Lucifer Magne (2024)

"When I fell from Heaven, I promised myself that I would start a family and rule my kingdom with excitement and fun! Unfortunately, all of my dreams and plans for Hell were shattered when I realized how thoroughly unfun sinners are, how f*cking hopeless and deluded my joke of a daughter is, and how much the other Sins suck at angelic sword swallowing! Nowadays, I find it best to just stay in Lu Lu World, watching all of you burn, torturing the little freaks who spoiled my fun... (Cheerfully) And expanding my rubber duck collection!"
— Lucifer.

Ringmaster Lucifer Magne of Hell (born as Prince Lucifer Morningstar of Heaven) is a major character in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.

He is an extraordinarily powerful fallen seraph angel, the reclusive and delightfully eccentric King and "ringleader" of Hell, the head and founder of the Seven Deadly Sins circus troupe, one of the many "children" of God, patriarch of the royal Magne family, the estranged husband of Lilith, and the father of Charlotte Magne. As the King of Hell and Sin of Pride, Lucifer is renowned for his showman-like persona, characterized by a peculiar blend of childish whimsy and extravagant behavior. He presides over The Circus, the Pride Ring's royal capital circle.

In the past, Lucifer was the starry-eyed, but controlling prince of Heaven born to the Morningstar family and tasked with composing God's choir and bringing joy to Heaven's denizens. When God and the angels continued to love humanity even after they were corrupted by the Root of Evil, Lucifer only focused on the evil mankind committed with their free will, becoming convinced that he could control the Universe with more prowess than God Himself. He was defeated and banished by Archangel Michael and the Seven Heavenly Virtues for his rebellion and cast down from Heaven along with all who followed him. After meeting Lilith on Earth, Lucifer formed the Seven Deadly Sins circus troupe and created the seven rings of Hell to serve as their personal circus. After a bitter falling out with the other Sins, Lucifer assumed control over Hell as the supreme Ringleader, over time becoming a cautionary tale up in Heaven.

Billions of years after his damnation, Lucifer continued to harbor a relentless obsession with ascending back to Heaven and assume what he considers to be his rightful positions as the King of Heaven, the "true" God of the Universe, and the ruler of all creation. However, over the course of time, his ambition to create a "perfect" world has waned, and he has shifted his focus towards indulging in a depressive fantasy world centered around Lu Lu World.


  • 1 Personality
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Powers and Abilities
    • 3.1 Natural Powers
    • 3.2 Unique Powers
    • 3.3 Abilities
    • 3.4 Weapons
    • 3.5 Weaknesses
  • 4 Relationships
    • 4.1 Family
      • 4.1.1 God
      • 4.1.2 Brothers
      • 4.1.3 Charlie Magne
      • 4.1.4 Lilith
    • 4.2 Allies
      • 4.2.1 Alastor
      • 4.2.2 Satan
      • 4.2.3 Corey and Peel
      • 4.2.4 Basil
      • 4.2.5 Rubber ducks
      • 4.2.6 Pluto
      • 4.2.7 The Vees
      • 4.2.8 Mammon
      • 4.2.9 Belphegor
    • 4.3 Enemies
      • 4.3.1 Forti
      • 4.3.2 Fergus
      • 4.3.3 Vaggie
      • 4.3.4 Death
      • 4.3.5 Beelzebub
      • 4.3.6 Leviathan Von Eldritch
      • 4.3.7 Blitzø
  • 5 Gallery
    • 6.1 Chapter 1
    • 6.2 Chapter 2
    • 6.3 Chapter 3
    • 6.4 Chapter 4
    • 6.5 Chapter 5
    • 6.6 Holy Hell
    • 6.7 Quotes Pertaining to Lucifer
  • 7 Trivia
  • 8 Navigation


"♫I love being able to have whatever I want and do as I wish
It’s amazing!♫
— Lucifer singing while playing with all his luxurious possessions.

Throughout the events of the story, Lucifer's personality goes up and down like the rollercoasters of Lu Lu World. Initially portrayed as narcissistic and callous, he also maintains an eccentric and extravagant facade, fitting for the Sin of Pride, owning any room he's in - mostly because his bumbling servants Corey and Peel loudly demand it. In Heaven, he acted like a theater kid, treating life like a big musical and believing everything revolved around him. He is every bit the terrifying ringmaster of Hell, but is also a goofy, bumbling, mischievous, stylish and silly showman fond of mischief. He is also - initially - almost comically unsupportive, antagonistic, and mean-spirited towards his daughter, Charlie, even trying to sabotage the Hazbin Hotel because he refuses to let his daughter hand Heaven his own subjects on a silver platter. However, as he realizes his failure to "perfect" Hell and turn it into a whimsical circus of fun, he gets hit in the face with humble pie, plunging into depression. After this, he becomes more unmotivated, miserable and benign. Despite his descent, Charlie still reaching out to him despite everything changes his perspective. He relinquishes his self-centered pride, and ends up embracing Charlie as his ultimate source of pride and happiness, putting all of his arrogance and pride into her being his daughter, rather than his own sense of importance.

During his time in Heaven, Lucifer began as a charming, childlike, wonder-filled dreamer, theater kid and composer brimming with passionate ideas about humanity's potential to wield their free will - fantasizing about how they would dedicate their free will to worship him in many fun and creative ways. It was clear that, even before the war, Lucifer was vain and narcissistic, blissfully ignorant of the callous impression he left on those around him. While not truly evil at this point, he was an overly dramatic control freak who was oblivious to his own flaws, all while claiming to have everyone's best interests at heart. In reality, he sought to impose his unrealistic expectations on everyone, regardless of their feasibility, excoriating all who fell short of his crushing expectations. Despite being tasked with bringing joy to Heaven's denizens, he only taught the winners of Heaven his own, selfie view of joy in others; worshipping and praising him.

However, a slow corruption overtook him as he perceived God's increasing love for humanity as a threat to his own significance. Lucifer's initial demeanor mirrored that of an overly dramatic, scorned theater kid, treating God's greater affection for humanity as if he had just suffered a defeat in a musical audition, childishly asserting that his music-making surpassed humanity's by tenfold. This evolving obsession with himself led to a petty disdain for humanity, catalyzed by God's decree for all angels to love and redeem mankind, even after they had been corrupted by the malevolent influence of the Root of Evil. Acknowledging only the evils of humanity and feeling unappreciated (despite being widely worshiped by angels and being God's favorite angel), Lucifer gained a conviction that God had gone senile. In his distorted perception, he fancied himself capable of guiding the Universe more adeptly than his Father ever could. As Raphael puts it, "he was the ugly duckling of the family but, like, on the inside."

Masterfully skilled in manipulation, the young prince charmed and exploited the emotional anguish of angels like Fergus, reminding them of their personal traumas, such as the loss of loved ones or the soldiers under their command. Through these tactics, he swayed loyal warriors to serve him and betray their previous allegiances.

At this juncture, Lucifer descended into near total madness and reached his absolute worst. He didn't hesitate to issue orders for the deaths of his own brothers when Satan recommended it. In addition, Lucifer personally oversaw the deaths of countless God-loving men, women, and children during the catastrophic War in Heaven. However, Lucifer's insatiable lust for power and his overwhelming arrogance ultimately proved to be his downfall. In a swift and decisive turn of events, he found himself effortlessly defeated by the formidable Archangel Michael and subsequently banished to the depths of Hell, along with all those who had followed his treacherous path. Following his exile from Heaven, Lucifer gradually lost his spark and much of his passion and drive, and therefore, he spends most of his time in the present trying to entertain himself. However, the fallen prince still held enough charm and charisma after his fall to woo Lilith - despite her cold demeanor - with his nerdy aspirations and lively demeanor. He expressed genuine care for Lilith, lifting her up at her darkest moment and offering her friendship and an escape from a miserable, homely life on Earth.

Never short of puns, quips, or jokes, King Lucifer is absurdist, self-indulgent, easily bored, and jaunty, a witty and charismatic showman with a goofy and silly charm, while simultaneously maintaining an air of regality and menace to avoid making others feel too comfortable around him. He loves creating things in his spare time, from wacky inventions to sentient creatures of his design. He views Hell as his personal sandbox and circus, not taking anything seriously beyond his personal woes. Despite his royal status, he has no interest in upholding etiquette, openly enjoying things such as singing, creating wacky, seemingly pointless inventions, theme parks, eating junk foods (especially candy corn), and being a connoisseur of polka music. Lucifer is also prone to idiosyncrasies, such as calling himself the "ringleader" of Hell rather than its king, since Hell is one big circus to him. Another one of Lucifer's idiosyncrasies is that he refers to sinners as "freaks", likely to dehumanize them. He also likens humans to childrens' bath toys, finding it hilarious to have their souls represented as fragile rubber duck toys. His extravagant mannerisms and cheerful demeanor often leads the newcomers in Hell to mistakenly perceive him as a harmless, bumbling, and fun-loving ruler, never to be taken too seriously.

Lucifer gives the impression of one who has been around the block and is desensitized to absurd, wacky situations, as he is seemingly immune to the eccentric and bizarre happenings of his life. He casually drops references and calls back to outlandish scenarios and behaviors as though they were routine occurrences. It is hinted that Lucifer perpetually finds himself in absurd escapades and antics behind the scenes (like teaching penguins how to play the accordion and getting into fiddle contests with humans on Earth), but because he is only a secondary character, these exploits are always offscreen. Most of his onscreen appearances, such as his confrontations with Charlie and the hotel, is simply the "boring" part of his life.

He is noted by both sinners and Hell's nobility to be a rather reclusive, apathetic, and negligent ruler, almost never making public appearances since he prefers to stay in his castle or Lu Lu World and entertain himself. He never attends to his royal duties and rarely manages Hell himself, since he believes the dimension can run itself. Lucifer's apathy has led the Pride Ring to descend into a perpetual state of turmoil, with streets strewn with corpses, rampant criminality, debauchery, and the pervasive stench of decaying bodies and burning structures in the air. It is evident that Lucifer harbors a certain level of disdain for Hell itself, and he is openly embarrassed to hold the title of its ruler. He regards Hell with extreme contempt, seeing it as a "sh*thole" undeserving of being called a kingdom, and opts to pass the majority of his time within The Circus or Lu Lu World, both of which were exclusively designed for his amusem*nt. This inclination is not surprising considering that, at the end of the day, he, too, is a prisoner of Hell, bearing a similarity to the very "freaks" he governs.

Lucifer is a very comedic individual, often cracking immature jokes and doing or saying nonsensical, comedically sociopathic, and outlandish things in most scenarios, though they are usually played for his own amusem*nt, and often at the expense of others. An example of his eccentricity is him keeping a massive collection of rubber ducks (which are actually the physical manifestation of sinners' souls) which he is obsessed over. Incredibly theatrical, he likes making large entrances in the form of elaborate musical numbers, with his troupe of rubber ducks providing choreography and backup singing, showing a flair for musical arts, which is one of his few traits which he passed down to his daughter, Charlie. Even in the presence of his enemies, he retains his playful joyfulness, albeit with sugary malice and mocking cruelty.

Lucifer often comes across as someone who cannot take a hint, displaying a devil-may-care attitude to adversity. This was best shown when his relationship with Lilith began to deteriorate, where despite her extremely hostile actions (bordering on attempted murder) towards him and refusal to talk her problems out with him, he seemed more amused than genuinely upset, continuing to try to reach out to her despite all his efforts leading to humorous and disastrous outcomes.

Despite centuries passing since his Heavenly days, Lucifer remains an incredibly childish and petulant individual. His response to adversity often involves resorting to violent and petulant tantrums, accompanied by a flurry of profanities, especially when his ego is bruised or he senses a loss of control in a situation. The mere prospect of receiving sweets can send him into fits of childish excitement. He takes great pleasure in riding around on a child-sized tricycle or indulging in the whimsy of his personal carousel. Responsibility is a concept that Lucifer resists at all costs. When faced with the harsh realities of life, he tends to retreat to the fantastical realms of Lu Lu World or his playroom. There's even a notable incident where he once destroyed a WackDonald's restaurant simply because they had forgotten to include a toy with his happy meal. Lucifer's penchant for childlike pleasures extends to his ownership of a theme park that he's created in his own image, aptly named "Lu Lu World." He frequently visits Lu Lu World to immerse himself in its festivities, further embracing his playful and juvenile nature.

Lucifer's most prominent and defining trait is his overwhelming narcissism, hubris, and a relentless obsession with himself. As the embodiment of the sin of Pride, he exudes an extreme arrogance and thrives on the adoration and worship of others. His fascination with his own beauty, appearance, power, and so-called "wisdom" knows no bounds. He has deluded himself to the point of outright denial, firmly convinced that he stands above even God Himself and that all life is beneath him. One striking example of his narcissism is his demand to be addressed as the "rightful ruler of the Universe" when introduced by his heralds. He flaunts his status as king by plastering his insignia and likeness throughout every corner of Hell, including carving his face into mountain sides a la Mount Rushmore. The capital circle of Pride, aptly named the Circus and where Lucifer leaves far away from the sinners' circles, contains an abundance of extravagant self-portraits and statues of himself. Within Lu Lu World, his theme park, there exist biased scriptures and attractions dedicated to glorifying his supposed greatness. Lucifer's refusal to acknowledge his own flaws is a recurring theme, as he consistently shifts blame onto others, thereby shielding himself from the harsh reality that he is not the sublime being he believes himself to be. His arrogance and pride prevent him from admitting to the savage aspects of his nature, allowing him to conveniently sidestep the truth whenever it suits his selfish desires.

Lucifer is known for his penchant for hoarding items that delight him, ranging from statues depicting his image, mountains of caviar, carnival delicacies, carousels, and, not to forget, his cherished rubber duck collection. Whatever brings Lucifer joy, he acquires it abundantly.

Despite his jovial attitude, Lucifer, at his worst, can display a chilling absence of empathy for others. He views sinners as irrelevant and inferior to him and still believes he was justified in starting a war in Heaven, viewing it as an act of "righteous fury" in a conversation with Lilith. He cleverly employed his comedic façade with precision, using it to lower the guard of perceived enemies and the unsuspecting public. At his worst, he could be extremely sad*stic, displaying disturbingly gleeful enjoyment while annihilating and tormenting his enemies and victims, putting fear into his name as the ringmaster of Hell. When not enjoying the spectacles of Lu Lu World, he spent a great deal of his spare time torturing his prisoners, dissidents, and enemies by mutilating them in inventive ways. Throughout his many acts of barbaric murder, torture, and humiliation, he never fails to smile and jovially cracks sad*stic jokes to his victims right up until he either executes them, or lets them free with crippling injuries once he had his fun. During his torture sessions, he has a habit of referring to his victims as his "friends" in a mocking tone, indulges in playing barbaric 'games' with them (for example, replacing their limbs with inanimate objects), chatting with them as if they were friends, and loves cracking sad*stic jokes and puns all throughout. He draws these sessions out, as he wants his victims to feel every bit of their pain.

Due to his god complex and beliefs, Lucifer has no sympathy or concern over the lives of his subjects, and tries his best to keep the sinners of Hell as miserable as possible, or make their lives more difficult in any minuscule or large-scale way he can. All of the horrible evils and crimes committed in Hell, from murder, slavery, rape, and turf wars, are enabled, supported, and endorsed by him. He is also a selfish hedonist who relishes the luxuries of royal life, while subjecting the masses to inhumane and dangerous living standards. He is very scornful towards sinners, primarily blaming them for ruining his vision of a "fun" Hell with their cynical and unfun attitudes. He endorses, co-founded, and eagerly awaits the annual Exterminations, pulling up a chair, grabbing popcorn, and watching the annual slaughter from the safety of his strongholds with unbridled glee, like a child watching a puppet show.

Lucifer expresses frustration at the notion of individuals seeking redemption, viewing it as an unwelcome intrusion on the enjoyment he has crafted for them in the form of Hell. He believes that Hell offers an unparalleled experience of pleasure and freedom from the constraints imposed by Heaven.

Despite his hatred of them, Lucifer is ultimately very controlling over Hell's sinner population, and intends to keep them in Hell and under his complete control for as long as he is king of the demonic realm, at one point outright saying to Charlie that he is willing to massacre every single sinner in his domain if it meant preventing just one from being redeemed and ascending to Heaven. This is precisely the reason why sinners are confined to the Pride Ring, the ring in which Lucifer primarily rules over; he desires dominion over human souls, as humans are God's most beloved creations, and out of his belief that he should rule all Creation.

Lucifer's profound hatred for humanity traces its roots back to their creation, an animosity that only intensified as God's love for humans eclipsed His own love for Lucifer. His perspective on humanity is irrevocably marred by their perceived flaws, which he attributes to their corruption by the Root of Evil, with his fury reaching its zenith when God commanded the angels of Heaven to worship humanity more than Himself. His disdain for the denizens of Hell, the sinners, is an extension of his loathing for humanity, as these souls are born from the very humans he despises, and he harbors a relentless desire to eradicate every sinner from existence once he ascends to Heaven, his vision is a "perfect" Universe cleansed of any trace of humanity. Lucifer frequently delegates Hell's higher-ups, notably the Ars Goetia, to meddle with the human world, their mission is to make human lives more arduous and to further the spread of sin. He also gave his approval for the enslavement of the endangered Cambions, as they were considered the most human-like of demons. Under his command, his underlings ruthlessly exploited the Cambion race, pushing them to the brink of extinction. Their demise would have been sealed if not for the intervention of Charlie and the hotel crew, who rescued them from their cruel oppressors.

Beneath Lucifer's whimsical exterior lies a dangerously volatile temper that can erupt with murderous intensity, often triggered by the smallest of provocations, such as challenges to his abilities or authority. He is acutely aware of this flaw and makes attempts to regain his composure when anger flares, with mixed success. His spitefulness and vengefulness know no bounds, particularly when he perceives others as having wronged him. In Lucifer's distorted worldview, those who dare to oppose his will or even question his intentions deserve nothing less than the most severe punishments and ceaseless suffering. This violent and unpredictable disposition has instilled intense fear and vigilance among his servants and associates, who tread carefully in his presence, mindful of their words and actions to avoid invoking his wrath. The specter of Lucifer's explosive anger looms large, serving as a constant reminder of the volatile force that lurks beneath his jovial facade.

