Mebendazole (2024)

Continuing Education Activity

Mebendazole is a medication used in the treatment of parasitic infection. This activity reviews the indications, contraindications, activity, adverse events, and other key elements of mebendazole therapy in the clinical setting related to the essential points needed by members of an interprofessional team managing the care of patients with parasitic infection and related conditions and sequelae.


  • Identify the mechanism of action of mebendazole.

  • Describe the potential adverse effects of mebendazole.

  • SUmmarize dose-response monitoring for patients on mebendazole therapy.

  • Review interprofessional team strategies for improving care coordination and communication to advance mebendazole and improve outcomes.

Access free multiple choice questions on this topic.


Mebendazole is a typical, broad-spectrum benzimidazole used for more than 40 years in humans to treat various parasitic infestations.It has FDA approval for the treatmentof patients greater than two years of age with gastrointestinal infections caused by Necatoramericanus orAncylostomaduodenale(hookworms), Ascarislumbricoides(roundworms), Enterobius vermicularis(pinworms), andTrichuris trichiura(whipworms)in single or mixed infections.[1]

It also has several off-label uses for adult intestinal nematode infection caused bycapillariasis; echinococcosis, cystic (Echinococcus granulosus); toxocariasis; trichinellosis (Trichinella spiralis); trichostrongyliasis.[2]

Mebendazole is a new purposed drug in oncology with a focus on cells resistant to approved therapies. Mebendazole exhibits cytotoxic activity, which synergizes with ionizing radiations and different chemotherapeutic agents and stimulating an antitumoral immune response.[3]Recent studies have shown mebendazole is also a better replacement for vincristine to treat brain tumorsin animal models.[4]

Mechanism of Action

Mebendazole acts by inhibiting the production of microtubules via binding to colchicinebinding-site ofβ-tubulin and thereby blocking polymerization oftubulindimers in the intestinal cells of parasites.[5]Consequently, glucose uptake and the digestive and reproductive capacities of parasites are interrupted,resulting in immobilization, hindrance of egg production, and death of the helminth. Mebendazole is poorly absorbed in the digestive tractmaking itan effective medication for managing intestinal helminthic infections with very fewside effects.

There is a possibility for the development of resistance to mebendazole. The mechanism of resistance to benzimidazole is most likely due to changes in β-tubulin protein, which decreases the binding of mebendazole to β-tubulin.[6]


Mebendazole is administered orally without regard to meals.The patientmust chewthe tabletcompletely before swallowing. For patients who have difficulty taking the tablet, it can be placed in a spoon and mixed with 2to 3 ml of drinking water using a dosing syringe. The pill absorbs the water and turns into a soft mass with semi-solid consistency, which is easily swallowable.

Dosing of mebendazole for common FDA indications are listed below:

  • Roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides): 100 mg twice daily (morning and night) for three consecutive days.

  • Hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale):100 mg twice daily (morning and night) for three consecutive days

  • Whipworm (Trichuris trichiura): 100 mg twice daily (morning and night) for three consecutive days

  • Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis): 100-mg single oral dose

If the patient does not achieve satisfactory results after three weeks of medication, then a second course of therapy is recommended. Dosing of mebendazole for common non-FDA approved indications are listed below:

  • Capillariasis Infection: 200 mg to be administered orally twice daily for 20 days[1][7]

  • Cestodes Infection: 300 mg to be administered orally twice daily for 3to 6 days[8]

  • Filariasis: 300 mg to be taken orally daily for 28to 45 days[9]

Less than ten (10%) of the drug undergoes systemic absorption after oral ingestion, and this portion undergoes metabolism rapidly by hepatic enzymes. Plasma levels may also decrease by carbamazepine or phenytoin or any CYP450 inducer. Cimetidine does not appreciably raise serum mebendazole, which is consistent with its poor systemic absorption.[10]Mebendazole is largely metabolized primarily by the liver. Higher plasma levels of mebendazole will occur in patients with impaired liver function or decreased biliary excretion. The half-life of mebendazole is around 3to 6 hours after oral administration. Mebendazole excretion occurs mostly in bile or urine.

Adverse Effects

The most common adverse effects accompanying mebendazole use are loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, headache, tinnitus, and elevated liver enzymes.[11]A small percentage of patients may experience convulsions, and some may have hypersensitivity reactions such as rash, urticaria, and angioedema.

