Millennials vs. Gen Z: What are the key differences? (2024)

The gist:

  • Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996 while members of the Gen Z years Gen Z years were born between 1997 and 2012.

  • Millennials expect faster customer service. Gen Z tends to be better at accepting delayed gratification than millennials.

  • Millennial customer service expectations are higher than Gen Z customers.

When it comes to customer service, one size does not fit all. There’s been a lot of talk about the differences between millennials and Generation Z, and while they might not seem that different in real life, the two cohorts have varying customer service expectations and preferences.

Every generation has unique needs, traits, and preferences—especially regarding customer service. If you don’t address each expectation properly, you may miss opportunities to boost your retention rates and improve your bottom line.

In this guide, learn more about millennials and Gen Z and their similarities and differences concerning customer service.

  • What is a millennial?
  • What is Generation Z?
  • ​​Millennials vs. Gen Z: Differences between millennials and Gen Z
  • Similarities between millennial customer service characteristics and Gen Z customer service characteristics
  • Best practices to keep everyone happy

What is a millennial and the millennial age range?

Millennials, sometimes known as Generation Y, is a demographic cohort that follows Generation X and proceeds Generation Z. Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996, according to the Pew Research Center. So as of 2023, the millennial age range is between 27 and 42.

They were the first generation to grow up in the Internet Age but also remember life before social media. They have lived through not one but two generation-defining recessions and have been noted for craving work-life balance.

What is Generation Z and the Gen Z age range?

Millennials vs. Gen Z: What are the key differences? (1)

Generation Z, sometimes known as “zoomers,” is the demographic cohort that comes after millennials and proceeds Generation Alpha. Members of the Gen Z years were born between 1997 and 2012. So as of 2023, the Gen Z age range is anywhere from 11 to 26.

They are commonly referred to as the first fully “digitally native” generation. They grew up with social media and smartphones—they’re used to living in a digital-first world. Research from the National Library of Medicine shows that this diverse generation is highly motivated and more risk-averse than previous generations.

Millennials vs. Gen Z: What are the key differences? (2)

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Customer service expectations: Differences between millennials and Gen Z

Millennials vs. Gen Z: What are the key differences? (3)

Millennials and Gen Z have different preferences around customer service, particularly when it comes to customer experience (CX) personalization, support quality, privacy, and self-service options. Explore the differences between millennials and Gen Z below:

Bad customer service can be devastating for businesses, often causing customer churn. Negative reviews also spread much faster than positive ones, meaning that merely a few horror stories can scare off many potential customers. When it comes to millennials vs. Gen Z, they both prioritize the value of good support—but to varying degrees.

According to Simeon Spearman, Senior Manager of Customer Insights and Research at Zendesk, 62 percent of millennials say they would switch to a competitor after one bad customer service experience. Alternatively, only 45 percent of Gen Z say the same.

Millennial customer service expectations are growing more demanding over time, too. 53 percent of millennials agree that customer service feels like an afterthought for most brands they interact with, but only 42 percent of Gen Z believe the same.

Takeaway: Millennial customer service expectations are higher, so follow up with your millennial customers with feedback surveys to gather more information about their experience and how you can improve it.

If millennials are your target audience, then your customer service operation needs to be nimble—80 percent of millennials expect an immediate response when contacting a company.

In terms of Gen Z customer service expectations, it would appear that they’re better at accepting delayed gratification than millennials. This might explain why only 64 percent of zoomers demand an instant response when reaching out to customer support.

Takeaway: Though millennials care more about an instant response, provide faster service for all customers with support software that offers live chat and messaging for around-the-clock support.

Personalized experiences are another key expectation when looking at millennials vs. Gen Z customer service. According to Zendesk research, 63 percent of millennials are willing to spend more with brands that personalize their online experiences.

On the other hand, Gen Zers believe personalized experiences are not exclusive to luxury brands—27 percent disagree that a personalized customer experience is only for premium brands.

Takeaway: Make the customer experience as personalized as possible when interacting with the millennial generation—this ensures that support is tailored to their individual needs and preferences, making them feel more valued.

Young adult consumers are used to doing their research. Perhaps because they grew up during the Great Recession, the digital natives of Generation Z are especially careful to learn about products before they commit to a purchase.

Roughly three out of four zoomers say they take their time comparing prices, reading reviews, and checking out different brands before they purchase something.

Our research also found that 40 percent of millennials experience an increase in exhaustion levels after customer service interactions. Self-service options may help millennial customers find answers more quickly.

As a result, it’s no surprise that Gen Z customers also value the ability to solve issues on their own. In our survey, 30 percent of zoomers identified “not being able to find the information I need online” as one of the most frustrating aspects of bad customer service.

Takeaway: If customer self-service options fail to help, be sure there’s an easy way for customers to contact a human agent who can resolve the issue. Millennial customer service expectations are more strict, so this generation is less tolerant of poor customer service.

Another difference between millennials and Gen Z is their views on data privacy. For example, 48 percent of Gen Z agree that businesses are doing enough to protect their identities and information—this is 60 percent for millennials.