Lucifer suffers from a thinly-veiled Napoleon Complex, where he attempts to compensate for his relatively diminutive stature by instilling fear in others. This inclination to overcompensate manifests in various ways, such as his practice of standing on the backs of his servants when posing for family portraits to appear as tall as Charlie and Lilith. Fergus' remark about the towering height of his castle also underscores this tendency. Lucifer's narcissism becomes evident through the ostentatious display of his own visage across Hell, further accentuating his need for validation. Notably, the statue of the King of Hell situated in the heart of Pentagram City is depicted as being half the size of a large building, an exaggerated representation that underscores his persistent efforts to project an aura of grandiosity and authority despite his physical stature.

While Lucifer was openly cruel towards his enemies, his allies and associates often fared no better; The King of Hell controlled his allies entirely through fear and instinctively resorted to cheerful intimidation and psychologically toying to remind them that he was the one in charge and would happily destroy anyone who displeases him. He was instinctively treacherous, having no qualms over remorselessly betraying even his most loyal allies, as shown when he betrayed and mutilated Fergus, in addition to having his former servant's entire family killed, once he grew to see the fallen angel as obsolete, even though Fergus was nothing but loyal to the King of Hell and was even willing to die for him. He also went out of his way to secretly stir conflicts between Hell's Overlords in order to keep them vying for his favor and for pure entertainment, orchestrating said conflicts as if he was a child making his favorite action figures fight each other.

Lucifer often employs displays emotionally manipulative/abusive tactics on others; he claims that he loves Charlie and that he tried to be a good father and "raise her right", but their relationship was, for the longest time, extremely dysfunctional: he has called her a failure and an embarrassment to him, has emotionally abused her, and was prone to spouting mean-spirited jokes at her expense while oblivious to how cruel he came off as. Though their relationship was later repaired, he treated Charlie less like a daughter and mostly as a means to ensure his dominion remains universal, intending to shape her into a ruthless tyrant like himself so that she can succeed in his throne and keep every demon in Hell under the control of the Magne family.

While most of Lucifer's relationships are highly toxic or purely professional, the King of Hell is, ultimately, capable of genuine affection, and nowhere is that more potent or evident than with his wife and queen, Lilith. He and Lilith are sickeningly in love with each other, with the King of Hell gifting her with extravagant objects; barely being able to keep his hands off of her; serenading her with instruments and love songs; and the slightest of her actions is enough to drive him wild, causing him to imitate animal noises, hit himself on the head with a comically large mallet and faint. During their honeymoon, he promised Lilith that he would "flip Heaven and Earth" if anything unfortunate ever happened to her. He also, surprisingly, does love Charlie, being dismayed that his daughter is unable to see eye-to-eye with him, and although he had no compunctions over psychologically abusing her in a sad*stic manner, he has never attempted to kill or seriously harm her, and he views breaking her heart as both a means to an end, and a lesson that misery builds character. Lucifer, too, cherished his stillborn children who came before Charlie, trying in vain to prevent their deaths with his divine power, grieving alongside Lilith over their tragic losses.

While the King of Hell despises sinners, he is neutral towards natural Hellborn demons and plans to spare them in his plan to rewrite the Universe, if only to allow Charlie some spare subjects after she succeeded his throne. He is also fairly benign and affable to those who respect him and stay out of his way, although he still views them as inferior or a subordinate regardless. Finally, despite his megalomaniacal nature, he is somewhat capable of learning from his mistakes: he acknowledges his Father as an extremely powerful being who he refuses to face alone, learning from his mistake of greatly underestimating His power during the War in Heaven. In addition, although their power pales in comparison to his own, he is capable of seeing value in the service and obedience of Hell's Overlords.

As of Chapter 5, Lucifer seems to have fell into depression as Charlie pursued her own goals, seemingly moving on from him. The transformation of Hell's status quo, following the demise of Belphegor and Leviathan, further contributed to his desolation. His once perpetually cheerful demeanor gave way to a more passive-aggressive attitude, prone to bitter and nostalgic reflections on the past, which is often just him wistfully recalling violent, self-centered, and cruel acts he committed. Despite his depressive state, Lucifer still shows a lack of remorse or empathy for his victims and instead finding genuine amusem*nt, cheer, and nostalgia in the chaos he caused at his peak (such as complimenting the pâté he roasted by cooking it over the charred corpses and remains of a WackDonald's restaurant he burned down). He abandoned his ambitious aspirations, opting to isolate himself completely within Lu Lu World. There, he spent his days riding the attractions and watching his circus troupe, yet even these activities failed to bring him much joy.

Notably, Lucifer's demeanor had softened considerably during this period. When a random demon child hugged him, instead of reacting with fury, he could only reminisce about the days when Charlie, too, had embraced him as a child, leaving the demon child unscathed. His depression became even more evident when Mammon informed him of an Exterminator angel trespassing into Hell without permission from Hell's officials; Lucifer displayed complete and utter indifference to the breach of his own established laws by external forces.

During Charlie's visit to Lu Lu World, Lucifer was confronted by Charlie on his obsession with Lu Lu World. Showing vulnerability, Lucifer admitted to feeling abandoned by Charlie and Lilith; the King of Hell's pride had been shattered by his inability to "perfect" Hell, and by the resilience and determination of Charlie and the Hazbin crew. He even questioned why Charlie still cared for him despite his past transgressions, which, given the cruelty and severity of said transgressions, was a valid question. Moved when Charlie replied that she wanted Lucifer to find true happiness, Lucifer acknowledged that despite past differences, deep down he hoped to remain united and not be separated again by their differences, which Charlie agreed to. In a shocking turn of heart, Lucifer promised to support Charlie's dreams and expressed gratitude to have her as his daughter. Lucifer initiated a hug with his daughter, taking a step towards healing and understanding in their relationship. Additionally, he allowed Charlie to retrieve the rubber ducks that represented her friends' souls so that they could ascend to Heaven, showing a willingness to advance her goals as long as it brought her happiness (as well as out of spite towards Heaven, since Charlie stuck it to Heaven and proved its higher-ups wrong about redemption).


During his years in Heaven, Lucifer was said to be an indescribably beautiful and handsome angel, with six angelic wings that spread for hundreds of miles, the face of an Adonis, and the physique of a Greek statue. But after being cast down from Heaven, he was punished by God for his vanity, and removed of his beauty, changing his appearance greatly. His true form has yet to be seen outside of shadows and silhouettes, but brief glimpses depict him as a large, wooly beast with devil-like horns similar to Satan; in other words, showing him as the malevolent monster he truly is. Despite losing his beauty, he was able to use his shapeshifting abilities to take on a much more appealing form.

Lucifer Magne is a thin fallen angel with pure white skin, short and fancy blonde hair, red cheeks (which he shares with his daughter), purple eyelids, and a mouth full of sharp, white teeth. He has light yellow eyes with slit, red pupils, giving him an almost snake-like appearance. He sports rather thin hands with long claws. He is of rather small stature compared to most demons, being slightly shorter than Charlie and a couple heads shorter than Lilith. Retaining his angelic flight, he is capable of spawning six wings which can retreat into his back when not in use. His wings are black in color and have large, red eyes along the wingspan. Lucifer is also capable of magically spawning two horns on his head, the same horns as his true form.

He wears a large, white top hat which has a light red stripe on it with his pet snake, Basil, coiled around it, and an apple on the brim. He primarily wears a stylish, white, and red coat with golden buttons, red and gold epaulettes resembling that of a circus ringmaster, a red and white striped vest, a black bowtie, a white dress shirt underneath, long black gloves, and white pants with black knee-high boots. He is almost always seen with a pointed, black scepter that is topped with a red apple that matches the one on his hat.

Powers and Abilities

Natural Powers

  • Angelic Power: Lucifer was born with an astonishing amount of angelic power that rendered him naturally stronger than all demons and standard angels without having to train a day in his life. His angelic powers are what allowed him to keep his position as king of Hell, destroying anyone who attempted to take his position with the effort it takes to swat a fly. His capabilities extend far beyond even Hell's most powerful demons such as the Overlords, the Goetia Clan, and the Seven Deadly Sins, all of whom Lucifer regards as little more than personal servants. He is also capable of casually and effortlessly destroying other angels, as shown when he swiftly killed an Exterminator to protect Charlie and when he erased Oswald, a cherub, from existence with a snap of his fingers. His power allowed him to match Archangel Forti, who had battled Satan, an exiled Light Beyond the Star, during the war in Heaven and later during his fight in Purgatory. He surpasses even Death himself, being immune to his deadly touch. Lucifer's immense power is to the extant that he could easily create entire celestial bodies such as planets out of nothing, as he is consistently stated to be the creator of Hell's seven rings, and claims that he capable of destroying the entire Universe and reforming it at his command.
    • Animation: Lucifer possesses the remarkable ability to imbue inanimate objects with life, a power demonstrated through the creation of Razzle and Dazzle. These two entities were originally lifeless dolls until Lucifer granted them the gift of sentience and appointed them as Charlie's devoted bodyguards.
    • Cloudwalking: Lucifer can naturally walk and travel on clouds as if they were a solid surface, an ability that seems to only be applied to angels.
    • Divinity: As a fallen archangel and son of God, Lucifer possesses an incredibly amount of divine magic that allows him to truly destroy and erase the souls of sinners and demons, killing them spiritually and physically. He can also erase other angelic entities without much effort, such as when he casually killed an Exterminator with a spear to defend Charlie, and erased the cherub Oswald.
    • Ergokinesis: Lucifer can project red, white, yellow, and pink concussive blasts of pure concentrated energy from his hands, eyes, and from the edges of his wings. These blasts carry considerable power, as they are capable of permanently destroying demons and sinners, and were powerful enough to stun other archangels, such as Forti, and send him flying into the ground when he was caught off-guard.
      • Force-Field Generation: Lucifer can conjure extremely strong barriers of angelic energy to defend himself from offensive attacks. These forcefields are capable of vaporizing virtually anything hurled at the King of Hell before they can make contact with him.
    • Flight: As with all angels and archangels, Lucifer possesses wings that allow him to fly at tremendous speed, as well as levitate in midair. As a Seraph angel, he possesses six wings to denote his rank, rather than the usual two, which grant him far more speed and mobility than the average angel.
    • Fire Immunity: Lucifer is immune all manner of fire, including hellfire and holy fire. As a Seraph angel, fire burns within Lucifer naturally.
    • Immortality: Lucifer is immortal and is incapable of dying through any natural or mortal means. Being one of the first creations of God, he has been alive since nearly the beginning of time and life itself, almost before the creation of the Universe. As a seraph angel, he is virtually invincible to any physical or magical form of harm, outside of the power of equal or superior divine magic, or archangel blades. He never seems to tire even after sustaining injuries, and is likely beyond the need of food, water, oxygen, or sleep to sustain himself. It is mentioned that not even Death himself has a grip on Lucifer's life, as the death god had previously confessed to Charlie that even he is unable to kill Lucifer, although he desperately wants to. Lucifer can only be destroyed by either entities who possess divine power superior to his own, or if he is smited with an archangelic blade. At one point, he told Forti that being decapitated makes him "kinda flustered", implying that he can survive his head being chopped off.
      • Immunity: Lucifer is one of the few entities in all creation that Death cannot kill, as he was shown to have shaken hands with the death god and suffer no ill effects, whereas most other entities would have died instantly. He is also impervious to natural diseases and illnesses, and, as a seraph, he is completely impervious to standard holy weaponry. He is also immune to entities who are capable of attacking and manipulating the soul, as he is said to lack one. Furthermore, Lucifer is immune to extremely cold and hot temperatures, as he was able to fly through Purgatory's harsh, freezing spacescape with no visible discomfort, and also showed no discomfort when he surrounded himself and Forti with a ring of fire, even when Forti himself displayed some discomfort.
      • Nigh-Invulnerability: Like all archangels, Lucifer is blessed with invulnerability to nearly all forms of damage and injury. Nothing short of immensely powerful divine magic superior to his own can kill, or much less harm him, and even holy weapons, which are capable of easily killing demons and lower angels, have no effect on him. Though he was nearly killed by Michael, he was struck with multiple attacks from Forti that would have otherwise been devastating to normal angels, such as being blasted by the head archangel's destructive energy beams, but the King of Hell was still able to recover almost instantly and keep Forti on the ropes consistently throughout the battle. However, he is still vulnerable to entities of superior power or archangel weapons, as shown when Forti managed to cut Lucifer across the chest and stabbed him in the leg with Excalibur, the fallen angel bled and showed visible pain.
      • Regeneration: Lucifer's angelic physiology possesses a powerful regenerative healing factor, which allows him to quickly regenerate from wounds, regardless of the severity. His healing factor is especially potent as a result of being a seraph. Upon arriving to witness Satan corrupt Charlie firsthand after incapacitating Forti, all of the wounds Lucifer had received at the hands of Forti's sword had completely disappeared, which is especially notable as Excalibur is one of the few weapons in the Universe capable of harming and injuring Lucifer.
    • Nigh-Omnificence: Though creation is a natural power for angels, Lucifer's creation magic is especially potent; He is capable of instantly spawning objects such as instruments, knives, swords, flowers, and books out of thin air, and can easily creating living organisms of his design with a casual snap of his fingers, as demonstrated with the creation of Corey and Peel and his army of rubber ducks. He spends a good amount of his time creating zany inventions such as roller-coaster. Lucifer's creation magic is potent enough that he is capable of conjuring celestial bodies such as stars and planets, as he is said to have been the one who created Hell's seven rings, which are represented as small planets that reflect the nature of the sin said ring represents. It was claimed by Leviathan himself that Lucifer "gave Hell form", further hinting that he did in fact create the Inferno.
      • Weapon Manifestation: Using creation magic, Lucifer can manifest various weapons of angelic properties out of different parts of his body, most often his hands. He usually generates swords, blades, daggers, throwing knives, spears, and axes. These weapons are incredibly durable and sharp, and can swiftly kill any entity they cut with sufficient and lethal precision.
    • Photokinesis: As an angel, Lucifer has an amazingly strong connection to light, and is a proficient user of light manipulation, in which he was taught the ability by God Himself. Lucifer is able to create, shape, and manipulate light; unlike other angels, Lucifer is notable for using his holy light to melt demons and sinners down to flesh and bone, or shape his holy light into powerful energy beams capable of making demons explode into gore. He can also solidify light and create energy blasts, arrows, swords, and many other weapons out of solidified photons. As an angel, Lucifer also possesses an inner glow that occasionally appears whenever he finds himself in a dark environment, which subsequently allows him to see in darkness.
    • Supernatural Endurance: Lucifer has substantially greater endurance than a normal angel, allowing him to fly and fight for extremely long periods of time. During his battle with Forti, Lucifer fought the head archangel for several minutes on end, and kept fighting viciously with little fatigue despite receiving several wounds during the encounter, and did not appear to be fatigued even after the fight concluded.
      • Self-Sustenance: Lucifer possesses eternal stamina and does not require food, water, sleep, or oxygen to maintain himself.
    • Teleportation: Lucifer can travel anywhere he desires, this includes across the Universe and other dimensions, instantly without occupying the space in between, often vanishing and reappearing in a dazzling white light. However, he is currently unable to properly access Heaven and Earth, due to God's divine interference.
      • Dimensional Travel: Lucifer possesses the ability to travel across different dimensions. Lucifer can exit and enter even the prison dimension of Purgatory as he wishes, since he is a high-ranking angel, and easily travel back to Hell.