Mebendazole toxicity is usually limited to gastrointestinal irritation, but there are reports of other serious side effects, including neutropenia (including agranulocytosis) and/or thrombocytopenia, particularly in patients who have received higher dosages orhad a more prolonged treatment course than usually recommended.[12]


Mebendazole is contraindicated in a person with documented hypersensitivity to mebendazole orthe excipients used in the dose form. Mebendazole is contraindicated in children below the age of 1 year for the mass treatment of single or mixed gastrointestinal infestations because of the risk of convulsion, which has been reported during postmarketing use. There is limited studied in children below the age of 2 years. Cliniciansmustuse the drug with attention in patients with hepatic disease or dysfunctionsince the liver metabolizes the drug by the CYP450 system.Also, it should be used carefully in apatient with biliary obstruction as the medication getsextensivelyexpelled via the biliary system. Avoid concomitant useof mebendazole and metronidazole as there is a higher risk ofStevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis.[13]

The FDA classified mebendazole as a category C drug, which states either studies in animals have shown adverse outcomes on the fetus, and there are no available verified studies in women. In recent studies, reportsabout first-trimester exposure to mebendazole are limited; however, researchers have not observed an increased incidence of congenital defects while used during the second or third trimester.[14][15]Drugs should only be an option if the likely advantage justifies the possible risk to the fetus.

Mebendazole is present in breast milk.In a limited case series report using mebendazoleduring lactation, no adverse outcomes associated with the drug occurred in nursing infants.[16]Mebendazole is consideredcompatibleduringbreastfeeding with the latest studies.


Mebendazole efficacy is observable from improvement in symptoms of helminthic infections. Periodic assessment of hematopoietic and hepatic functions is advisable during prolonged therapy.There have been reports of neutropenia and agranulocytosis with mebendazole use at higher doses andwith more prolonged durations of treatment, as in helminth infections. Elderly patients and patients with comorbid conditions like liver impairment and/or end-stage renal disease require close monitoring. It is also advisable to check for helminth ova in feces within 3to 4 weeks following the initial therapy of mebendazole.


In the state of overdose, gastrointestinalsymptoms(e.g., nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain)mayoccur. Severe toxicity is nottypically an issue.In instances of toxicity, induce vomiting and purging using activated charcoal if recent ingestion has occurred, and only if the patient can protect their airway. There is no specific antidote for mebendazole overdose.[17]Treatment is generally supportive.Usefluids and electrolytes in symptomatic patients who develop significant diarrhea and/or vomiting.

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

Over 1 billion people livingon this planet are yearly affected by the parasitic disease. This condition mainly affects poor people, which leads to an enfeebling disability, and frequently ostracism. Healthcare professionals should focus on massive drug administration in the community to tackle this global burden. An interprofessional team approachis necessary to improve the health statusof patients suffering from these diseases.Therefore, the healthcare specialist team approach consisting of pharmacists, nurses, and clinicians needs to collaborate for better outcomes. Long term community program needs to be executed in the endemic regions for a favorable outcome. Mebendazole is one of themost commonlyused antihelminthicdrugs. It is available throughout the globe because of its low price and limited toxicity profile. There is an increasing incidence of treatment failure in treating hookworm infections with mebendazole. So, there is a hugechallenge for exploring new treatment modalities in managing neglected tropical diseases.[18]

This drug is tolerated wellmost of the time with only a few adverse reactions; however, mebendazolemust not be used without practitioner monitoring or permission due to the risk of severe adverse reactionslike pancytopenia; this workalso requires an interprofessional team, coordinating between the prescribing clinician, nursing staff, and the pharmacist. [Level 3]

Pharmacistsshould beassociated with the supervision of a patient taking mebendazole as they help create a proper formulation for the patient. Mebendazole may be confused with metronidazole, so it requires a careful check before dispensing the drugto the patient.Theinterprofessional coordination of the team will providethe best possible care to the patients while treating with this drug. [Level 5]



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De Witt M, Gamble A, Hanson D, Markowitz D, Powell C, Al Dimassi S, Atlas M, Boockvar J, Ruggieri R, Symons M. Repurposing Mebendazole as a Replacement for Vincristine for the Treatment of Brain Tumors. Mol Med. 2017 Apr;23:50-56. [PMC free article: PMC5403762] [PubMed: 28386621]


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Chen KT, Twu SJ, Chang HJ, Lin RS. Outbreak of Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis associated with mebendazole and metronidazole use among Filipino laborers in Taiwan. Am J Public Health. 2003 Mar;93(3):489-92. [PMC free article: PMC1447769] [PubMed: 12604501]


Gyorkos TW, St-Denis K. Systematic review of exposure to albendazole or mebendazole during pregnancy and effects on maternal and child outcomes, with particular reference to exposure in the first trimester. Int J Parasitol. 2019 Jun;49(7):541-554. [PubMed: 31071321]


Akpan UB, Asibong U, Okpara HC, Monjok E, Etuk S. Antenatal Deworming and Materno-Perinatal Outcomes in Calabar, Nigeria. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 May 20;6(5):901-907. [PMC free article: PMC5985893] [PubMed: 29875869]


Karra N, Cohen R, Berlin M, Dinavitser N, Koren G, Berkovitch M. Safety of Mebendazole Use During Lactation: A Case Series Report. Drugs R D. 2016 Sep;16(3):251-254. [PMC free article: PMC5045833] [PubMed: 27623793]


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Disclosure: Rahul Thakur declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Shivani Patel declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Mebendazole (2024)


Is one tablet of mebendazole enough? ›

You'll usually take mebendazole as a single dose to treat threadworms, but you might need to take it for around 3 days for some other types of worm infection.