Additionally, half of Gen Z say there’s nothing they can do about businesses collecting their info (59 percent for millennials).

Takeaway: Businesses should follow good data privacy practices and increase customer transparency to gain trust among all buyers.

Customer service expectation similarities between millennials and Gen Z

Millennials vs. Gen Z: What are the key differences? (4)

Though Gen Z and millennial customer service expectations vary, there are some similarities as well: The two generations are comfortable with chatbots, they make purchase decisions based on the quality of customer service they receive, and they prefer using digital channels to contact customer support.

You can take advantage of these similarities by tailoring your marketing strategies and support to please both audiences.

Chatbot use

Younger consumers have stepped up their AI chatbot usage in recent years.

20 percent of zoomers and 18 percent of millennials say the COVID-19 crisis has led them to use bots more often.

In our research, the majority of both generations agreed on the benefit of chatbots for solving everyday problems: 60 percent of zoomers and millennials said that “automation/bots are helpful for simple issues.”

However, Gen Z tends to be a bit more comfortable with chatbot use than millennials. Only 71 percent of Gen Z say they have to connect to a human after interacting with chatbots (81 percent for millennials).

Takeaway: Chatbots are great customer service solutions for younger generations who are more comfortable using self-service tools.

Quality of customer service affects purchase decisions

The quality of customer service affects purchasing decisions for both Gen Z and millennials. For example, more than half of respondents from each generation say that a bad interaction with a company can ruin their day. (51 percent for Gen Z and 58 percent for millennials).

This is why strong customer service is important—both cohorts report that a positive customer experience makes them more likely to repeat a purchase (72 percent for Gen Z and 77 percent for millennials).

To improve your customer service, consider:

  • Serving your customers on the channels of their choice

  • Being more empathetic and flexible with customers

  • Adopting a more customer-centric attitude

  • Providing proactive support

  • Delivering personalized service
  • Increasing your first response time

  • Providing more self-help features such as a help center or knowledge base

Takeaway: There’s proof that high-quality customer service increases retention and sales.

Digital channels are the preferred method of contact

Help centers and chatbots aren’t the only digital support options that younger customers embrace. For example:

  • Over one-third of all zoomers and millennials started using web chat more during COVID-19, compared to 15 percent of baby boomers (ages 59 to 77).
  • 36 percent of zoomers and millennials increased their use of social messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, compared to 19 percent of older customers.
  • Contacting customer service via video chat has also become increasingly popular among younger generations: 24 percent of zoomers and 28 percent of millennials used video-based customer service channels during the pandemic.

Takeaway: Offering a range of support options via various digital channels allows you to meet customers where they are and provide better experiences.

Millennials vs. Gen Z: Best practices to keep everyone happy

Millennials vs. Gen Z: What are the key differences? (5)

Your customer service agents are one of your primary drivers of sustainable business growth. According to our research, 90 percent of consumers spend more with companies that offer their preferred means of reaching customer service. Here are some millennials vs. Gen Z best practices to keep everyone happy.

Provide omnichannel customer service

Both generations are digital natives, so it’s important to provide a range of digital channels that make it easy for them to reach out for support. This is where omnichannel customer service comes in—it allows businesses to create consistent customer interactions. All conversation history and context travel with the customer, so conversations can continue seamlessly from one channel to the next. This capability can boost the overall customer experience.

Omnichannel support capabilities can cover:

  • Phone support

  • Email support

  • Social media support

  • Chatbot support

A customer service solution from Zendesk lets your buyers interact with your brand how they prefer and provides agents with a unified view to serve customers quickly and across channels.

Invest in comprehensive self-service options

Both millennials and Gen Z report feeling frustrated for not being able to find answers to their issues online. To satisfy both generations, offer comprehensive self-service options so customers can resolve their problems without help from a support agent.

Some examples of customer self-service options include:

  • Community forums
  • FAQ page
  • Help center or knowledge base content

  • AI-powered chat and messaging

Self-service resources not only empower customers to find answers independently but can also reduce customers’ exhaustion levels after support interactions.

Adopt ethical and environmentally friendly practices

Though more tangential to client-facing operations, this best practice shouldn’t go unnoticed. Gen Z and millennials care about the social responsibility of the companies they do business with. Many buyers in the younger generations prefer products and businesses that are sustainable and conscious of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, according to The State of Consumer Spending report from First Insight.

To satisfy both Gen Z customer service and millennial customer service expectations in this category, incorporate ethical and environmentally friendly practices into your operations, such as:

  • Giving back to social causes: Donate a percentage of sales to a charity or nonprofit.
  • Showing you’re sustainable: Customers want to see your efforts to fight climate change, so prove that you’re putting in the work with a behind-the-scenes look into your operations.
  • Reducing waste: Lower the number of paper products your company uses and reduce single-use plastics.
  • Spreading the message: Spreading the word about your efforts through social media and email blasts can help show customers that you care about environmental and social causes.

Build great experiences for every generation

Although there are some differences between millennial and Gen Z customer service expectations, there are also many similarities that can provide opportunities for your business to grow. With these tips, you can build a great experience for every generation of customers. To further improve the customer experience, ensure you integrate sophisticated customer service software for streamlined support.