Unique Powers

  • Animal Manipulation: Lucifer appears to have a symbiotic control over his pet snakes and can communicate with them telepathically. At one point, he was shown conducting a choir of penguins in attempt to teach them how to use the accordion.
  • Atmokinesis: Lucifer can alter the weather across all seven rings of Hell to a seemingly limitless degree, but often in a way that depends on his mood, such as making it cloudy, sunny, or creating thunderstorms of many different kinds.
  • Cerebrokinesis: Lucifer mentions that he has the ability to manipulate and control the minds of others. When exposing Fergus as a fallen angel to Vaggie, Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb, and Husk, Lucifer mentioned that he could have simply brainwashed Fergus into aiding him in the War in Heaven, but decided not to, as he considers manipulation more interesting and "fun".
  • Clairvoyance: Lucifer can see and hear through all of the eyeballs scattered throughout Hell, allowing him to use them as surveillance. He can also conjure magical screens with a simple wave of his hand that allow him to see and watch over anything and/or anyone across the seven rings of Hell.
  • Dark Magic: Having mastered the powers of darkness and light, Lucifer has complete and total mastery over dark or demonic magic, eclipsing even the greatest of Overlords and demons in terms of raw power. His control over demonic magic is essentially unrivaled, and he is able to perform near-limitless amounts of feats.
    • Umbrakinesis: Having learned the ability from Satan, Lucifer can manipulate darkness and shadows with extreme proficiency, as well as darkening an area with his mere presence. He can also summon shadowy tentacles, tendrils, dark vortexes, and sentient creatures of darkness that he can manipulate to do his bidding.
  • Elemental Manipulation: Lucifer can create, shape and manipulate the basic elements of nature, the rudimentary, simplest or essential parts/principles of which nature consists of. While he mostly prefers to use fire, he has on occasion used other elements such as earth, water, or the air.
    • Acidokinesis: Lucifer can produce clouds that generate sulfuric acid, as Angel Dust claims that Lucifer is responsible for the acid rainstorms present in parts of the Pride Ring.
    • Pyrokinesis: Lucifer can summon hellfire at will to attack his enemies, demonstrate his immense power, and cause massive damage to anything in his vicinity. The extent of his (literal) firepower is practically unlimited, as he was able to burn an entire town-sized orchard to the ground in a matter of seconds as a result of an outburst. Like Charlie, Lucifer can also spawn objects using his flames, conjuring weapons and his cherished rubber ducks from hellfire. Lucifer's fire is fatal to sinners and is even capable of injuring archangels, as shown he conjured a massive ring of fire around Forti and himself and keep the archangel on the ropes, and sent the archangel flying through the fire with an energy blast, causing Forti considerable pain as a result.
  • Fragokinesis: Lucifer is capable of overcharging objects with unstable explosive energy with just a single gesture from his hand, causing them to overload and violently explode. This ability proved to be Lucifer's most commonly utilized method of dealing with melee-based opponents, as the attack would often injure or kill the wielder as a result, along with destroying their weaponry. During his attack on Heaven, Lucifer caused the swords and shields used by several warrior angels to overload and explode in their faces, injuring and killing several of them. Lucifer also used this method of attack against Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb when the Happy Hotel crew arrived to rescue Charlie in Satan's domain, easily detonating Cherri Bomb's own explosives before she could use them against him, injuring her severely, and causing Angel Dust's Thommy gun to melt and then blow up in his face. However, as Lucifer did not use this ability against Forti when the latter wielded Excalibur, it is unlikely that he can destroy archangel weapons.
  • Existence Erasure: One of Lucifer's most powerful abilities allows the King of Hell to completely erase lowers entities from existence by just snapping his fingers, as demonstrated when he snapped the final Purgatory cherub, Oswald, out of existence, causing the cherub to contort unnaturally before vanishing in a blinding light as he helplessly screamed in agony.
  • Hallucikinesis: Lucifer can create, shape and manipulate illusions/hallucinations, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist. While speaking with Ren upon his arrival to Hell, Lucifer created an illusory display of his fall from Heaven, followed by him taking over and ruling Hell, and then finally an image of him ruling over Heaven and the Universe to visualize to Ren his life story and what his future goals were while on a psychotic rant.
  • Hammerspace: Lucifer is consistently show to be able to pull objects out of thin air, mainly instruments, gag items, and even "items" that would be spacially impossible to fit in his pocket, such as the entirety of Lu Lu World.
  • Oneirokinesis: Lucifer can alter the dreams and nightmares of others, being able to affect the dreams of all within Hell. This is also one of his favorite methods of tormenting his victims and sinners. According to Angel Dust, Lucifer greatly enjoys giving sinners unpleasant dreams that remind them of their previous lives on Earth and loved ones, simply to mess with them and revel in their misery.
  • Petrification: Lucifer often used petrification as a form of punishment towards sinners and his servants, preferring to keep their petrified bodies within his torture chambers as morbid decorations. It is heavily implied that victims of Lucifer's petrification are still alive and aware of what is happening around them, as evidenced by the frozen, screaming faces on several of the statues.
  • Power Granting: Lucifer can bestow immense power into any entity of his choosing. He gifted Lilith with her demonic magic, which allowed her to become the third most powerful being in Hell. Razzle, Dazzle, Corey, and Peel all gained their demonic powers when Lucifer brought them into existence, and Missi Zilla and Carmilla became extremely powerful and feared Overlords after selling their souls to Lucifer for power.
  • Shapeshifting: One of Lucifer's signature abilities is shapeshifting into seemingly anyone or anything he desires. It was said that during his assault on Heaven, Lucifer assumed the form of a gigantic dragon to battle God's forces. When Lucifer was banished from Heaven, he was also punished for his vanity and cursed with a much more malevolent and beastly form, but even then, he was still able to shape-shift into a more attractive guise, that being the form he currently uses. While threatening Corey and Peel, he shifted into a giant, snake-like form with his face and coil around the two angels as a way to intimidate them. During his battle with Forti, Lucifer shapeshifted into a dragon to combat the head archangel, and later assumed the form of a giant, clawed spider, using the sharped tips of his claws to pierce Forti several times. Among other things, he can change the shape of his pupils, spin his head 360 degrees, grow multiple extra arms, and drastically increase his weight.
  • Sleep Inducement: While attempting to capture Heaven's Light from Charlie and the warrior angel Adina, Lucifer casted a blue shockwave attack that rendered Adina instantly unconscious when the wave struck her.
  • Sonic Scream: When enraged, Lucifer is capable of shouting at such a high volume that it is capable of causing other entities to be flown back or even explode from the intensity. After discovering that God was the one who bestowed Heaven's Light upon Charlie, Lucifer screamed so loud that Corey and Peel were flown into a wall and reduced to a paste upon impact.
  • Soul Manipulation: Lucifer can claim ownership over the souls of others through deals and contracts. Often times, demons sell their souls to him for immense power. Once under his control, Lucifer can summon his clients instantly, torture them spiritually for any defiance, or imprison and strip them of their powers if they rebel against him. IN extreme cases, he can outright erase their souls.
  • Spatiokinesis: One of Lucifer's most powerful (and contested) powers. At the peak of his power, Lucifer is believed to be capable of tearing down and destroying the entire Universe at large, as well as rebuild it to his perfectionist imagery.
  • Summoning: Lucifer is able to transport one or multiple entities or objects of choice directly to him with a simple snap of his fingers, at which they will appear before him in a ring of fire or flash of light. This was demonstrated when he transported Charlie from the Happy Hotel to her room in Lucifer's castle, and later when he materialized his scepter. He can also summon backup singers/dancers whenever he starts a musical number.
  • Telekinesis: Lucifer is able to move and immobilize objects and living organisms around with his mind with great ease, as well as halt the motor skills of other entities to render them immobilized. While using telekinesis, he generally uses both elaborate and subtle hand gestures. During his encounter with Charlie's crew in Purgatory, Lucifer used his powers of telekinesis to easily immobilize Charlie and suspend her in mid-air, as well as to effortlessly take Heaven's Light from her hands. Moments afterward, he did the same to Fergus, effortlessly rag-dolling his former servant with ease, before violently tossing him into a rock wall. When the Happy Hotel crew attempted to escape from Lucifer and Satan in Baxter's spaceship, Lucifer caught the ship using his telekinetic powers before it was able to take off, and was seconds away from crushing it, until Forti intervened. When taking his anger out on the Vees in Purgatory, Lucifer used telekinesis to slam Vox into the ground with such force that it created a crater. While fighting the hotel crew during their mission to recue Charlie from Satan, Lucifer used his telekinetic powers to left Fergus in the air and attempted to slowly rip all of Fergus' limbs from his body, although his attempt to completely dismember Fergus was halted by Forti. While battling Forti moments later, Lucifer tore several large boulders from the ground and hurled them at Forti in an attempt to knock the archangel from the air, although Forti easily destroyed each boulder using Excalibur. When Blitzø charged Lucifer for threatening to imprison I.M.P and have Stolas executed, Lucifer immobilized Blitzø in place, mid-air, with one hand gesture.
    • Immobilization: With a simple hand gesture, Lucifer can use telekinesis to halt the motor skills of living organisms, leaving them frozen in place, unable to move in any way until he chooses to release them. When taking his anger out on the Vees, he casually immobilized Vox and Velvette while torturing Valentino with his angelic sword. Later, Blitzø attempted to attack the King of Hell with a knife for threatening his associates, Lucifer easily suspended the imp in place, leaving him unable to move.
  • Transmutation: Lucifer can alter the shape of an object or even living entities. He demonstrated his skill in transmutation by turning his scepter into a trident and later an angelic sword, removing the color from a rainbow Charlie had created, and by turning a couch into a piano. In combat situations, Lucifer often utilizes his transmutation to effortlessly transform his enemies' weapons into harmless substances, as he instantly turned Angel Dust's ammo within his machine gun into confetti and balloon animals when the spider demon attempted to attack him. He also transmuted Baxter's robot minions into a countless swarm of snakes that he then sent to attack Baxter, Husk, and Niffty, and spawned a cage of stone pillars to trap Manco.
    • Biokinesis: Lucifer's transmutation rendered him capable of warping the biological aspects of living organisms, as he previously turned several of his servants into furniture and croquet balls, and transformed Corey and Peel into strips of confetti, although it was only temporary, as the two apple angels eventually returned to their original form after Lucifer released them. With just a shush motion, he silenced Vaggie and Angel Dust while torturing Fergus for information.


"To be honest, I expected more from God's Greatest Lapdog."
— Lucifer mocking Forti during their confrontation in Purgatory.
  • Authority: As the King of the Hell and absolute highest in Hell's hierarchy, Lucifer holds absolute dominion and authority over the demonic realm and all of its inhabitants, with countless forces and private armies to enforce his laws and policies, including the Overlords, the Ars Goetia, the Seven Deadly Sins, and Hell's corrupt police departments. His authority allows him to effectively do whatever he wants, give orders to others that must be followed under the threat of death, and allows him to order anyone who displeased him, even members of Hell's nobility, to be imprisoned or executed, regardless of the trumped-up charges. Regardless, he does not control the inhabitants of Hell, as most of Hell's denizens have no actual respect for Lucifer's authority.
  • Combat Mastery: Lucifer is immensely skilled in combat, having been previously trained by his brothers, fellow archangels, and Father to protect Heaven. He seems to excel in sword and lance combat, and uses a plethora of blades which he can spawn at will, and of which he could unleash with lightning speed and deadly precision. He shows disdain towards mortal weaponry, such as firearms, which he regards as little more than "toys". His combat skills were first demonstrated on-screen during his battle with the highly skilled archangel, Forti, who was regarded as God's strongest angel by the cherubs. Even after centuries of almost never engaging in combat, Lucifer was able to keep Forti on the ropes despite the latter's far more superior experience, and once he parried Excalibur from Forti's hands, even briefly dominated the head archangel and injured him by successfully severing one of the archangel's six wings. Although Forti and Lucifer's battle ended with no clear winner, as the King of Hell had called off the fight early, Lucifer was one of the only entities in the Universe that was able to singlehandedly overpower Forti, and did so with moderate ease. This is especially notable as not even the archdemon Beelzebub (who was completely dominated by Forti in their fight), or Satan itself could contend with Forti without some assistance. Although, this was likely as a result of Forti becoming weakened by Satan's poisoning and not performing as well as he could have if not infected.
  • Charisma/Manipulation: Lucifer uses his charisma and suave exterior as a way of making incredibly tempting deals for his 'clients'. However, like most dealmakers, Lucifer does not get into the specifics and leaves out certain conditions when making a bargain. This resulted in his victims calling him out on being a liar when they fall in line with his nefarious plans, but he often rebukes this by stating that he only said what they wanted to hear, though this is mainly for his amusem*nt.
    • Deal-Making: Lucifer is capable of gaining more power through deals, granting his clients power that most sinners could never hope to achieve while at the same time taking control of his client's souls to keep them from using their new power against him and order them as he pleases. Carmilla Carmine and Missi Zilla were able to become some of the most powerful Overlords in Hell's history thanks to their deals with Lucifer. However, Lucifer no longer makes deals with other demons due to many of his past clients either attempting to betray him or ending up getting erased due to their own arrogance, thus he no longer wanted to put up with other demons' "bullsh*t".
    • Deception: Lucifer often utilizes his comedic façade as a way to lower the guards of his perceived enemies, tricking them into believing that he was a harmless and doddering fool, only revealing his true nature when it was already too late for his victims. Lucifer's deceptive personality, of course, was useless against those who were already aware of the King of Hell's true nature.
  • Intimidation: One of Lucifer's most utilized traits is his ability to strike fear into even the most powerful of entities, due to his unpredictable and merciless behavior. The mere mention of his name is enough to frighten even the most powerful of Hell's demons, send a street full of sinners scattering, and allows him to keep all demons under his thumb out of the sheer fear of what he would do to them if they refused to obey him. Despite his goofy façade, he intimidated an entire room of high-class demons into singing along with him, despite many demons dismissing singing and music. Later, he effectively intimidated the Vees into sabotaging Charlie's operation faster by threatening to torture and likely erase them. He also intimidated Charlie after summoning her to his castle, as she failed to make eye contact and stuttered numerous times in her own father's presence. On one Extermination Day, Lucifer managed to unnerve even the cold-blooded Exterminators after killing one of their own with no effort, fearlessly ordering them to return to cleansing Hell, to which they did with little hesitation. He effectively uses his intimidation to control the members of the Seven Deadly Sins, all of whom (with the exception of Leviathan) acknowledge that he is their superior, and that he will eagerly kill anyone he pleases. During the Seven Deadly Sins' meeting, one threatening stare from the King of Hell made Leviathan, one of the most powerful and ancient demons in history, stutter and (with a nervous inflection in his speech) make it clear that his statement about angels being "winged rodents" did not include Lucifer himself. Indeed, due to most of Hell's denizens lacking respect to any form of authority, the King of Hell must control many of his servants entirely through fear. Even Archangel Forti is, to a certain extent, scared of Lucifer, and, along with the cherubs, feared for what would become of Heaven if Lucifer returned to the sacred realm.
  • Master Torturer: Being the King of Hell and tormenter of all sinners, Lucifer is one of the foremost experts in torture and making people suffer, both physically and spiritually, which he takes immense enjoyment in. Some of his preferred methods of torturing his prisoners include mutilating his victims using a combination of knives and spears, dismembering their limbs, forcing them to cannibalize themselves, flaying them, removing their eyeballs, having them sexually abused by his underlings, or inflicting deep psychological torture by cursing them with horrific visions and constant nightmares, leaving them unable to sleep. He is also proficient enough to perform all of the aforementioned acts of torment on his victims without killing them prematurely. His torture methods were so extreme and profound that the memories of it would haunt his surviving victims years after the fact and in some cases, such as Fergus, caused them to suffer from extreme hallucinations, nightmares, and thoughts of suicide.
  • Multilingualism: Lucifer is well-versed in human languages such as English, French, and Italian, his capability of French being seen in his interactions with Lilith. He can also speak in both angelic and demonic tongues.
  • Musical Talent: Like his wife and daughter, Lucifer excels at music and possesses phenomenal singing and dancing capabilities, staging elaborate musical numbers with his rubber ducks. He can play virtually every instrument with masterful talent, being particularly fond of the accordion, violin, fiddle, and piano. Even in the present, modern angels regard Lucifer as one of the most gifted musicians in Heaven's history.
  • Natural Weaponry: Lucifer can use his claws, teeth, wings, and the horns of his true form as offensive weapons.
  • Sword Mastery: Lucifer demonstrated a considerable skill with an angelic sword, which is shown to be his primary weapon when engaging in close combat. Lucifer was able to fight on par with Forti and stab the archangel multiple times, as well as slice in half several energy blasts which were blasted at him at a rapid rate.
  • Wealth: Lucifer is one of the wealthiest entities in Hell due to his status (only beaten by Mammon), which grants him the ability to have practically everything he wants, including a theme park in his image which he had built on a whim.


  • Angelic Blades: Lucifer is capable of manifesting blades of angelic properties from his body, from daggers to swords. Lucifer's most utilized weapon for engaging in combat is an angelic sword with a jagged blade. These swords were durable and powerful enough to harm and injure even the head archangel, Forti.
  • Scepters: Lucifer is rarely seen without his signature pointed scepter that is topped with an apple. He can summon his scepter at will as well as create new ones entirely from scratch, and is shown to possess a collection of them. Although they are more of a symbol of his authority, he has previously used his scepter to vibe check people who annoy him, such as Corey and Peel. Lucifer's scepters are also noticeably sharped at the end, allowing him to use the scepter as essentially a pike to injure his targets.


  • Archangel Weaponry: While Lucifer is completely invulnerable to weapons used by angels and the Exterminators, weapons that are used and wielded by the archangels, such as Forti's sword Excalibur, can cause severe injury to him and, depending on the skill of the wielder, are capable of erasing him. During his battle with Forti, Lucifer sustained multiple injuries as a result of being cut and stabbed with Forti's blade, and he showed considerable pain as a result.
  • Arrogance: Lucifer is extremely arrogant and co*cky, to the point where it often frequently proves to be a detriment to himself while confronting his enemies. As seen during his battle with Forti and encounters with Charlie and the hotel crew, Lucifer loves toying with his opponents whenever he fights or engages with them, and always takes the time to rub in his enemies' faces how puny and weak they are compared to him, often giving the opponent the chance to gain the upper hand or potentially injure him while he is in the middle of bragging.
  • Divine Intervention: One of Lucifer's most significant weaknesses is the power of superior divine entities. According to Death, God is capable of destroying him. Lucifer is also susceptible to God's intervention, as he is incapable of entering Heaven or Earth due to God preventing those realms from granting access to him. Archangels like Forti and Michael, the head archangel and protector of Heaven, was also said to wield enough power to harm and completely destroy Lucifer.
  • Psychopathy: Lucifer possesses absolutely no remorse for his heinous deeds, nor regard for anyone outside of his wife, Lilith, and his daughter, Charlie. He is incredibly treacherous and disloyal, having no qualms over betraying even his most loyal allies who were willing to die for him if he saw no use for them, such as the case of his betrayal of Fergus. While this makes the King of Hell significantly more ruthless, many of his relationships have been jeopardized due to his callous nature, vastly weakening the loyalty some may have had for him and sometimes leading to them going behind the King of Hell's back.




"Lucifer: (chuckles) It's far too late to pray, my friend. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but, you are a sinner. God doesn't give a sh*t about you, nor is He coming to your rescue. (Lucifer bends over and gets in the prisoner's face as he is praying) Y'know, once upon a time, I was the one people prayed to. Humans would look to the sky for hours just to get a mere glimpse of me and all my glory. But, as soon as I pointed out the flaws of my Father, I was cast from Heaven like a sack of sh*t, and now that Fat Bastard is the one everyone looks up to. (Lucifer pulls out an angelic spear) Tell me, do you think if that silly old man truly cared about you, He wouldn't have casted you down to Hell and directly to me?
Prisoner: You can lie to yourself as much as you want. Kill as many people as you wish. But know that, as long as He is with us, you will never find peace.
Lucifer: (stares at the sinner menacingly, before bursting into laughter) Neat monologue. My ducks give it 7/10! I'll be sure to tell Him you said that when I kill Him. I'm sure He'll appreciate your obsequious words. (Lucifer impales the sinner through the chest with the spear, killing him)
— Lucifer, boasting about his goal to kill God as he executes a prisoner.

