Ooni pizza oven. Fabulous taste, and great extensibility and just enough chewiness in the pizza. The ciabatta rolls had a great open crumb. The wonderful flavor of this flour is the reason to use this flour again. With 70% extraction, there is definitive whole grain taste and texture. First time purchase, but I’ll buy more.


Marge Reilly

Tastiest Pizza Ever!!

So flavorful!! It definitely surpasses all other brands!!


Lesia Petrizio

This pizza flour surpasses all others I've tried, offering an unparalleled silkiness that contributes to crafting the most amazing dough. With a routine of preparing two pizzas every week for my family, I can confidently recommend this flour to any pizza enthusiast. If you're passionate about pizza, definitely give this flour a chance. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Certifications You Can Trust

We are proud to have these three 3rd-party certification seals on every single product that comes out of Janie’s Mill. They show you that an independent organization has determined that our products comply with specific requirements for safety, quality, and provenance. You can then enjoy Janie’s Mill products in full confidence that they are organic, kosher, wholesome, and delicious!

Organic Italian-Style Pizza Flour (15)

Organic Italian-Style Pizza Flour (16)

Organic Italian-Style Pizza Flour (17)

Organic Italian-Style Pizza Flour (2024)


What kind of flour do Italians use for pizza dough? ›

The best flour for making Neapolitan Pizza Dough is 00 Pizza Flour. This type of pizza dough is thin and crispy with a slightly chewy texture. 00 Pizza Flour is an Italian-milled, finely ground wheat flour. It is perfect for Neapolitan Pizza Dough because it produces a light and airy crust with a slightly chewy centre.

What is the best Italian flour brand for pizza? ›

Find a selection of the best Italian or French flours for your pizzas at home. For your pizzas, the manufacturers Le 5 Stagioni, Caputo and Molino Spadoni are references in the field. You can choose them in 1kg bags or in bigger packages for real amateurs or professionals.

Is Caputo flour organic? ›

Caputo's very first organic flour! This elastic flour has high protein value and is ideal for all leavened products. It is made with locally sourced 100% soft wheat, and is already being used by some of the best pizza and pasta makers in the world. The gold standard for all purpose "00" flours from Italy.

What is the worlds best flour for pizza? ›

00 Flour. Tipo “00” Flour is the shining star of Neapolitan pizza. A good, quality “00” flour typically has around 12% protein; but more importantly, it's the incredibly fine milling that sets it apart from other flours.

Is Caputo flour made in Italy? ›

Made in Italy

Taking a bite of something made with our flour is like taking a bite of Naples.

Why is Italian flour better than American flour? ›

To sum up, Italian flours allow the cook to choose both the composition (gluten or protein content) and how finely ground the flour is. Italian flour grades are simply more specialized, thereby providing the cook with more choice!

Why is Caputo flour so good? ›

Demanded by maestri pizzaoili worldwide, our "00" Pizzeria Flour is the secret ingredient to a perfect Neapolitan pizza. With elastic, resistant gluten and high quality protein, this guarantees light dough, as well as the perfect balance of chewiness and crispiness when baked in high heat ovens above 700F.

What is the difference between red and blue Caputo flour? ›

The difference between the two flours is gluten content. The blue label is, from what I've read, in the 11-12% range (similar to American all-purpose flour). The red label is slightly higher at around 13% (similar to American bread flour). In practical terms, both will make excellent pizza.

Which 2 types of flour make the best pizza dough? ›

The traditional South Side Chicago style pizzas appear to use either all-purpose flour or possibly bread flour. Generally, the pizza places that offer both Chicago styles use the same flour and dough for both styles. I would say that the most popular flour for the cracker style is bread flour or high-gluten flour.

What is the best store bought flour for pizza? ›

For thick, chewy pan pizzas: Bread flour

You need bread flour. Why bread flour works: King Arthur bread flour has a higher protein content (12.7%) than all-purpose (11.7%). Because the protein in flour is what forms gluten in your dough, higher protein means more gluten.

What is the best flour for pizza not sticking? ›

Made from durum wheat, semolina flour is coarser than regular flour so it's slower to absorb water. Other types of flour such as rye, rice, corn, and whole wheat (or a combination of two or more) can also be used as peel dust.

What type of flour do chefs use for pizza dough? ›

For Crispy and Chewy Pizza Crust, Use 00 Flour

00 flour is finely ground Italian flour that contains about 12% protein, or 12% gluten. It's the traditional flour used to make Neapolitan-style pizza. Since its gluten content is similar to bread flour, it also produces a pizza crust with chew.

What is Italian pizza dough made of? ›

Makes dough for 4 pizzas, each one about 12 inches in diameter: 600 mL of warm water. 7 cups (1kg) flour, type “00”* 2.5 – 3 tablespoons (25 grams) of fresh yeast or 2 teaspoons (7-8 grams) of dried yeast.

What flour makes the best pizza dough? ›

For classic pizza crust: All-purpose flour

It has enough protein (11.7%) to support a robust gluten network, translating to crust with plenty of strength and chew.

What type of flour do they use in Italy? ›

Grano duro is slightly yellow, more granular, and more commonly used for pasta and some breads in the south of Italy. It's also knows as durum wheat flour. Grano tenero is generally what we think of as white flour, and is more broadly used in bread, pizza, and pastry, and northern pasta doughs.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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