Belle Pure T45 Flour (2024)

Milling and Grain Provenance: T45 French flour ismilled from the innermost part of the wheat berry by artisan French milers. It has a very low ash content of 0.40%. Our French flour range “Moulin Saint Martin” is made from 100% premium French wheat. The grain is milled by one of the oldest flour milling families in France the “Bellot” family. Louis Bellot is the 15th generation and Bertie Matthews is the 8th generation of their respected families to be supplying artisanal flour to bakers across Europe. The flour is repackaged into more manageable 16KG and 1.5KG bags in the cotswolds for the UK bakers.

Belle Pure T45 Flour (2024)


What is T45 flour equivalent to in the US? ›

T45 refers to the amount of mineral content that is left after burning the flour i.e. T45 has 0.45% mineral content. T45 flour is equivalent to Type 00 Italian flour, Euro 450 flour type and American Cake flour. Swiss-Bake French style T45 flour is neither bleached nor chlorinated.

Is T45 the same as plain flour? ›

Premium French patisserie flour grown and milled in France from soft wheats. T45 refers to the low ash content, this flour is equivalent to a 00 flour. Use this flour for desserts, cakes, profiteroles, puff pastry, pastries, pan au chocolat, croissants and brioche.

What is T45 flour good for? ›

T45 flour, distinguished by its relatively low ash content, is a favored choice in baking, particularly for pastries and cakes. Its characteristics include a refined texture, resulting in lighter and softer finished products.

What can I use instead of T45 flour? ›

For those of you who are abroad, you may notice that a lot of my recipes calls for T45 flour. If you don't have this on hand, you can mix some all-purpose flour with corn starch to have a quick alternative to cake flour at home. Cake Flour – 1 cup minus 2 tbsp (100g) all purpose flour + 2 tbsp cornstarch.

Is T45 a strong flour? ›

Like Farine de Blé T45 Gruau. The word gruau in this context means “strong”, so when you see it, it means that – in the case of a T45 Gruau – it is a very pale fine wheat flour with very little bran giving you an extensible resilient dough with good gluten characteristics.

What is the difference between UK flour and US flour? ›

The conditions that wheat grow in the US and Canada means that the bread flour in North America has a stronger protein level than in the UK. A high protein flour in the UK will normally be 14-15% and these require a good level of nitrogen in the soil and good growing conditions to achieve this level.

Why is flour from France better? ›

French flour is 'softer' and contains less gluten. It will contains grains only grown in France.

What is the difference between American flour and European flour? ›

The primary distinction between American wheat and European wheat lies in their gluten content. American wheat, with its prominent red wheat variety, contains higher levels of gluten, which has been linked to gut-related issues like bloating, and inflammation.

What kind of flour do French bakeries use? ›

The French typically use Type 55 flour for their baguettes, which has a lower protein content than All-Purpose flour (usually 11.5% protein). I know that's not found in your standard supermarket, but you can buy it online from King Arthur Flour.

Can you make bread with T45 flour? ›

We can make desserts, toast, and brio and other heavy cream bread with T45, When we using T45 to make the Brioche, the water needs to be reduced compared with the Japanese wheat flour. Because of the powder of T45, in the making of bread, it will retain the aroma of the wheat, not to be taken away by the cream.

Can I use T45 flour for pizza? ›

T45 : This is a white flour generally used for pastries, cakes, etc., but also for pizza dough. T55 : This is a white flour used for "white" or "ordinary" bread, pastry doughs and pizzas. T65 : This is also a white flour used to make farmhouse bread, special breads (traditional) and pizza dough.

What is the best flour for croissants in France? ›

The brand of flour that the chef recommends is Gruau Rouge viennoiserie from France, it is a T45 Wheat flour, ground specifically for the production of pastries; such as croissants, brioche, danish rolls, empanadas. T45 Wheat Flour is essential for making well-leavened and soft cakes.

Is T45 flour same as cake flour? ›

T45 refers to the amount of mineral content that is left after burning the flour i.e. T45 has 0.45% mineral content. T45 flour is equivalent to Type 00 Italian flour, Euro 450 type flour and American Cake flour. Swiss-Bake French style T45 flour is neither bleached nor chlorinated.

What flour do chefs use? ›

Chef's 00 Flour is finely ground and has a lower gluten content than most flours. '00' is a very versatile flour for the home chef or anyone looking to make smaller batches.

Is T45 flour good for croissants? ›

Special flour for “viennoiserie”, T45 flour is perfectly calibrated and adapted to products such as croissants, brioches, panettone, thanks to the quality of its proteins extracted from the heart of the grain.

What is the American equivalent of British strong flour? ›

Some are more well-known than others, but baking terms and ingredients often have different names in the UK and the US, and this applies to flour, too. According to Good to Know's guide to British and American cooking terminology, strong flour is simply what is referred to as bread flour in the US.

What is French 45 flour? ›

Under French flour categorisation, the lower the number the whiter the flour, with the number (Type) 45 being used as an indication of the amount of ash present – this is where our flour gets its name from. Perfect for puff pastry. Our Head Baker Chris recommends this flour for viennoiseries and croissants.

Is American flour different than European flour? ›

The primary distinction between American wheat and European wheat lies in their gluten content. American wheat, with its prominent red wheat variety, contains higher levels of gluten, which has been linked to gut-related issues like bloating, and inflammation.

Is T45 flour cake flour? ›

Josef Marc T45 Cake Flour is a special French-style Type 45 flour that is soft & fine and perfect for making high-quality cakes and sponges. Its gluten content and granulation have been carefully regulated to give excellent and consistent results.

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