God is Lucifer's Father and Creator. In the past, Lucifer was God's favorite creation, and Lucifer relished his position as God's favorite, allowing it to get to his head. However, while Lucifer was initially content with God ruling existence, this dynamic change when humanity became God's favorite creation. Lucifer was enraged when God chose humans over him, and this rage boiled over when God continued to love humanity and gave them a path to salvation after they were corrupted by the Root of Evil. Lucifer came to the conclusion that he could rule the Universe better than God and planned to usurp his Father's throne, but Michael defeated Lucifer on God's behalf when his attempted usurpation came to fruition and banished him from Heaven for his crimes.

In the present, Lucifer clearly still holds limitless resentment for God, and is jealous of his position as ruler of Heaven and, by extension, the Universe, while he was reduced to ruling Hell, and has been plotting the death of his Father since his banishment. He views God as senile and incompetent for supposedly not seeing his potential as the "better" ruler of Heaven. Upon his fall from grace, God also punished His traitorous son for his vanity by cursing him with a monstrous form, thus taking away his son's beauty and the thing he was most prideful of, which only increased the King of Hell's hatred of his Father. Lucifer hates God so much that he cannot even stand the mere mention of His name, to the extent that mentioning God in the King of Hell's presence is a crime punishable by death in Hell. Lucifer has also constantly tried to pervert and twist Charlie's idea of God by painting Him as an unforgiving, merciless, and shallow tyrant.

Despite hating God and believing him to be a senile fool, it is implied that Lucifer is fearful of God and His limitless powers, as he refuses to face his Father alone, having learned from his mistake during the War in Heaven.


During his years in Heaven, Lucifer had six brothers. Not much is known about his relationship with them in great detail, but as one of the final steps in his plan, he attempted to entice them into helping him in his goal of murdering their Father and taking over Heaven. His brothers, however, refused and were horrified by his nature, now seeing him for who he truly was. Out of fear that they would inform the populace or their Father of his intentions, as well as prodding from Satan, Lucifer orchestrated his brothers' assassination by having them murdered by Fergus, even bestowing him with an archangelic sword to do the dirty deed.

Charlie Magne

"You know, Charlie... I never quite understood you. From the moment you popped out of your mother's whisker biscuit, I was like 'who is this hellish bundle of unwavering joy and infectious hope'? That, or was it, 'what is this disappointing and disgusting thing that just came out of Lilith'...? ...Bu- Bu- But I'm fairly sure it was the first thing! And, well... You're my daughter. My true pride and joy. Lu Lu World? Pfft. f*ck that. YOU! ...You're changing the stars! You stuck it to Heaven and proved them wrong! You stared Old Scratch in its eyes and said 'Not today, BIIIITCH!' You're.... The most perfect thing I ever could have created."
— Lucifer finally acknowledges Charlie as his daughter.

Charlie is Lucifer's daughter and heir apparent to his throne. Though Lucifer does love Charlie and wishes the two of them could see eye-to-eye on things, he is well known to have an extremely volatile relationship with his daughter. He can be very vicious, condescending, and borderline controlling towards his daughter, constantly remarking her as a failure, and outright referred to her entire existence as a "cruel joke" all because she has a dream. Despite her rebellion, he sought to mold her into a worthy successor and heir so that she would take his place as ruler of Hell once he ascended to Heaven, possibly explaining why he is so hard on her all the time, and implying that he has not completely lost hope in her being the heir to his throne. Furthermore, Lucifer also does not appreciate anyone but him - or those he orders to - hurting Charlie, hence why he created Razzle and Dazzle to serve as her bodyguards. As such, he does not appreciate it when other demons disrespect Charlie, since she is the heir to his throne after all, and is willing to punish anyone who disparages her in front of him, as seen by him smacking and admonishing Corey and Peel for comparing her to Belphegor. Throughout her entire life, he also regularly gave the young princess advice to not let other, more unscrupulous demons walk all over her, which was one of the few pieces of advice from her father that Charlie took to heart.

Although their relationship is significantly more complicated in the present, the King of Hell was far more amiable and fatherly towards his daughter during her early childhood, as flashbacks show that they spent much of their time playing games with each other, bonding at Lu Lu World, and he would often entertain his daughter and serenade her with his instruments whenever she became emotional. Lucifer also protected his young daughter from the violent sinners of Hell by barring her from leaving the castle grounds.

During Charlie's developing years, Lucifer remained protective and supportive attitude towards Charlie, albeit his whimsically twisted sense of humor remained intact, taking on a mentor-like. He was shown to be offended when he perceived Charlie being mocked by her peers, "jokingly" telling her to kill them before demonstrating his protective instinct by intimidating them into respecting her. Not wanting Charlie to be taken advantage of, Lucifer took it upon himself to tech Charlie how to assert herself in the demon world, advising her not to tolerate mistreatment from others and providing colorful examples of retaliatory actions she could take. Despite the exaggerated nature of his advice, it was clear that he wanted Charlie to stand up for herself and not be pushed around.

However, Lucifer and Charlie's close relationship changed completely when he showed the princess what the Exterminations truly were, which scarred her for life as she witnessed the carnage of the Exterminators and brutal deaths of her people. He was indifferent to his daughter's trauma and used the Exterminations as a lesson about the nature of Hell's ways, and reminded her that one day, she would govern over the realm in his place. This was the experience that sent Charlie on the path to discover a way to stop the annual Exterminations. As Charlie began taking an interest in the subjects of Heaven, God, and redemption, Lucifer became increasingly crueler and more short-tempered with her, as he had forbidden her to learn such things.

In most instances, Lucifer adopted a jovial, paternal, and amiable demeanor when interacting with Charlie. However, this façade swiftly dissolves whenever she deviates from his expectations or expresses her beliefs. He derived great pleasure from ridiculing her perceived ineffectiveness in redeeming sinners, treating her aspirations as mere jests. He was also prone to spouting mean-spirited quips about her failures, oblivious to how cruel he came across as. As a consequence of his unpredictable behavior, Charlie was perpetually apprehensive, tense, and uneasy in her father's presence, stumbling over her words and avoiding making eye contact. After disclosing her longing for Heaven to her father, Lucifer consistently belittles her aspirations whenever the opportunity arises, subjecting the princess to considerable emotional strain and leaving her with a pervasive sense of disbelief from those around her.

After Charlie left the family castle to pursue her goals, Lucifer progressively fell into a depressive stew over her absence. This led him to close off Lu Lu World to the public and begin secluding himself in his own theme park, surrounding himself with things that give him happiness. Despite bluntly dismissing her dreams, he frequently tried to reconnect with Charlie and bring her back to his side - sometimes in an emotionally manipulative way -, but only pushed her back more due to his refusal to accept her way of seeing things.

While Lucifer did allow Charlie to convert the Poison Apple - a vacation home long abandoned by the Magne family - into the Happy Hotel, he only allowed her to do so both as a joke and a lesson to prove once the operation would fail horribly. He also laughed about how "stupid" Charlie was to think sinners could be redeemed once he realized she was being serious about the project. When it was discovered that redeeming sinners was likely a possibility, he became nonplussed and enraged when he found out there was a chance that the Happy Hotel could potentially succeed.

When Lucifer discovered it was very likely that sinners could be redeemed and go to Heaven, his relationship with Charlie grew even worse; He saw her goals as a complete insult to everything that he stood for and established in Hell all that time. In his mind, his status as the “King of Hell” would mean nothing to anybody if all sinners were redeemed left Hell, and Lucifer, being a megalomaniac, does not want to rule over a handful of Hellborn demons. As such, he is not above tormenting Charlie by sending his many underlings and other demons to attack her and her friends, seemingly willing to do anything to impede her efforts, including trying to have her friends killed. In "We Can Be Heroes", Lucifer stood by and allowed Charlie to nearly be corrupted by Satan, perfectly willing to let the princess be stripped of her free will as long as it meant she could be converted into a worthy heir.

During his song "My Darling Applepie", which is sung after his confrontation with Charlie after her interview about the hotel, Lucifer expresses his inner turmoil through song, softly reminiscing about Charlie's childhood and the fun and love he shared with the princess, before angrily singing about her interests in Heaven and redemption. In the final verse of the song, he somberly sings while looking at a portrait of the princess when she was a child, calmly breaking the photo's frame while he laments that, as much as he always loved her and wishes she could go back to the little girl he once knew, he just cannot bring himself to love her anymore, ending the song by calmly tearing the photo in half.

Lucifer and Charlie's relationship took a more positive turning point when Charlie visited Lucifer in Lu Lu World on a mission to retrieve Lucifer's rubber ducks that represented her friends, so they could go to Heaven upon being redeemed. In a moment of respite where they could catch up on each other's lives, Lucifer shared his approach to finding joy and having fun amidst his life's recent challenges. Charlie expressed concern about his seclusion in Lu Lu World, highlighting its potential harm. Lucifer, ever a showman, theatrically toured Charlie through Lu Lu World, illustrating that it was a little piece of what Lucifer wanted Hell to be. Lucifer and Charlie found themselves in the highest seats in Lu Lu World's ferris wheel. There, Charlie gently addressed Lucifer's self-destructive behaviors, wanting a request. Lucifer's goofy and carefree facade vanished as he reluctantly opened up about using Lu Lu World as a coping mechanism, stemming from feeling abandoned by his family and seeing his idealized vision of a joyful Hell shattered over time. He questioned why Charlie still cared despite his past actions, prompting her to emphasize her enduring hope for everyone in Hell, including Lucifer, to find true happiness.

Charlie and Lucifer acknowledged that despite past differences, deep down they both hoped to remain united and not be separated again by their differences. In a shocking turn of heart, Lucifer said he always wanted to know who Charlie really was, before calling her his daughter and his pride. He promised to support Charlie's dreams, and expressed gratitude to have her as his daughter. This heartfelt exchange culminated in an initially awkward "apology hug" which they both eased into, signifying a step towards healing. Lucifer appeared to reconcile with his own flaws, channeling his pride into Charlie and assisting her in her endeavors to prevent her from succumbing to the same despair that he experiences.


"The only person I could ever stand, let alone tolerate being around with? Oh, Lilith. Of course, I love her more than anything! When I fell to Earth, she was there to nurse and comfort me and listen to my silly plans. I told her she didn't have to pretend to be somebody else. We gave each other all we needed; all we wanted! At night, I would watch over her as she slept and then make magazine cut-out love letters but from her eyelashes and dead skin cells! I would sacrifice anything for her; A lamb, two goats, my first born, you name it! And then she left me... (Lucifer sniffles while sadly playing the accordion, singing through exaggerated tears) ♫Suddenly Luci... Standing beside you...♫"
— Lucifer about Lilith.

Lilith is Lucifer's wife and the Queen of Hell. Initially, Lucifer and Lilith were absolutely obsessed with each other, and hopelessly in love, which stood in stark contrast to Lucifer's usual narcissistic disposition, where he deems all life beneath him. Their love was an all-consuming obsession. He practically worshiped the ground she walks on, serenading her with romantic melodies played on his instruments and striving to impress her even during the torment of sinners. Their relationship could also be endearingly macabre, due to Lucifer's awkward attempts at flirting (in which he is totally oblivious to how creepy he sounds to those outside of their relationships) and the two often having tit-for-tat exchange of macabre, sexually-charged threats geared to turn the other on and show off their affection for each other, resulting in passionate make-out sessions. While other people are disturbed by it, it's merely fun and games to the King and Queen of Hell.

Lilith and Lucifer met after Lucifer's fall from Heaven and descent to Earth, where Lilith found the fallen prince and nursed his injuries, taking him to her and Adam's humble dwelling. During his recovery, a deep connection blossomed between Lucifer and Lilith, as she was captivated by his lively and enthusiastic personality. He eccentrically and nerdily shared his aspirations of crafting a "fun" Universe for himself and his family, warping her view of God and causing Lilith to betray her previous beliefs. Lilith generously shared with Lucifer the remaining, revitalizing fruits she had saved from her time in Eden, originally intended for herself, Cain, Abel, and Adam, further solidifying her bond with the fallen prince of Heaven.

When Lilith ashamedly opened up about her true identity as an inner demon of Eve, Lucifer, perhaps for the first time in his existence, showed compassion to someone besides himself, telling her to wipe away the troubles of her past and that he was her friend. He affirmed Lilith's worth and acknowledging that she is good, calling her the sole mortal worthy of any love. With genuine empathy, he assures her that her past is irrelevant and that she deserves better than her current situation, praising her virtues and the love she has shown him. In his eyes, she is not simply a demon, but a woman deserving of re spect and love.Lucifer's charisma breathed new life into Lilith's otherwise miserable existence on Earth. After the fallen prince had recovered, Lilith joined him in Hell, where he gifted her with immortality and demonic powers for her troubles.

Prior to leaving Earth with her, Lucifer nervously and awkwardly gifted Lilith with a lily plant as a token of gratitude for tending to him following his descent from Heaven, admitting to not knowing what humans liked as gifts and that he had never given anyone a gift before. Lilith was so touched and gratified by this that she based her name, "Lilith", on this gift.

Their wedding night bore witness to a solemn vow from Lucifer, who promised to turn Heaven and Earth upside down should any harm ever befall his beloved Lilith. In response, Lilith passionately sealed their bond with a kiss, cementing their unwavering commitment. Even when tempted by Valentino's offer of his top workers, Lucifer firmly declined, reminding the pimp that he was a married man, showcasing his unwavering fidelity to his cherished wife and queen. This unbreakable bond between Lucifer and Lilith is a testament to the profound love that transcends even the darkest depths of Hell where adultery is encouraged.

Lucifer is awkwardly, disturbingly romantic around Lilith, albeit in a way that endears him to her. He often expresses his feelings in bizarre and exaggerated ways, such as making ransom note love letters from her dead skin cells and eyelashes as opposed to newspaper clippings. He also casually mentions that he watches her sleep at night as if that is a normal thing. From complimenting her every little actions such as he way she blinks, he often builds elaborate fantasies about their future together. His expressions range from humorous to darkly absurd, with mentions of surgically grafting their bodies together and wearing each other's skin, albeit "not in a creepy way."

Their relationship dynamic is a striking juxtaposition, with Lilith assuming the role of the "adult" while Lucifer maintains an immature and childlike demeanor. Within the realms of Hell, Lilith serves as the proactive monarch who actively oversees its intricate politics and management. She takes charge of the responsibilities that come with her position, maintaining order in the underworld. In contrast, Lucifer is much more carefree and childish. He pursues his own interests and revels in the luxuries and privileges of his lifestyle. Often preoccupied with his hobbies and personal pursuits, he allows Lilith to handle the day-to-day affairs of Hell, trusting her capable leadership. This dynamic sees Lilith as the responsible and practical force in their partnership, while Lucifer enjoys the freedom of indulging in his whims and passions. Together, they create a harmonious balance in the complex and ever-evolving realm they call home.

Despite their undying love and devotion for each other, Lucifer and Lilith contrast each other greatly in regards to their relationships with Charlie. Charlie is far closer to her mother than she is with her father, as Lilith was the first person Charlie turned to when her interview of the Happy Hotel had failed, and Lilith does genuinely loves and care about Charlie. Lilith has even attempted to convince her husband to let Charlie follow her dreams and find out the truths of the Universe for herself, despite not believing Charlie's dreams are realistic. In contrast, Lucifer was, for the longest time, scornful of Charlie's dreams and viewed her as a disappointment. It is unknown if this has caused any tension in Lucifer and Lilith's relationship.

Following Lucifer isolating himself in Lu Lu World, Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench stated on the 666 News that Lucifer and Lilith had separated. Corey and Peel shed more light on this, claiming Lilith left Lucifer because he is unrecognizable now. Instead of the goofy, fun, hopeful man that Lilith fell in love with and who wanted to make Hell a fun place for himself and his family, Lucifer is now a bitter, mean shadow of his former self who can't find joy or hope in life anymore. Lucifer later clarified that Lilith had been isolating herself and has been going through things with her "other half", and although she wants to be there for Lucifer, she has her own plate full.



Lucifer and Alastor share an unconventional friendship, united by their eccentricities and love for theatrical flair. Their relationship is characterized by mutual admiration stemming from shared narcissism and theatrical inclinations. They engage in playful duets akin, acting like vaudevillian goofballs, and respect each other's talents, with Alastor acknowledging Lucifer as his king in Hell, while Lucifer admires Alastor's musical taste and captivating charisma. Most of Lucifer's affinity for Alastor is rooted in Alastor's bold overthrow of the Pride Ring's Overlords, which led to a restructuring of Hell and resolved many territorial disputes which proved to be a headache for Lucifer.


"What do you say? Lucifer and Ol' Satan back to their old schemes?"
— Lucifer to Satan.

During his years in Heaven, Lucifer encountered Satan during his travels, who revealed to Lucifer its nature as a fallen Light Beyond the Stars. Satan would utilize Lucifer's hatred of humanity, desire to reign over all creation, and fascination with dark magic to seduce him. Satan proclaimed him to be the fiercest and most ambitious angel in all of Heaven, and made a deal to help the prince corrupt God's angels and subsequently overthrow Him, in exchange for what was essentially Lucifer's eternal servitude. After Lucifer agreed, Satan would assist the Prince of Heaven in forcibly corrupting thousands of angels against their Creator. With Lucifer's charm and Satan's corrupting influence, they amassed an army of thousands of spiritual beings against God. With their army assembled, the two attempted to take over Heaven and kill God and His followers, only for their plan was thwarted by the Almighty and the head archangel, Forti.