What to do if mebendazole doesn t work? ›

Mebendazole does not kill the worms' eggs, and these can cause reinfection and also infect other people. A doctor or pharmacist may advise you to take mebendazole again after 2 weeks, to stop reinfection. However, if the infection comes back, speak to a doctor for advice.

Does mebendazole always work? ›

Mebendazole works by preventing the threadworms absorbing sugar, which means they should die within a few days. This medication is 90 to 100% effective at killing the threadworms, but it doesn't kill the eggs. This is why the hygiene measures outlined below should also be followed for 6 weeks.

Is there anything stronger than mebendazole? ›

Both agents were equally very effective (100% cure rate) in treating ascariasis. Albendazole was clearly more active than mebendazole against hookworm infections, both in terms of egg reduction rate (92.8% vs. 62.4%) and cure rate (81.8% vs. 17.2%).

Is one deworming enough? ›

Worms are a very common source of illness for both adults and children, so experts recommend that deworming should be done two times a year, or every six months, beginning at the age of two years. Deworming is the process of eliminating intestinal parasites, such as worms, using medication.

Is one worming tablet enough? ›

If you have threadworms (also called pinworms) you'll usually take a single dose. If you live with anyone else, they will need to be treated at the same time because threadworms can spread easily.

Is mebendazole not killing worms? ›

Mebendazole is between 90-100% effective at killing the threadworms, but they cannot kill the eggs. Strict hygiene measures should still be followed for two weeks after treatment (see above). You should see your GP if the infection persists after using medication.

Can worms be resistant to mebendazole? ›

Reports of drug resistance in hookworms.

(33) described a failure of mebendazole to treat N. americanus in Mali, whereas Reynoldson et al. (116) reported poor efficacy of pyrantel pamoate against A. duodenale in northwestern Australia.

How to increase mebendazole absorption? ›

Absorption is increased if drug is ingested with a fatty meal.

Why was mebendazole discontinued? ›

Why is Mebendazole discontinued? Mebendazole was discontinued in 2011 due to the poor tissue penetration of Mebendazole and the current availability of albendazole and not for safety or efficacy reasons, stated by the Federal Register determination.

Can you take mebendazole 2 days in a row? ›

Adults and children 2 years of age and older—100 milligrams (mg) two times a day, morning and evening, for 3 consecutive days. Treatment may need to be repeated in 3 weeks. Children younger than 2 years of age—Use and dose must be determined by your doctor.

What is the alternative to mebendazole? ›

Mebendazole is not currently available in the United States. Pyrantel pamoate or albendazole (not currently approved for this use by the US Food and Drug Administration) are recommended alternatives. A second dose given 2 weeks after the initial dose is recommended.

What is the best human dewormer for all worms? ›

Use an anthelmintic tablet or suspension, such as Cipex, which contains the active ingredient, Mebendazole. Mebendazole is a broad spectrum treatment that assists in treating most types of worm infestations.

What parasite does mebendazole treat? ›

Albendazole and mebendazole are most frequently prescribed for treatment of intestinal nematode infections (ascariasis, hookworm infections, trichuriasis, strongyloidiasis, and enterobiasis) and can also be used for intestinal tapeworm infections (taeniases and hymenolepiasis).

Is mebendazole more effective than pyrantel? ›

Both drugs have been found to be equally effective against enterobiasis by various authors. It is recommended that pyrantel pamoate be the drug of choice in cases of multiple parasitic infections excluding T. trichiura and S.

How many tablets of mebendazole should I take? ›

Adults and children 2 years of age and older—100 milligrams (mg) two times a day, morning and evening, for 3 consecutive days. Treatment may need to be repeated in 3 weeks. Children younger than 2 years of age—Use and dose must be determined by your doctor.

How long does mebendazole stay in your system? ›

[10] Mebendazole is largely metabolized primarily by the liver. Higher plasma levels of mebendazole will occur in patients with impaired liver function or decreased biliary excretion. The half-life of mebendazole is around 3 to 6 hours after oral administration. Mebendazole excretion occurs mostly in bile or urine.

Is one albendazole tablet enough? ›

Official answer. Treatment with Albendazole is a single tablet, which kills the worms. There are different strengths for adults and children younger than two years of age. Because eggs can survive for a few weeks, the patient will have to take a second dose two weeks later to lessen the chance of reinfection.

What is the duration of action of mebendazole? ›

2.5 to 5.5 hours (range 2.5 to 9 hours) in patients with normal hepatic function. Approximately 35 hours in patients with impaired hepatic function (cholestasis).

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