Millennials vs. Gen Z: What are the key differences? (2024)


Millennials vs. Gen Z: What are the key differences? ›

Generation Z vs Millennials: Key Takeaways

What are the key differences between Gen Z and Millennials? ›

Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996 while members of the Gen Z years Gen Z years were born between 1997 and 2012. Millennials expect faster customer service. Gen Z tends to be better at accepting delayed gratification than millennials. Millennial customer service expectations are higher than Gen Z customers.

What are the differences between millennial generation and other generations? ›

The Millennial Generation can accept novel things. Hence, Millennials are able to work with other people easily and accept diverse cultures. Unlike previous generations, the Millennial Generation is more tolerant of different races, religions, and cultures (Sa'aban et al., 2013).

How do Millennials differ from Gen Z consumer behavior? ›

Both Gen Z and millennials prefer online shopping, but Gen Z is more likely to use mobile devices for shopping, while millennials are more likely to use computers. There's one more reason for you to optimize your website for mobile devices.

What is one way Generation Z will differ from Millennials in the workplace? ›

While millennials tend to value a healthy work−life balance, Gen Z tend to be more career-driven and financially motivated. So if your company's employees consist mostly of millennials and Gen Z, you would do well to focus on benefits that contribute to work−life balance and on monetary incentives.

Which of the following is a difference between the millennial generation and Generation Z? ›

Unlike the millennial generation, Generation Z tends to be extremely tolerant and inclusive. Unlike the millennial generation, Generation Z approaches adulthood planning to work for success. Unlike the millennial generation, Generation Z feels entitled to a great job after college graduation.

How do Millennials dress vs Gen Z? ›

While Gen Z embraces baggy, low-rise pants in fun prints, millennials cling to their high-waisted, skinny-fit denim. "A great alternative to try for mom jeans since they're not as trendy right now would be high-waisted, wide-leg jeans," she said. "They're longer; it hits you where you can still wear your booties.

What makes millennials so different? ›

Millennials were the first generation to feel the impact of access. Access caused Millennials to have different perspectives, expectations, and behaviors. Access changed how Millennials job search, learn, socialize, travel, communicate, build businesses, network, entertain themselves, sell, buy, and work.

What are Millennials vs Gen Z vs Gen Alpha? ›

Generational definitions are most useful when they span a set age range and so allow meaningful comparisons across generations. That is why the generations today each span 15 years with Generation Y (Millennials) born from 1980 to 1994; Generation Z from 1995 to 2009 and Generation Alpha from 2010 to 2024.

What makes Gen Z different from other generations? ›

Gen Z (or Generation Z) grew up with rapid digital changes. As teens, Gen Zers experienced the boom of smartphones, wearables, and virtual assistants, among other disruptive tech. This immersion makes them open to integrating new technology into their lives. Gen Z is already using AI in their daily lives.

How Gen Z and millennials differ financially? ›

“The reason that millennials don't save as much as Gen Z is likely because they have more financial responsibilities,” Adams said. “For instance, many are homeowners, have families and pay higher ongoing expenses, such as groceries, clothing, insurance and medical costs.”

Which generation has the most spending power? ›

According to the research: Baby Boomers (ages 55-75 years old) spend a total of $548.1 billion annually. Gen X (ages 36-54 years old) follow Boomers with $357 billion annual spend. Millennials (25-35) are next with $322.5 billion in annual spend.

Are millennials smarter than Gen Z? ›

A growing discourse suggests that Generation Z (Gen Z) is endowed with higher cognitive abilities compared to their predecessors, the Millennials.

What are the differences between Gen Z and Millennials? ›

Generation Z vs Millennials: The 8 Differences You Need to Know
  • Realistic vs Optimistic. ...
  • Independent vs Collaborative. ...
  • Digital Natives vs Digital Pioneers. ...
  • Private vs Public. ...
  • Face-to-Face vs Digital-Only. ...
  • On-Demand Learning vs Formally Educated. ...
  • Role-Hopping vs Job-Hopping. ...
  • Global Citizen vs Global Spectator.

What is the difference between Millennials and Gen Z employees? ›

In one survey, 29% of Millennials said they chose their new job because the employer offers learning and development opportunities. Millennials tend to be more collaborative and team-oriented, whereas Gen Z values independence and individual achievement more.

What is the difference between Gen Y and Millennials? ›

Today's workforce is made up of four distinct generations. Baby boomers are the eldest, born between the years 1946 and 1964. Generation X follows, and they were born between 1965 and 1980. Next comes Generation Y (more commonly known as Millennials), born between roughly 1981 and 1994.

What is the Gen Z generation known for? ›

Some reports have noted members of Generation Z as more pragmatic and earlier to mature than those of previous generations, Gen Zers being more likely to graduate high school, more likely to go to college, and more cautious in their career choices.

What is the mentality of Gen Z? ›

Open Communication. Gen Z will thrive more in an environment of transparency and open communication. They love to collaborate and interact openly with their colleagues and managers. They'll appreciate honest feedback from their bosses and open space to air their opinions and feedback.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.