A billion years later in the present, Lucifer summoned Satan, making a deal with the dark god to destroy Heaven's Light so that no redeemed sinners could enter Heaven, and thus would remain under Lucifer's control for as long as he was king of the demonic realm.

Despite their continued partnership, Lucifer is shown to not be very loyal towards his master, as he seemingly never attempted to free Satan from its prison in Purgatory, and some dialogue implies the two have not seen or talked to each other since they were cast from Heaven. Despite Satan being his so-called "master", Lucifer is ever ready to question the Devil, and not afraid to talk back to Satan if its intentions do not line up with his plans, such as when he ordered the Devil to not kill Charlie after it claimed she and her friends needed to die, since he wanted her alive in his plan to overthrow God, further showing that Lucifer is more concerned with his own dreams than assisting Satan in its goals.

While reconciling with Charlie, Lucifer expressed pride in Charlie for opposing the Devil.

Corey and Peel

Corey and Peel were formerly Lucifer's two loyal servants. They were created by Lucifer to serve as replacements to Razzle and Dazzle after the two goats betrayed him to help Charlie with her goals of redeeming sinners. Lucifer is usually very dismissive and cruel to Corey and Peel, despite their undying loyalty. He punishes the two harshly, torments them for his amusem*nt, and allows them to be humiliated in public without even bothering to help them. Indeed, Corey and Peel fear the King of Hell immensely and are used as punching-bags during his outbursts.

Regardless, Lucifer has displayed small traces of humanity in his relationship with Corey and Peel; he occasionally spends his free time eating breakfast and lunch with the two and seems to have a surprising amount of faith in them as he continuously sends them out with various missions and tasks, most of which are rather major. Lucifer is also surprisingly forgiving towards them, since they have retained their positions despite repeated failures and bungles, whereas he could just kill the two and replace them with more competent henchmen. Nonetheless, he still views the two as expendable and replaceable, and showed no mercy whenever they failed to impress him.

Lucifer effectively fired Corey and Peel and kicked them out of The Circus shortly after he had given up on all of his ambitions simply because he was annoyed over them reporting things to him (in other words, doing their job), since he had lost interest in basically everything. This was met with disgust by Charlie - who took pity on the two after seeing them living in a cardboard box and arguing with each other -, who then hired the two as bellboys at her hotel.


"What's that, Basil? I should gouge his eyes out and use his skull for a cup? (giggles) Oh, you sad*stic, brilliant devil, you! C'mon, Pluto! Let's give Basil a hand!"
— Lucifer to Basil while torturing Pluto.

Basil is among the numerous pet serpents in Lucifer's entourage, serving as the personal companion of the King of Hell. Basil's constant presence is a familiar sight, often found coiled around Lucifer's top hat as they journey together. The two share a unique and symbiotic connection, enabling Lucifer to see through Basil's eyes and communicate with the serpent telepathically.

Lucifer and Basil enjoy a rather unconventional camaraderie. Their relationship goes beyond mere companionship, as Basil occasionally imparts advice to Lucifer, particularly during moments when the King of Hell is inflicting torment upon his unfortunate prisoners. Their close bond extends into the macabre, with Basil playing an unexpected role in Lucifer's dark and sinister pursuits.

Rubber ducks

"Lucifer: Oh, it's quite simple. They're playful, yet silent! The perfect pet that a busy ringmaster could ask for! A symbol of spiritual rebirth in some areas. I can't tell you how many times, over hundreds of years of existence, I've had the pleasure of playing with rubber ducks of every color, size, and shape imaginable. I'm just quackers for them, if you'd pardon my pun. Haha!
Calcifer: Ah, I see! Ducks are commonly associated with new beginnings and you're cleverly twisting that to signify a fresh start for your slaves and freaks! Your wit it simply unrivaled, my lord!
Lucifer: (confused) N-... No... I just like rubber ducks. Don't look too much into it.
— Lucifer about rubber ducks.

An army of sentient rubber ducks Lucifer has accumulated over his years of Hell. In actuality, these ducks are the physical manifestation of the souls of sinners, which spawn in Lu Lu World when a new soul is damned to Hell. They serve as his personal troupe, assisting him in musical numbers and comforting him whenever he becomes emotional. They seem to serve as Lucifer's consultants whenever he becomes enraged or distressed, such as suggesting to the King of Hell that he hire the Vees to destroy Heaven's Light.


Pluto was Lucifer's servant. Lucifer treated Pluto like a slave, as expected for a servant, and constantly mistreated him by berating him for minor mistake, and standing on his back while posing for family portraits so that he would appear taller than Charlie and Lilith. In "Red Smoke", Lucifer tortured Pluto after catching him wearing socks with sandals. After cutting Pluto's fingers off and eating them, Lucifer's torture session was interrupted when Peel informed the king of urgent news. Attending to the matter, the King of Hell casually said "Hold this, Pluto," before calmly impaling Pluto with an angelic spear, killing him.

The Vees

Lucifer initially held Vox, Velvette, and Valentino in high regard as some of his best mercenaries and Overlords. Whenever things get rough, he entrusted the three to assist him with his problems, such as stopping Charlie's efforts, or eliminating any other Overlords who have threatened to overthrow the King of Hell. It was also said that Lucifer occasionally visited their nightclubs as he enjoys watching their shenanigans.

Despite this, Lucifer's trust and reliance on the three of them was contested when Lucifer ordered the Vees to stop Charlie's goals of rehabilitating sinners from succeeding by destroying Heaven's Light. At one point, after repeated failures, he threatened Valentino and his cohorts with brutal torture and possibly death should they disappoint him again. Once the King of Hell was informed by Corey and Peel that Valentino's final plan to destroy the Happy Hotel was thwarted, he was absolutely furious, calling Val a "pupating hack" and calling Velvette and Vox "modern sh*theads", confirming that the three have more or less completely lost Lucifer's favor.

In Chapter 3, it is shown that Valentino, Vox, and Velvette are, to some degree, back in Lucifer's good graces; Satan tasked the Three Vs with capturing one half of the Happy Hotel crew, and the Three Vs successfully carried out the task and brought them before Lucifer, and the King of Hell responded by praising the three sinners and stating that he would not have torture them as he had planned.

However, this all takes a turn following the eight year timeskip in "No Time Left", when Lucifer attacked the Vees over their failure to capture Heaven's Light, as well as out of his personal anger for them failing him previously. Lucifer attacked Vox and Velvette with various telekinetic powers, before torturing Valentino with his angelic sword by stabbing the moth demon in the arm. Fortunately for the Three Vs, the King of Hell relented and informed the three Overlords that the Happy Hotel crew were en route to Baxter's laboratory, and ordered the Overlords to stop the crew before they could escape.


Mammon is one of Lucifer's longest running servants, being a founding member of the Seven Deadly Sins with the King of Hell. Despite their partnership and Mammon priding himself on being Lucifer's number one, the King of Hell thinks very little of Mammon and seems barely aware of his existence half the time. In the Greed Ring, Mammon operates a theme park named Loo Loo Land, a shameless imitation of Lucifer's highly successful Lu Lu World. There is an implication that Lucifer knows Mammon's attempts to curry favor and climb the social ladder are insincere, resulting in him intentionally depriving Mammon of attention or praise.

Lucifer is cognizant of Loo Loo Land's existence and Mammon's profitable replication of the King of Hell's theme park. While Lucifer acknowledges that Mammon borrowed his "genius" idea, he expresses more offense at the fact that the King of Greed failed to seek his permission before making a soulless, corporate recreation of his cherished passion project.


Although the specifics of Lucifer and Belphegor's relationship remain elusive, there are indications that Lucifer holds little to no regard and respect for Belphegor. In private conversations deriding the other Sins, Lucifer described Belphegor as an "insufferable layabout who never shut his yap about sleeping."

When briefing the Sins on their missions against Heaven's Light, Lucifer (whether jokingly or unironically) claimed tat Belphegor likely would not survive their endeavor.

Following Belphegor's demise, Lucifer displayed a dismissive and callous reaction, labeling Belphegor as a "lazy f*cking prick" and instructing the other Sins to disregard both Belphegor's and Leviathan's deaths.



Forti harbored an intense hatred for the King of Hell due to his betrayal of God and Heaven. This animosity was further fueled by the King's indirect role in the deaths of Forti's brothers, as he unleashed Satan upon Heaven. As a result, Forti made it his personal mission to annihilate both Lucifer and Satan, seeing them as a threat to the very fabric of the Universe. In return, Lucifer held a deep contempt for Forti, mocking him as a "lapdog" for his unwavering loyalty to God. Nevertheless, beneath this mutual disdain, there existed a begrudging respect between them. They recognized each other as formidable rivals in terms of power, a fact that neither could dismiss.

Forti's existence posed one of the few factors that made the King of Hell question his audacious plan to wage war against God. It demonstrated that the former Prince of Heaven possessed immense power, a realization that wasn't lost on Lucifer. While Forti found Lucifer to be "pathetic" in certain respects, the King's potential to overthrow God and his forces demanded Forti's utmost attention. He solemnly swore that if Charlie and her allies proved incapable of dealing with the King of Hell, he would take matters into his own hands, driven by a deep sense of responsibility and determination to protect the Universe.

In "We Can Be Heroes", Forti, after being out of commission for eight years as a result of being poisoned by Satan, aided the Happy Hotel crew in their mission to rescue Charlie from Satan's domain, leading to a one-on-one confrontation between Lucifer and Forti. Lucifer sad*stically mocked Forti for killing Adina, ignoring Forti when he pointed out that Satan had poisoned and forced him into doing so, and Forti proclaimed his desire to kill Satan after he had dealt with Lucifer. Shortly after, Forti and Lucifer engaged each other in a vicious fight, with Forti utilizing his recently recreated sword, Excalibur, and Lucifer using his own conjured angelic blade. The archangels were initially evenly matched, but Forti became weaker as a result of both the poison within him and the injuries he sustained during the battle, including Lucifer severing one of his wings from his body. After Forti could barely lift his sword, Lucifer left the head archangel to be corrupted so he could witness Satan corrupting Charlie. Lucifer had almost no reaction to Forti killing himself with Excalibur to prevent himself from being fully corrupted by Satan.


During Lucifer's reign in Heaven, Fergus (then named Koatal) was one of Lucifer's most powerful and proud warriors. According to himself, Fergus, as captain of the guard, carried out all of Lucifer's orders, and frequently fought to defend Lucifer, Heaven, and its sovereignty from invaders. However, their relationship took a turn when Lucifer requested that Fergus aid him in conquering Heaven and the Universe to create a "better" world. Although Fergus was initially hesitant to betray his previous beliefs, Lucifer reminded Fergus of his son's recent death to emotionally manipulate him, telling the warrior angel that if he continued to serve God and fight for Heaven, he would follow his son's steps and die as well, along with his family and fellow soldiers. Convincing himself that Lucifer was right, Fergus and his family joined Lucifer's secret army, and, with extreme reluctance, he murdered Lucifer's brothers on the former's orders, and aided Lucifer in the War in Heaven, before being banished from Heaven by God alongside Lucifer and all who served him.

Following his banishment, Fergus was stripped of his angelic form and immense power, and although he remained loyal to Lucifer, even willing to die for the King of Hell, he slowly began to lose his master's favor, as Lucifer had seen more potential in other, more powerful demons, causing him to see Fergus as disposable without his angelic power. In a play to unburden himself with Fergus, Lucifer had the fallen warrior angel thrown into a death tournament which would decide the King of Hell's next highest-ranking subordinate. Lucifer had set Fergus up to die, although Fergus himself was unaware of this. Despite Lucifer essentially rigging the tournament, Fergus still won through sheer luck, which left Lucifer absolutely furious and feeling robbed of a potential, stronger lieutenant.

Two weeks after Fergus was crowned victor of the tournament, Lucifer had his underlings kidnap him to be brought to his castle, and brutally tortured him for a full month, going as far as to mutilate him by severing his left arm from his body, among many other acts of psychological torture. However, Lucifer ultimately decided not to kill his former guard as he merely wanted to instill a sense of great fear and loss in hope within him. Fergus was eventually freed, only to discover shortly afterward that Lucifer had his entire family killed and his home destroyed as vengeance for the stunt that he pulled with the axe and force field.

Over the course of a billion years later, Fergus fell into a deep state of depression, haunted by the death of his family as well as the atrocities he committed on Lucifer's orders. He suppressed his grief through alcoholism, coming at the cost of nearly all of his strength, leaving him significantly weaker than he was even after he fell from Heaven. He would also frequently suffer nightmares as a result of the extreme physical and psychological torture the King of Hell had put him through, developing a form of PTSD from his years with Lucifer. Fergus' fear and hatred of Lucifer were notable enough to where, when he saw the Magne family portrait of Lucifer with his family, he slowly broke down in anger and tears, and threatened Charlie to not say her father's name, and requested that she get rid of the portrait of herself with Lucifer and Lilith. Although he decided to join Charlie's team after being coerced by Alastor, his alcoholism and loss of hope prevented him from having the will and courage to personally confront the King of Hell.

In Chapter 3, Lucifer and Fergus finally encountered each other once more in Purgatory for the first time in thousands of years. Upon seeing Fergus again, the King of Hell seemed incredibly amused at the depressed state he had sent Fergus spiraling into, viewing it as the ultimate insult that Fergus had begun as a mighty warrior, only to wither away into a helpless drunkard. He took pleasure in torturing Fergus again by forcing him to relive the war in Heaven, allowed Vox to torture him, and brutally severed his right hand off when Fergus attempted to save Charlie from the King of Hell. When the two encountered each other again after the eight year timeskip, Lucifer mockingly referred to Fergus by his former name "Koatal", and forced him to watch helplessly as Charlie was nearly corrupted by Satan.


"Are you still dragging around that sinner who preaches that 'life isn't a musical' bullsh*t?"
— Lucifer about Vaggie to Charlie.

Vaggie is shown to hate Lucifer for his toxic influence over Charlie, actively encouraging her to cut her father out of her life. It is implied that Lucifer is unaware of the extent of Vaggie's relationship with Charlie, as the two dated without his knowledge, possibly out of fear that he would reject Vaggie for being a sinner. Humorously, it was revealed that Lucifer almost instantly saw through Vaggie's ruse and knew she was a fallen winner, and merely disliked Vaggie for her attempts to bring Charlie back to reality by reminding her that life isn't a musical, with Lucifer insisting that life is like a musical.

In "The Fallen Angel", Lucifer took Vaggie and her team as prisoners, and mused over murdering Vaggie by slitting her throat if Fergus continued to insult him, and relished in tormenting her along with her team while interrogating them. Later, Vaggie told Lucifer that he would never win as long as Charlie was far away from him, to which Lucifer mockingly responded that he was anticipating seeing Vaggie's hope turn to despair.


The enmity between Death and Lucifer is widely acknowledged, rooted in Lucifer's aspiration to create a Universe devoid of death and his relentless self-obsession. Death holds a profound disdain for the King of Hell and has openly expressed a fervent desire to end Lucifer's life. However, the Grim Reaper's efforts are stymied by the fact that God ultimately determines when Lucifer will meet his demise.

Lucifer, fully aware of Death's impotence in this regard, takes every opportunity to taunt and mock the Grim Reaper. A telling example of this is a portrait prominently displayed in Lucifer's castle, depicting the King of Hell and Death shaking hands, both sporting malevolent smiles. This artwork serves as a sardonic reminder of Death's inability to carry out his desire to kill Lucifer, while Death himself is portrayed with a displeased expression, encapsulating the ongoing tension between these two formidable entities.


Lucifer and Beelzebub share a mutual distrust and disdain for each other, a dynamic that appears to have been fueled by Beelzebub's resentment toward Lucifer after the latter was chosen as Satan's top servant over Beelzebub. This rivalry has simmered beneath the surface, but despite their differences, Lucifer has allowed Beelzebub to retain his position as the King of the Gluttony Ring.

Their history also includes instances of cooperation, particularly when they've conspired with the other Seven Deadly Sins. This indicates that, despite their strained relationship, they are capable of working together when their interests align.

During a meeting of the Seven Deadly Sins, Beelzebub made a mocking comment about Lucifer's relationship with Charlie, drawing the King of Hell's reprimand for his lack of respect. This incident highlights the tension between them and the potential for confrontations to arise from their longstanding rivalry and differing personalities.

Leviathan Von Eldritch

"Leviathan, let me tell you a secret. You know how you hate my daughter so much? Well, she HATES you. Your arrogance, your pride, your endless and incessant need to be the biggest fish in the water, she simply detests it all. She even told me she wouldn't shed a tear if you died. (Lucifer grins and condescendingly taps Leviathan on the head with his cane) She'll hate you for all eternity. I'm proud of her that. Haha!"
— Lucifer taunting Leviathan.

Lucifer and Leviathan where good acquaintances and long-time partners, with them both being founding members of the Seven Deadly Sins. Based on their interactions, Lucifer acts dismissive and casually condescending towards Leviathan, telling the King of Envy to his face that Charlie hated him and he was proud of her for that. Although Leviathan conspired to take Lucifer's throne behind his back and Lucifer revealed himself to be aware of this, the King of Hell made no attempt to stop Leviathan as he never expected him to succeed. Leviathan's son, Seviathan Von Eldritch, was a close childhood friend of Charlie, and was formerly in a romantic relationship with the princess while they were both attending Hell School, showing that Lucifer respects Leviathan and his family enough to allow the former's son to date Charlie.

Lucifer agreed with Leviathan that his son was a worthy suitor for Charlie.

However, after the death of Leviathan and his failed attempt to take over Hell, Lucifer showed a great fury and hate towards him, destroying the throne of Leviathan in his castle, and showed absolutely no sadness for his death or for his betrayal, despite the fact that he was one of his closest allies.


At some point after returning from Purgatory, Lucifer was made aware of I.M.P's numerous disruptions they had caused on Earth, including an incident where they were caught on security camera by a paranormal investigation organization known as D.H.O.R.K.S. Enraged at the attention they could have potentially brought to Hell, Lucifer intended to punish Blitzø and his crew to suffer for these disruptions, although he wanted their suffering to be prolonged. He sent Corey and Peel to capture I.M.P's leader, Blitzø, and offered to the imp that he would pardon I.M.P of all of their crimes so long as they killed the entire Happy Hotel crew (excluding Charlie). When Blitzø lied to Lucifer by saying that he had left I.M.P, the King of Hell threatened to have I.M.P thrown in prison, as well as have Stolas executed for the Goetic Prince's assistance of I.M.P's operation. In an act of pure spite as Blitzø had insulted Lucifer's wife, Lilith, the King of Hell decided to take things even further by threatening to have Stolas' daughter, Octavia, incarcerated in one of Hell's most violent prisons. Following Lucifer's threats to torture the other members of I.M.P, caused Blitzø to rush Lucifer with a knife in a blind rage, although Lucifer easily stopped Blitzø with one hand motion, allowing Corey and Peel to brutally assault the imp.

While Blitzø was enraged at Lucifer and knew that Lucifer had tasked I.M.P with such a dangerous mission in hopes that they would all die, he was given no choice in the matter and begrudgingly accepted the King of Hell's mission. Blitzø's suspicion that Lucifer's given task was a suicide mission in disguise was seemingly confirmed when the King of Hell brought together most of I.M.P's past enemies as part of the task force. Lucifer even enlisted Striker to watch other Blitzø to make sure he does not try to escape, knowing how much the two dislike each other. After briefing Blitzø and his crew on the mission, Lucifer forced the imp to sign a soul contract that would erase him from existence if he attempted to escape from the mission. During I.M.P's mission, the King of Hell made it clear that he had no compunctions over killing Blitzø or his crew should they run out in him.


Lucifer Magne (1)

Lucifer's sigil

Lucifer Magne (2)

Lucifer alongside Lilith and Charlie on the Magne family portrait

Lucifer Magne (3)

Lucifer in Lu Lu World


Chapter 1

"(he motions to the mirrors depicting Hell's annual slaughter) Open your eyes, Charlotte. This is where we live! Hell is cold, cruel, and doesn't give two sh*ts about its people! (he whispers to the catatonic Charlie) ...But it gives THREE sh*ts about me! HAHA!! ...This is your world, your oyster. And whether you like it or not... (demonic voice) It'll be your future circus. Ain't that fun?!"
— Lucifer, in the opening flashback, while forcing a young Charlie to watch an Extermination in Lu Lu World's hall of mirrors.
"Hey, Charlotte! Lob any grenades today?"
— Lucifer in a flashback, visiting Charlie at Hell School.
"There something on your mind, Duckie? You haven't even touched your watermelon flambé..."
— Lucifer to Charlie in a flashback.
"Lucifer: Apple, I don't wanna burst your bubble, but I suspect your 'friends' are laughing at you behind your back... KILL THEM.
Charlie: What?!
Lucifer: Heeey, calm down there, Apple! I didn't mean it quite like that, haha! (he laughs, facing Charlie's friend group) That was a joke, guys! A JOKE! But... if you don't stop giggling at my little seedling, I'll send you down to the Circus, and you'll spend the rest of eternity shoveling Hellephant sh*t and picking up circus peanuts off the ground and eating them until you get more rolls than a crashing car. Am I clear...? (Charlie's friends, properly intimidated, all shake their heads nervously) WONDERFUL! (he conjures a chainsaw) Here, have a chainsaw to play with, you crazy kids! (he turns it on and cheerfully lobs it at them as they scream in terror and run away from its trajectory)
— A flashback of Lucifer and Charlie at Hell School.
"Lucifer: You see, that's the difference between you and me, Charlotte. I ask people for ice cream and they give me a whole sundae. You ask people for ice cream, they slowly eat it in front of you and tell you to eat sh*t instead.
Charlie: Ah, buuuut then I make myself an ice cream, and we share together! (Charlie conjures a a bowl of ice cream in her hands)
Lucifer: ...Charlotte. Father-daughter pep talk. (they huddle together; Lucifer pulls a teaching board out of nowhere, pointing to it with his staff) Today's lesson is called... (he reads it out on the board) 'Don't Take sh*t From Other Demons'. Someone talks over you? Fill their toothpaste tube with glue. You get catfished? Dump them in the middle of the Envy Ring with beef bourguignonne stuffed in their drawers. Someone shoves you out of their way and says 'I'm walkin' 'ere!'? Sign them up for disarticulation surgery and say it's for charity. If your subjects gets even a little out of line... Strap them to a wheel of death! Replace their hairspray with Swamp Ass! Put Ex-Lax in their coffee! Put their remotes juuuuuust out of reach! SET THEM UP ON A BLIND DATE WITH THEIR LONG-LOST COUSIN THRICE REMOVED!
Charlie: DAD!!!
Lucifer: Okay, I'll admit, that second-to-last one was a bit much, but can't you see what I'm saying, Pumpkin?! Repeat after me; Don't take sh*t from other demons!
Charlie: (she sighs) ...(voice crack) Don't take- Sorry... (she clears her throat, standing properly) Don't take sh*t from other demons...
Charlie: (into it; screaming upward) DON'T TAKE sh*t FROM OTHER DEMONS!
Lucifer: I CAN'T HEAR YOU! (Charlie does a huge inhale, but before she can repeat it, he cuts her off) Wait, I can hear you now, nevermind. (he spins Charlie around, pushing her towards the school grounds) Now go in there, set the school fountain on fire and start ripping the wings off of Gluttony demons! We'll work our way up from there!
— A flashback showing Lucifer teaching Charlie how to assert herself.
"Charlotte, listen closely. If my little seedling is leaving the apple core, I ask that you take my words to heart: Be daring! Take chances! Poke a sleeping bear! Play ball with a beehive! Pull the eyes out of a seraph! Talk with your mouth full! Make a mountain out of a molehill! Take Hell by storm and show the riff-raff who their princess is! And most importantly... Don't take sh*t from other demons."
— Lucifer giving advice to Charlie before she leaves The Circus, advice that would later come back to haunt him.
"Lucifer: There she is! Welcome home, Dumpling!
Charlie: D-Dad?!
Lucifer: Applepie, it's been too long! C'mere! (he hugs Charlie tightly) Why, it's been months since I last saw you! I have soooo many questions for you! (in a fast-paced way) Have you been brushing your teeth? Have you been practicing your ceremonial speech? Are you still dragging around that sinner who preaches that 'life isn't a musical' bullsh*t? (he points his scepter at Corey and Peel) You remember Corey and Peel, yes?!
Charlie: (to Corey and Peel) Oh, um... (she awkwardly waves) Hi, guys...
Corey: (bowing) At your service, princess!
Peel: Did you like the song? Made it up ourselves. The choreography could have been better but, but-
Lucifer: (he hits Peel on his head with his scepter; speaking normally) Begone, you two! I wish to speak with my daughter, alone! (Corey and Peel scurry out of the room)
Charlie: (to Lucifer) It's - it's good to see you, Dad. I know it's been... A while since we've talked.
Lucifer: Oh, we've missed your face around here, muffin! In fact, when Corey and Peel told me you were going to be on the 666 News, I just had to tune in! (Charlie's eyes widen) And, my, oh, my, what a show it was... (his smile darkens) How did it feel embarrassing yourself in front of billions of sinners? I know you're desperate for someone, anyone, to believe in your silly ideas, but you didn't have to go about making a complete f*cking idiot of yourself, muffin...
— Lucifer and Charlie after the King of Hell summoned her to his castle.
"Charlie: It- It- It's just that... Business has been really slow and, y'know... Not a lot of sinners think redemption is... Possible. I just thought if I got the word out, maybe more people would check in. And I- I tried to tell you and Mom in advance, but you two have been so busy lately...
Lucifer: Muffin, you know how busy Mommy and Daddy are. There's always damages to reassess, new Overlords to greet, meetings, legislations to approve, embargos, sacrificing the weak to Dark Ducklous, and all the other tedious bullsh*t. And, of course, your mother has her concerts and her own royal duties to attend to. Managing an entire dimension is no idle job, y'know!
Peel: (poking his head through the door) Yeah! Who do you think he is? Belphegor? (he and Corey laugh until Lucifer glares angrily at them, causing them to flee in fear)
Lucifer: (turning to Charlie) Now, about that hotel...
Charlie: I- I just thought-
Lucifer: Oh, I remember when you built that silly little paper-mâchéâ hotel when you were just a little seedling! I thought it was simply another childish fantasy, but now it seems you're actually trying to make it a reality, hm? And how's that been going? Let's be honest, it's not like any of your simpler pet projects amounted to much, so what makes you think this one will?
Charlie: It's... Well, things aren't really going too well. But, it's just... You know that we've always had problems with overpopulation, and I always wanted to help, ever since that day. (Lucifer chuckles lightly) You... You know I can't stand seeing my people get slaughtered with no one to help them, and since no other ruler is willing, I thought if I could rehabilitate the sinners here and send them to Heaven, we wouldn't need the Exterminations anymore. And- And even if the hotel doesn't work out, maybe you could let sinners go beyond the Pride Ring?
Lucifer: (laughs) And let those freaks disturb the good Hellborn demons of this realm? No dice! Sorry, Applepie, but I have a modicum of respect for my fellow rulers, unlike you, it seems!
Charlie: Dad, I just-
Lucifer: And answer me this, babycakes, do you have any idea how many sinners you would have to reform to meaningfully put a dent in our overpopulation problem? Humans are naturally nested with sin, and they die every second! Even if you found a way to straighten them out, you would have to reform at least thousands of sinners once per day! And that's not all! What happens if the hotel becomes overcrowded? What if your patients relapse? (Charlie begins looking down) Did you even bother to think about how long the redemption process would take?! Days? Months? Years? Don't expect me to believe that you can absolve hundreds of their sins in just one day when you can barely control that aberrant streetwalker!
Charlie: I... I didn't think about-
Lucifer: And even if you convince Heaven to accept a sinner, what if they were to relapse and break one of the thousands of regulations that Heaven has established? I'll tell you what would happen; they'll be dropped like a sack of sh*t. No second chances. Donezo! Believe me, I know. Do you really expect a sinner to toe that line? Sorry, Apple, but the cracks are really starting to show in this little venture. Not to give myself too much credit, but I think my idea is better. (he smiles) Down here, sinners are free to indulge in whatever hedonistic pleasures they want. No restrictions, no rules! Just the way things should be for the worst scum of humanity!
— Lucifer and Charlie's conversation regarding Heaven.
"Is that so? Mmmhmm. Okey-dokey. So, let's imagine, by some miracle, you actually manage to redeem a sinner and send them to Heaven. What's gonna happen after that? More degenerates rush to the hotel for salvation once the news hits? The Old Man descends from the sky to congratulate you on a job well done? ...No. What happens next... (dead serious) Is me burning Pride to cinders. All those sinners, y'know the rapists, murderers, and junkies you claim to love oh-so-much? That hotel? That companion of yours? The streetwalker? Poof! Gone. It would be hilariously easy. I've indulged your silly fantasies time and time again, and because I wuv you so much... (he pinches Charlie's cheeks, giggling) I'll play along. But the moment you hand my freaks over to that wrinkly, senile sh*tbag... (shakes his head) Game over. (snickers) So, go right ahead! Mosey back to that little hotel of yours and find out the truth for yourself. It'll end in tears and heartbreak, but hey? Who am I to stop you? Just keep this in mind; (he points out a window) Those sinners out there? They're MINE! And I have no f*cking problem with wiping out every single one of them before I let Him have a single one. (his dark expression turns into a cheery smile) Understood, Applepie?"
— Lucifer to Charlie, after she expressed her belief in sinners and reaffirmed her intention of redeeming them.
"Lucifer: Ah, yet another freak comes crashing down to be added to my circus. (Lucifer laughs and stands up, his eyes closed and fists on his hips) Welcome to Hell, you dirty little freak! (it cuts to show that Lucifer has his back to Ren; after an awkward pause, he turns to see Ren) Oh. Ah, sh*t. (He jumps, flipping himself around and proudly stands, oblivious that Ren is looking around at Hell itself)
Ren: Am... Am I in-
Lucifer: (Lucifer realizes Ren is more focused on Hell and speaks hurriedly; everything has to be about him) fffffront of Lucifer Magne, the ringmaster of the biggest circus in the Universe? Lucifer Magne, your new king for the rest of your miserable afterlife? (looks over Ren's shoulder) Was I right, boys?! (Ren turns around to see Lucifer's rubber duck troupe standing next to a game show-like display that shows both titles, only for them to select the secret option; 'all of the above') Of course I was! (He giggles and claps like a child before composing himself) Now that you know your place, it's time for the question of the day, dear boy; what sick fantasy did you indulge in to end up here? Murder? Kidnapping? Rape? Forgetting to tip your waiting staff? A life destroying drug addiction? Putting your faith in the wrong God? Ooh! Maybe some mass genocide? (giggles) Ah, you human souls are so predictable.
— Lucifer, greeting Ren shortly after the latter arrived in Hell.
"My fans, they love me!"
— Lucifer, in response to the denizens of Hell running away from him in fear.
"I like little devilish souls like you who come here with no fear in their hearts and fire on their breath! (Lucifer grins as he opens a bottle of champagne that a tiny imp butler handed to him.) You'd be perfect for helping me promote Hell's brand new Sin-Mingle! It's like Heaven's Tinder, except it's a hundred times better and you're 100% going to get laid!"
— Lucifer to Ren.
"Lucifer: I'm gonna stop you right there, buddy. Redemption isn't something you can just seek out like some candy you find in your couch. Redemption is an innate desire to be better, to be better. An impulse, if you will. If you simply want to be redeemed without actively checking off the boxes, I'm afraid you're already flunking step one of the process... (He smiles deviously, before his mood changes instantly to chipper) But yes, the Hazbin Hotel is thattaway! ...A little word of warning, though. I wouldn't bother going.
Ren: Cool. (they try to walk away)
Lucifer: (he is suddenly in front of Ren as they turn) BECAUSE who in this hellhole wants to redeem themselves? You were all put here to have fun! And there's nothing more unfun than a self-righteous do-gooder who puts you in timeout and says 'don't stick that puppy in the paper shredder'. OH, I CAN'T STAND IT!!! I practically giftwrapped Hell for you human souls to have fun without slighting Heaven's higher-ups! How could you be dropped in the funnest circus ever and want to go to Heaven?! (behind Lucifer, there is a bank robbery going on, an anarchist gang firebombing a building, a gigantic tentacle monster tossing buildings and a nuclear-level explosion in the distance)
— Lucifer and Ren talk redemption.
"So, whether you wish to chase this folly called 'redemption', or accept your place among the worst scum humanity has to offer, I hope you enjoy your stay. And you might as well! You're going to be here for a very, very long time. Ta-ta! (Lucifer teleports away in a blinding flash of light)"
— Lucifer to Ren.
"So impolite! Sinners need to stop looking a gift horse in the mouth. It never ends well! I tried that one time. (he lunges in his guard's face) Where do you think my nose went?"
— Lucifer in The Circus after his meeting with Ren.
"Mind the duckies. They're just the manifestation of the souls of every single freak dwelling in my circus, is all. Every time a soul on Earth is damned, they pop up here, and I literally build my throne on their souls. Every one of them used to belong to a human, each with long, deep, meaningless life. Now I use them to bolster my throne and entertain me. (giggles) 'Why ducks', you may ask? For the lulz. (guffaws) That, and because, well, humans are about as significant as a child's toy. I could toss one of these little dudes in my firepit and watch their souls fade to ashes! (laughs loudly) And the cherry on top of this duck-licious cake, Charlotte won't be able to send wayward souls to Heaven as long as they're here in Lu Lu World! Take a good, looooooong look. This is the rightful place for freaks in my circus."
— Lucifer about his rubber duck collection.
"Y'know, one time, there was this high-rollin', well-to-do duo of sinner couple named Lynda and Amon. Real big shots! Wanted to take over me and Lilith's position of Hell's hottest couple! Why, I remember one time, Amon looked at me one time and said 'I could use a bite to eat'. So- So get this, I made Lynda part of my "saw a woman in half" acts... only I forgot the magic saw! Don't worry, Amon got his bite. After all, Lynda always said she looked good enough to eat! HAHAAHAHAHA!!! Oh... Don't worry, not everything in that story was true. Her name wasn't Lynda."
— Lucifer doing stand-up at Lu Lu World.
"I gotta hand it to you, you're taking this like a champ!"
— Lucifer after tearing the hand off of one of his servants.
"Lucifer: Debra told me that she caught you committing the most vile, sick, and twisted sin that can be committed here in my circus of Hell. (leans into Pluto's face) You... Were caught wearing- (dry heaves before composing himself) socks... With sandals. (Lucifer nearly vomits again)
Pluto: (crying) But they were so comfy!
Lucifer: (after composing himself again) Don't get me wrong, sometimes, I'll let a sin slide here and there. You know me, I like to keep Hell chill. I'm not a rules guy, and I like to make sure everyone has as much fun as possible while they're being tortured. But this... I can't let slide. You forget to take your baby out of the dryer? No big deal. Accidentally run over your neighbor's dog? That's fine. Happens to the best of us. Accidentally set your house on fire? Not my problem. ...Read as many bed-time stories as you'd like. Help as many old ladies cross the street. But the moment... (slowly lights a candle, illuminating a table full of torture equipment) You wear socks with sandals in my circus... is the day you go night-night.
— Lucifer to Pluto before torturing him.
"(He chuckles mid-session, Pluto shaking in pain) Okay, Pluto. Since you've been such a good yes man all these centuries, I'll let you choose our next toy. Do you want... (He holds up a terrifying-looking scythe) The blood scythe? Ooooorrr, my latest invention... (He holds up a plunger like it's Excalibur, which casts a ray of light) THE SPEAR PLUNGEEEEER?! (A spear pops out of the plunge; Pluto screams muffledly) Great for removing all that crap and crud you little ones call organs. I don't really know what that stuff is. (He points to himself) Being of pure light and what have you. But I'm up for learning new things. So, which one will it be?! (Pluto continues screaming muffledly; Lucifer puts a hand to the side of his head, trying to decipher what Pluto is saying; eventually, he groans and rubs his brows) Pluto, you indecisive little sh*t... Who am I kidding? (He discards the plunger) Blood scythe. Stick with the classics."
— Lucifer while torturing Pluto.
"Finger llllickin' good!"
— Lucifer after eating Pluto's fingers.
"Corey: Uh... Sire?
Corey: (shaking) B- B- B- But, Your Highness, it's Carmilla...
Lucifer: (cheerfully) Oh, well, why didn't you say so?! (to Pluto) Hold this, Pluto. (he stabs Pluto in the chest with an angelic spear, erasing him)
— Lucifer is informed of Carmilla contacting him by Corey.
"So, my daughter stabbed me in the back and is now siding with Heaven... (he deflates) Talk about a lousy day."
— Lucifer's reaction to finding out Charlie has Heaven's Light.
"Rubber Duck: Lu, you doin' good, buddy?
Lucifer: (sadly riding his carousel) Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be...?
Rubber Duck with a Top Hat: Maybe 'cuz you're gloomily riding the carousel with that sour expression?
Pink Rubber Duck: And you always do that when you're upset...
Heart-Covered Rubber Duck: Luci, you gotta pull yourself together! We're gonna get through this!
Lucifer: You guys understand nothing. This isn't some 'Lilith forgot to get the toy for my WackDonald's happy meal' bullsh*t, this is Heaven's Light, the prized possession of Heaven itself, and Charlotte somehow has it in her possession!
Rubber Duck with Glasses: But that doesn't mean you should just seclude yourself in your playroom!
Buck-Toothed Rubber Duck: Bethideth, you heard Carmilla. Charlotte's a child! The'll have no idea how to even use it!
Lucifer: She'll learn eventually. She's quite wily, like her old man.
Buck-Toothed Rubber Duck: A- And even if thee does, you gotta remember the motht important thing; you're the one in control! You're Luthifer f*cking Magne!
Rubber Duck with Afro: The spawn of perfection!
All rubber ducks at once: The ringmaster!
Lucifer: (he perks up, chuckling) Oh, you guys... I knew I could always depend on you! You know just what to say to lift my spirits!
Rubber Duck with Tie: We're your besties, of course we do! We got you through that time Lilith forgot to get a toy for your happy meal, and this is small potatoes compared to that!
Lucifer: So... What do you suppose we do?
Rubber Duck with Top Hat: Well, think of the Light as a... A rodent intruding in your domain. And what do we do when rodents are all up in our sh*t?
Baby Rubber Duck: We hire an exterminator!
Sloth Rubber Duck: And... Kill... It... Slowly... And... Painfully.
Lucifer: Of course! And I think I know just the trio...
— Lucifer consults his rubber duck collection after being informed that Heaven's Light was in Hell.
"Valentino: Always a pleasure to have the King of Hell himself grace my humble abode. I suppose the missus won't be joining us this time?
Lucifer: She had an engagement at this hour.
Valentino: Shame. She was the life of the party at your last visit. And quite a pretty one, and that tantalizing voice...
Lucifer: ...Do you need to tell me something?
Valentino: (snaps back to reality) Oh, where are my manners? (Valentino snaps his fingers, prompting Angel Dust and several other prostitutes walk up) You know I always make it my personal mission to show you a good time. Take your pick, my lord. I'd be very proud! Any one will do, if you're really feelin' spicy, don't be afraid to have some extra company.
Lucifer: Hmmmm, interesting! (Lucifer sniffs the air and tastes the air, getting a mischievous smile) You know what I'll do instead?! How about I take every single woman who has ever lived and ever will live?! (he cackles) Oh, I love it when you sinners try to flatter me!
Valentino: (he looks flustered and slightly frustrated) I- I know how busy you get around this time, and I'd be pleased if you would allow only my best to relieve your stress. If you want my suggestion... (Valentino pulls out Angel Dust and starts caressing his body) Take Angel. He's my baby, my world. I LOVE him. I should warn you, though, he's... Been a bit of a bad boy lately. So, he's not allowed to talk, but I promise he can show you a good time.
Lucifer: (he slaps his knee, cackling and tapping Valentino on the abdomen with his scepter) Oh, you're a card, aren't you, Val?! I like you! You know what I like best?! Sleeping with my wife and YOUR QUEEN! Did you just forget that I'm a proud married man?! Hurumph! (he slowly approaches Valentino as his expression darkens) So... How about you stop f*cking around, and let's get this party started, shall we? (Valentino stands still with a wide-eyed expression; Lucifer laughs) Apologies, friend. Didn't mean to frighten you. Certain... Events have made me quite cross. (he walks up to the entrance of p*rn Studios before turning back to Valentino, leaning on his scepter) But, don't you worry! Let's discuss your assignment over some refreshments, yes? I'll bestow you some of my patented ciderrrr! Ooh-hoo-hoo!
— Valentino and Lucifer before their meeting.
"(eating handfuls of candy corn) Mmm-mmm! Candy corn! One of the finest delicacies you will find in Hell! Only 12,000 grams of sugar. See, Peel? Who says Hell can't be fun? You don't see the Big Man Upstairs dining on candy corn, now do you? Y'know, Barbatos loved candy corn."
— Lucifer's talking about his love of candy corn to Peel.
"You know I always loved you
I'll always fondly remember
That little girl I knew
But, I must confess
With each passing day
I love you less and less
My darling Applepie...
— Lucifer in the final verse of "My Darling Applepie", while ripping a childhood photograph of Charlie in half.
"Lucifer: It wasn't enough for Him to deny me my rightful claim as King of Heaven and cast me down to this sh*thole, but now he's actually trying to indoctrinate my own daughter?! I try to mind my own business in Hell, but still that fat Son of a Bitch finds such inventive way to torment and embarrass me! I swear, when I get my hands on that old, doddering piece of sh*t-
Lilith: (puts her hand on his shoulder) Lucifer! Darling...
Lucifer: (eyes widen) Oh... (he falls to his knees, trying to reach for her hand but failing due to his height until Lilith gracefully bends down and gives him her hand) My love, my amore, my angel. (he starts kissing Lilith's hand) My sincerest apologies for my despicable outburst.
Lilith: All is forgiven, my angel. Let's visit the orchard and share some... Caramel apples?
Lucifer: Sounds like a date...
Lilith: With some chocolate strawberries and apple cider?
Lucifer: Oh, it would be a crime to forget the chocolate strawberries! (after a pause he smacks Corey with his cane) Where are your manners?! Fetch some refreshments for your queen! (both Corey and Peel speed off)
Lilith: (she puts her hand on Lucifer's shoulder) Darling... You're upset. Come walk with me.
— Lilith arrives during one of Lucifer's outbursts.
"Lilith: Charlotte rebelling? (she chuckles, pinching Lucifer's cheeks) My, the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree~
Lucifer: (as Lilith walks past him, he fails angrily) Lilith! I know I haven't said this since Quackie Chan accidentally got flushed down the toilet, but take this seriously, please!
Lilith: (she chuckles, examining an apple in the Magne family orchard) Verily, dear Luci, I know someone else who who was a little rebel in their youthful juncture. (she looks back at Lucifer with a sly grin)It just... runs in the family, as it were.
Lucifer: (he makes angry Lucifer noises before crossing his arms) D'oh, Lilith... Sometimes, you make me want to... (hurriedly) Tie you up in a warehouse, slowly dismember you over a period of six weeks and feed the rest of you to the rats!
Lilith: (she covers her mouth with the tips of her finger) My... Lucifer...
Lucifer: (he harrumphs) I said what I said.
Lilith: Darling... when you say things like that... (she smiles seductively, her silver eyes glistening) I want to tear you wide open and leave your body for the maggots.
Lucifer: (he blushes, trying to keep his stern glare) Ah, but I want to tear all that hair from your head with such velocity that the skin on your face flies off.
Lilith: (she begins slowly approaching Lucifer, a seductive look on her face) I want to grab you by both legs and snap you like a wishbone.
Lucifer: (he advances towards her) I want to flatten you with a steamroller!
Lilith: I want to decapitate you, make out with your head as your eyes roll over, before rending the flesh from your face with my bare fangs.
Lucifer: I'll peel your flesh with a cheese grater and use your skin to sweeten my grilled cheese sandwich!
Lilith: I'll stuff you in my handbag and beat you with hammers.
Lucifer: (he and Lilith are now right in front of each other) I'll rip your heart out and make out with it while simultaneously strangling you with your own venae cavae! (after a long pause, he and Lilith begin passionately making out, both aroused by each other's threats; Lucifer dips Lilith before pulling back) But, y'know, in a romantic way...
— Lucifer and Lilith "flirting" while in the family orchard.
"Lucifer: I have practically dangled the keys to my kingdom in front of Charlie like teasing a seedling, but Heaven is attempting to tear her away from our family! Why does she so consistently choose to disappoint me? Even after all these centuries, my guidance means nothing to her...
Lilith: That little hotel will never succeed in redeeming souls; it’s a waste of time and resources... And not to mention, it’s quite an eyesore on the landscape. ...But Charlotte doesn't know that. As much as it pains the both of us, we must let her, Luci... (Lucifer stares up at Heaven in Hell's sky with pure hatred in his eyes, slowly crushing his glass of apple cider in his hand; he sighs)
Lucifer:You know, I actually am... slightly jealous of her. For someone to have so much hope and determination, and to... believe it's possible for people to change, even sinners... I wonder what that feels like, living in a fantasy dreamland... Oh, right! I don't have to imagine! (he motions to Mount Lucifer) I live in one aaaaalll the time!
— Lucifer and Lilith.
"Valentino: B- Boss?!
Lucifer: Yes, Val, that's my name. How very observant of you! You get new prescriptions? You gotta tell me where you did (he puts on gag glasses with a mustache and big nose) cuz mine don't wanna work...
— Lucifer and Valentino.
"Quit f*cking crying over your pathetic little coat! (demonic voice) You WILL carry out my orders, or I will personally see to it that you and your friends experience true pain. Understand?"
— Lucifer threatening Valentino with death if the latter failed to destroy the Happy Hotel.
"Lilith: I understand matters have been... Difficult since Charlotte left. And moreso when she actively pursued her dreams. But it's unhealthy to seclude yourself in that park, surrounding yourself with possessions you simply don't need. Even if your toys bring you solace for a fleeting moment. The only thing you need... Is right here. (she cups Lucifer's head in her hands) Please, my angel, come back to the castle...
Lucifer: (he kisses Lilith's hand) When I slew my brothers, it was necessary. When I reigned fire upon the heavens, when I slaughtered every demon who stood in my way, when I laid waste to that WackDonald's restaurant, it was all done in righteous fury! My only sin... Was depriving you of my love. (he and Lilith share a lengthy passionate kiss)
Lilith: I am always here for you, my angel. Just as you were there for me in Eden. (she smiles) Now... (she motions towards their orchard) How about those chocolate strawberries?
Lucifer: (he giggles cartoonishly and leaps into Lilith's arms in a bridal carry) My pleasure! (they kiss passionately again as Lilith sprouts demonic wings and flies off with Lucifer in her arms)
— Lilith and Lucifer.

Chapter 2

"Like a good neighbor, Satan is there."
— Lucifer to the statue of Satan.
"Lucifer: Ah, my old friend! I haven't seen you in a millennium! You look well! Eh, a few cobwebs here and there, but we can ignore that. How have you been, old bean? (silence) Oh, that's right. I'm talking to a statue. But, I know you can hear me. I have a bit of a problem on my hands. My little mistake, Charlotte, discovered the secret of Heaven's Light. You know my Father, that fat pig? Apparently, He sent it to her, and she plans to use it to rehabilitate the sinners of my circus. If she succeeds, everything I've strived so hard to build won't mean sh*t! And, with your help, we'll destroy Heaven's Light, and maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to get some use out of little Charlotte. Hehe, of course, I know you'll want something in return. So, my friend, as soon as we snuff out the light, and bring out Charlotte's true self, I'll ascend to Heaven and take my rightful place as king. And once I'm through with this place, you can have the souls of every sinner in Pride as payment. So, whaddya say? Lucifer and 'Ol Satan, back to their old schemes? (there is silence, until suddenly the ground rumbles, fire surrounds the statue, and the statue's eyes light up)
Satan: ...Heaven's Light? Hehehe.. Now, that's something I haven't heard from in a long, long time. (Lucifer is transported within the statue) Come now, child. We have much to discuss.
— Lucifer's deal with Satan.
"Lucifer: Hello, old friend. It's nice to see you in person, somewhat. So, how was she?
Satan: (through Alastor) Exactly how you described her.
Lucifer: Yes. An ungrateful, rebellious brat. And a very stubborn one at that. I try and raise her right, yet she still runs off to my smelly, sh*tbag Father. What's a dad to do?
Satan: She and her allies are attempting to free those disgusting angels. They are far too much of a threat to the both of us. They must die.
Lucifer: Now, now. You may have your fun with the others, but you can leave Charlotte out of this, thank you. Remember our deal? Why must we kill her when she is of great use to us?
Satan: You know exactly why, child. Her life is of little value to us.
Lucifer: Charlotte is an unstable force. There is darkness within her that has laid dormant since the day she was born. Her bubbly temperament might hold her back, but if we push the right buttons, you will see what she is truly capable of. You will find out in due time, mark my words.
Satan: If you insist, then she lives for the time being, but if you are wrong and she continues to be poison for our crusade... She dies.
Lucifer: I'm never wrong. ...Anywho, I see you have your puppet. Spot on choice, might I add. This vessel is temporary, yes?
Satan: Until I can find a stronger one, which you promised would be yours.
Lucifer: Indeed. We should probably gather the others. I'm certain they won't want to miss out on the fun.
Satan: They will play their part when the time comes. (Satan's non-corporal form emerges from Alastor) Once we become one, and take the souls of every creature in the Universe, you will have your vengeance... (grins malevolently) And I will be the only God.
— Lucifer and Satan conspiring.

Chapter 3

"Fergus: No... No... It can't be you!
Lucifer: (giggling) No, you're not intoxicated, for once. I can confirm that what you are seeing is real. (emerges from the shadows) We meet again... Koatal.
Angel Dust: (gasps dramatically before speaking normal) Wait, Koatal? What tha f*ck does that mean?
Vaggie: Fergus, you... You really knew him this whole time?
Vox: We got 'em, boss! Just like we said! Impressive, right?
Lucifer: (to the Vees) Capturing a band of lowly sinners is not impressive for Overlords of your caliber. Let me remind you three f*ckwits that you are only here because, for some inexplicable reason, Satan sees some worth in you. If not for that, I would have made you three the next chew-toys for Cerberus. You disappointed me, pray you do not disappoint my fiery friend.
— Lucifer after the Vees brought Vaggie's team to him.
"Lucifer: (to Fergus) Yes, some eons have passed between now and our last meeting, but I just knew our time together was far from finished. (Lucifer telekinetically brings Fergus to him, grabbing him by the neck) How's the family?
Fergus: Piss off, you motherf*cker...
Lucifer: Ah... (clicks tongue three times) I wouldn't run my mouth so haphazardly if I were you. I'm sure you would welcome the cold embrace of death, but the fate of your friends relies on your behavior. Let's establish some rules. Insult me? I'll cut Angel Dust's tongue out. Try to escape? I'll break Husker's legs. Try to fight back? (smiles, hiding a laugh) I'll slit Vagatha's throat.
Fergus: No! Don't!
Lucifer: Then I suggest you shut the f*ck up and cooperate. (giggles) But enough prattle. Let's have some fun now, shall we?
— Lucifer confronting Fergus and Vaggie's team, before bringing them to be interrogated.
"Kneel before me."
— Lucifer in a flashback, ordering his angelic subjects to bow to him.
"Vaggie: You haven't won sh*t, pendejo.
Lucifer: Is that so? (giggles) And what gives you that impression, Vagatha?
Vaggie: The answer is clear as day. As long as Charlie's out there and far away from you, you'll never win.
Lucifer: (laughs) The depth of your hope is awe-inspiring! I very much look forward to seeing it dissolve into despair.
— Lucifer and Vaggie.
"Well, friends, I really do wish we could have spent more time together, but since 'Fergus' doesn't want to spill the beans on Heaven's Light, I'm afraid my flaming compatriot will have to rattle the information out of you lot. You should pray it plays nice, it hasn't had guests in many a moon. (giggles)"
— Lucifer while bringing Vaggie and her crew to Satan.
"Poor, little Charlotte. Always chasing rainbows in the pursuit of an unfeasible, childish dream. And look where that's gotten you. (giggles and levitates Heaven's Light out of Charlie's hands) But, since I'm your father, I'll be happy to forgive you and take this as an apology gift."
— Lucifer to Charlie.
"You three were already on thin ice. Now you've gone and upset the Devil itself. You're in almost as bad a position as I was that one time Cerberus devoured me when I tried to take one of my duckies from the back of his jaws, his stomach portal sending me to the Underworld and I had to fight my way out armed with nothing but a torch and a can of Easy Cheese. (Vox, Velvette, and Valentino give him surprised and confused looks; Lucifer takes notice, looking at the three like they're crazy, and crosses his arms) I DO have a life, y'anno!"
— Lucifer.
"Satan's patience is waning. Time is nil to a primordial, but it's been eight years. Find Heaven's Light, or you will be at its mercy. And believe you me, there will be none."
— Lucifer ordering Valentino, Vox, and Velvette to find Heaven's Light after the eight year timeskip.
"Apologies, puddin' pop, but I'm afraid that you and your friends' stay is being extended! Sorry you had to find out like this. We have special plans for you!"
— Lucifer to Charlie, shortly after Satan prevented her and the Happy Hotel crew from escaping Purgatory using Oswald's portal.
"(laughs) Would you look at this! I see one of my Father's little parasites managed to survive. Let's remedy that, shall we?"
— Lucifer before erasing the last Purgatory cherub, Oswald, from existence.
"Satan: The bonding process is going well, but she needs one more push.
Lucifer: (sighs) How many hurdles must one go through in order to corrupt their daughter?! (he begins pacing and murmuring before snapping his fingers) Ah-ha! Charlotte must to perform an act of wickedness on a pure soul for the process to hasten, and I think we both know just the guinea pig, yes?
Satan: Manco... He will act as the perfect stepping stone to Charlotte's corruption. (to the Army of Darkness) Bring me the boy.
Charlie: Leave him alone!
Satan: Your feelings for that insignificant angel are not real, and we are going to help you see that.
Charlie: You can do whatever you want to me, but please don't hurt Manco!
Lucifer: Oh, we won't hurt a hair on his head. You on the other hand? You'll be doing a lot of hurting. (Lucifer chuckles darkly as Charlie watches in despair)
— Satan and Lucifer ordering the Army of Darkness to capture Manco so he can be used to further Charlie's corruption.
"And here I was, thinking I'd never see you again... (laughs insanely) But we just keep running into each other, Koatal!"
— Lucifer after seeing Fergus for the first time after the eight year timeskip.
"It's been so long since I've gotten my hands dirty. Far too long. And now... (Lucifer spawns six wings, transmutes his scepter into a heavenly sword, and smiles malevolently) I'm really going to enjoy this."
— Lucifer, before his final showdown with Forti.
"Lucifer: Forti... It's nice to finally see you join the party! Better late than never.
Forti: You vile snake. You left me to rot within Limbo for centuries! You betrayed Heaven, and killed your kin!
Lucifer: (laughs heartily) You're still on about that? Come on, old man. That was ages ago. I always knew you were a slave to my Father, but now you're taking orders from my daughter? (laughs) How the mighty have fallen. Shouldn't you be off killing more warrior angels?
Forti: Adina's death was not my fault! Satan poisoned me!
Lucifer: It poisoned you, you shoved a sword through her heart, what does it matter really? (Lucifer laughs and takes notice of Forti's missing arm) I notice you've tried to slow the poisoning process. (giggles) You've merely delayed the inevitable! And it seems you're nearly out of time. Step aside and accept your transformation. You are clearly in no condition to fight, and I don't want to damage Satan's newest toy.
Forti: Enough of this! With the power of Excalibur, you will die now! And when I'm done with you, I will kill Satan.
Lucifer: Hmmm, this is interesting! Will Heaven's champion defeat me, or has he spent too long in the cage? (chuckles) Let's find out.
— Lucifer and Forti, seconds before engaging each other in battle.
"Forti: (during a blade lock with Lucifer) All these centuries, wallowing and rolling over in a narcissistic hellhole. Do you even remember who you once were?
Lucifer: Who I was, doesn't matter. I know who I am know. I'm that hot pocket you bite into too quickly! (he uses his powers to surround himself and Forti in a ring of powerful hellfire; this catches Forti off-guard and Lucifer is able to overpower him, shoving him through the flame) Get it?! I'm hot.
— Lucifer and Forti.
"You look tired, friend. Maybe you aren't suited for combat after all."
— Lucifer, mocking Forti as the latter is progressively weakened by Satan's poisoning.
"Spoilers, but I think dewingment is afoot! (he stabs Forti in his wing, crippling him) D'oh, sh*t! Wrong pun!"
— Lucifer while fighting Forti.
"Really, Forti? All these three minutes we've reunited, and you already wanna decapitate me? (He points at Forti angrily) You KNOW being decapitated always makes me kinda flustered!"
— Lucifer to Forti.
"(he dodges Forti's attacks effortlessly, his hands up; flippantly) N- Now, Forti... Buddy! I know I jacked up the pun and all, but I'm- (he ducks a sword swipe) -gonna get it right- (he backsteps a sword thrust) -IF YOU WANT! (he blocks Forti's sword with his own) Now, let's not... (with a sinister grin) LOSE OUR HEADS!!! (he parries Forti's sword and aims to decapitate him, but Forti narrowly avoids it, though Lucifer's sword cleaves into his shoulder, causes him to shout in pain; Lucifer looks disappointed) It's just not your day is it, bud?"
— Lucifer joking while fighting Forti.
"Hope you don't mind, old friend, but I think I'm gonna wing it now. (Lucifer uses his sword to sever one of Forti's wings in one swipe, causing him to shout in agony; Lucifer cheerfully snaps his fingers) There, that's the one!"
— Lucifer cutting one of Forti's wings off.
"Don't worry, kiddies! (giggles sinisterly) You're up next."
— Lucifer taunting the seven angels, after cutting one of Forti's wings off in battle.
"You kids like marbles?! I LOVE marbles! They make great snacks! Ignore that little piece of paper that says 'choking hazard' and stick it to the man!"
— Lucifer taunting Charlie's Angels.
"Get that little brat!"
— Lucifer ordering the Army of Darkness to capture Manco and bring him to Satan so that he could be used to further Charlie's corruption.
"First your son, then your family, and now this... lowly sinner. People you care about tend to get hurt, don't they, 'Fergus'?"
— Lucifer taunting Fergus, after seemingly wounding Angel Dust.
"Still more in the tank? Good. I prefer it that way."
— Lucifer, in response to Forti stopping him from harming the seven angels and Manco.
"AH! What are you doing?! That sword's been like a sword to me! NOOOO-!"
— Lucifer when Forti nearly shattered his sword.
"Oh, would you look at the time! Sorry, old man, but I, for one, don't want to miss my daughter's rebirth. Since this is likely the final time I'll be seeing you like this, I must say it's been fun. (in a sarcastic, mocking tone) Bye bye. So long. Arrivederci. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Goodbye, and remember the good times as you turn. Ta-ta!"
— Lucifer leaving an exhausted Forti to be corrupted in order to witness Charlie being corrupted by Satan.
"Koatal... How thoughtful of you to want a front row seat to my moment of triumph."
— Lucifer to Fergus, after the latter arrived to save Charlie from being corrupted by Satan.
"You should listen to my colleague, Koatal. You can't save anyone. (chuckles) But it sure is fun to watch you try."
— Lucifer mocking Fergus' efforts to save Charlie.
"Lucifer: Ah, the old troupe! Sorry for the late arrival. Long day at the office, had to cut a few wings off. And heads. Everyone comfy-cozy? Everyone's got their complimentary circus peanuts?
Leviathan: Avast, Lucy Goosey! (he tips his hat) Blow me down with a barnacle-covered plank! How fares ye, me hearty matey? I'm scuppered that Belphegor weighed anchor afore ye did!
Beelzebub: Truly a surprise for the ages. (turning to Belphegor, grinning) How much do you want to bet he'll sleep through the whole discussion and not have a clue of what's going on?
Mammon: Not to be rude or anything, lads, but I'd just like to get this f*ckin' meeting over with already. I’ve got sh*t to do. There's a sucker born every minute and I'd much rather be out there squeezin' 'em of everything they got.
Lucifer: Agreed! (claps his hands) So... You're probably all wondering what the f*ck is going on. Well, Charlotte- (Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Mammon all groan) Yes, yes, I know, It's always her, isn't it?
Mammon: Let me guess. Is she trying to convince us to open our rings to sinners? (laughs jovially) Ain't no f*ckin' way.
Lucifer: Oh, I only wish it was that simple. But as it turns out, not only does she possess Heaven's Light AND is plotting to use it to help that little hotel of hers actually amount to something, but... She's brought eight angels into my dominion. (the other kings begin murmuring)
Mammon: Angels in Hell?! Ohoho... That's breakin' the rules.
Asmodeus: My dark lord, may I ask which angels? Gabriel? Forti, perhaps? (the other sins stare at him) ...What? I just think angels could make for interesting toys. (chuckles lecherously) All those muscles and the wings...
Mammon: Get your mind out the gutter, featherbrain! This is serious!
Asmodeus: (to Mammon) Chill out, Moneybags. (to Lucifer) So which angels did she bring? Raphael? Forti? (shudders) She better not have brought Uriel. He's no fun.
Leviathan: Angels, them feathered rats. (Lucifer gives Leviathan a sharp look, and Leviathan catches on) Exceptin' ye, me hearty! I be speakin' o' the do-gooders; the ones prancin' about thinkin' they're superior to us. With their squeaky-clean souls and pious airs, yet they keep on guardin' humanity and stickin' to them bilge rats what deny 'em and their Maker. (chuckles) Daft as a drunken seafowl.
Leviathan: (to Lucifer) If ye'd be forgivin' me frankness, but I reckon I speak for the whole crew when I say we're fed up to the gunnels with yer lass's antics. This ain't just some fancy tale spun by a wee nipper no more, Luci. I can still recall clear as Azathoth's Dark Tapestry when she parted ways with Seviathan, and ye swore 'twas just a bit o' youthful rebellion she'd outgrow in time. But here we are, and she's still wrapped up with that lowly wench. We're all growin'... Impatient with yer explanations.
Lucifer: (he sighs, walking over to Leviathan with a grin) Leviathan, let me tell you a secret. You know how you hate my daughter so much? Well, she HATES you. Your arrogance, your pride, your endless and incessant need to be the biggest fish in the water, she simply detests it all. She even told me she wouldn't shed a tear if you died. (Lucifer grins and condescendingly taps Leviathan on the head with his cane) She'll hate you for all eternity. I'm proud of her that. Haha! (as Leviathan seethes, Lucifer teleports back in his chair, spinning playfully) Besides, that situation will resolve itself! Vagatha is merely... A 'friend' of sorts. A stooge, if you will.
Asmodeus: That's not what I've heard. Have you seen Charlie's Sinstagram? I don't think it takes a brain surgeon to know what's really going on there.
Lucifer: ...Either way, she cannot impress Charlotte for too long. All of this WILL blow over, and Charlotte will have to accept things for what they are.
Beelzebub: And all we have to do is break her heart in the process. (giggles) You truly are father of the year.
Lucifer: (to Beelzebub, laughing) Ah, Beelzebub, you've always been one to speak your mind, haven't you? I suppose you must consider yourself a better parent than I, hm? How many imps did you slay in front of Beelze until she broke down from feeling their pain? ...(chortles) That's what I thought! Now get off your high horsefly and address me with respect, thank you very much.
Beelzebub: (snickers; sarcastically) Apologies, my lord.
Mammon: And the angels? Ain't we supposed to be talkin' about them, and not some teenage love story bullsh*t?!
Leviathan: The clown speaks true. If them angels have indeed forsaken their hallowed grounds and set foot in our realm, that means they've forsaken the shelter of their celestial shores.
Lucifer: Precisely. As far as we're concerned, they’ve violated the laws we've established with Heaven. (grins malevolently) And we all know what happens with rule breakers. Don't we, friends? (Leviathan, Mammon, Beelzebub, and Asmodeus all grin demonically in response)
— Lucifer's meeting with the Seven Deadly Sins.

Chapter 4

"(in a general outfit, marching in front of the Sins) This will be a dangerous mission, lads. My daughter's got a lot of aces up her sleeves. And I hate to say it... but Belphegor probably won't survive."
— Lucifer addressing the Sins.
"Lucifer: Wakey, wakey...
Blitzø: (groaning) Daddy...?
Lucifer: (to Corey and Peel) You must have really laid it on him, huh?
Blitzø: (he continues babbling until he finally comes to) Hold the f*ck up... Are you...
Lucifer: (grins) Lucifer Magne. The ringleader of Hell himself. The pleasure is all mine!
Blitzø: Ah, f*ck, my head... How long was I out?
Lucifer: Ten years. (after a pause, he laughs) About an hour. I had my servants bring you here-
Blitzø: Bring me here'? Those f*ckers kidnapped me! (Corey kicks Blitzø in the shin) Gah! What the f*ck?!
Corey: Let your king speak! (he motions to Lucifer) Please continue, your eminence.
Lucifer: ....For an opportunity that will benefit us both. You're aware of my daughter's frivolous operation, yes?
Blitzø: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, I was in the newsroom when she pitched that sh*t. That was some Halloween....
Lucifer: I require the service of your own little operation. An imp-run business? (chuckles) I've seen it all. Anyhoo, I need you to put your skills to the test and kill everyone residing within that hotel. Excluding my daughter, of course. That is all.
Blitzø: 'Kay, look, Your Highness, I'm sorry your dumbass daughter is embarrassing you with the whole 'rehabilitate sinners' bullsh*t, but I'm not involved in the assassination gig anymore, okay? Nothing came from that life but a sh*t-load of emotional baggage, awkward therapy, and a very... Very pissed off wife, so what do ya really want, huh? Want me to suck your dick? Your wife's not good enough for it, huh? I don't mean to brag, but- (chuckles) -I know a thing or two about taking royal co*ck. I might be short, but, uh... (he briefly looks at his groin area) He's not. Better yet, why don't you get your regal, kingly ass out of that seat and just send me to jail already so I can make everyone there my bitch?
Lucifer: I took you for a criminal... But I never thought you a liar. Boys? (Corey and Peel fight to get to a projector; Peel wins and presses the button on the projector and it displays I.M.P's video package)
Blitzø (video package): Hi, there! My name is Blitzø, the 'o' is silent, and I am the founder and owner of I.M.P! Let me repeat it, I.M.P! The company I own and will never leave, ever! Even if you, I don't know, tie me up and ask me salacious, ill-advised questions and I insist I left this business long ago, know I will never, ever leave! If you're in the Pride Ring area, come on down to I.M.P Headquarters! We have a two for one deal, get it now! Did I just make my entire intro a promo for my business? f*ck yeah, I did! The market's volatile and horse-riding lessons are expensive, bitch! (the video ends)
Lucifer: Got anything to say? (giggles)
Blitzø: Listen, even if we're still kickin', do you know they have the Radio Demon working over there? How the f*ck do you expect us to kill him? You can't just force us into this!
Lucifer: (chuckles) Blitzo-
Blitzø: Hey, hey! It's Blitz! The 'o' is silent! Didn't you listen to the intro?
Lucifer: It seems you did not listen when I introduced myself. I'm Lucifer Magne, and I'll address you however the f*ck I want. You’re hardly in the position to tell me what I can or cannot. But, if you insist... (Corey tries to press a button on the projector, but Peel punches him out of the way and pressed it instead; the projector displays images and videos of all of the chaos I.M.P caused on Earth, including news articles; Blitzø gains a look of shock) I know of all the little stunts you and your cohorts have pulled over Earth. You've been crossing into Earth without proper clearance from a Sin. Normally, I wouldn't give a sh*t if you kill a few humans, but the fact of the matter is that you've broken the laws I've established. And there will be consequences. (he puts his hand to his chin) Hmmm... (he snaps his fingers) Ah-ha! If you don't accept my proposal, I'll have you and your friends thrown in one of our most violent prisons. That little imp couple won't last a week. (Blitzø begins scowling) I also couldn't help but notice a Grimoire in those slides? Is that the one owned by... Prince Stolas. Because if he's helping you, I have no problem executing him for treason. And ya know what? Just for that little insult directed at my lovely wife, how about I make his dear daughter serve his sentence? Oh, I just know the dregs of Hell would just love to get their grubby hands on a youthful thing like her. (Lucifer laughs maniacally as Blitzø rushes at him with a Blitzø, but Lucifer effortlessly freezes the imp in place with one hand motion) That... Was not a wise move. (Corey and Peel disarm Blitzø and brutally beat him down for several seconds until Lucifer halts them) Now, imp... Do we have a deal.
Blitzø: Yes, f*ck, yes! Fine... (whispering to himself) f*ck me... (to Lucifer) How the f*ck do you expect us to kill the Radio Demon?!
Lucifer: (grins) Oh, it's not the end of the world! Your teammates should be waiting for you at my castle for a briefing. You might want to mosey along. (Blitzø limps over to the door) Actually... (Blitzø stops at the door) Just to let you know, if you and your teammates fail this assignment, or worse, you try to run away? I'll personally hunt you down and follow through all of my threats. (chuckles) Now... Shoo.
— Lucifer tasks Blitzø with killing the Happy Hotel crew.
"Lucifer: Looks like we have trouble in paradise... (laughs)
Collin: (huddled close to Keenie and Cletus) Who- who's there?
Lucifer: Your new ruler for all of this eternity. But you may call me... (he appears behind them from the shadows) Lucifer. (he grins wickedly)
Keenie: (she and the other cherubs turn around, gasp loudly, and back away fearfully) The Fallen One...
Cletus: (on his knees at Lucifer's feet, tears streaming from his eyes like a waterfall) Please, please, please, please don't kill me! Please! I don't want to die! Oh, please don't kill me! Please don't! (continues blubbering)
Lucifer: (laughs) Oh, quit your wailing. I'm not here to harm you. Quite the opposite, in fact. Although I'm curious... What unspeakable act did you three doe-eyed little urchins do to end up down here?
Collin: We- We were just trying to stop some miserable old man from killing himself, and help him see the good he's done for humanity.
Keenie: And we would have gotten it done if those vile imps didn't get in our way!
Lucifer: Such a tragic tale. Tsk, tsk, tsk. The sad truth is that most angels in Heaven will eventually end up down here regardless of their loyalty.
Collin: W- Why?
Lucifer: 'Cuz no one is good enough for God, kid. The amount of souls down here who claimed to have followed that sh*tty book of His to the letter is astounding.
Keenie: (with tears in her eyes) We did everything He wanted... We loved humanity...
Cletus: We were upstanding citizens of Heaven...
Collin: Praised Him to high heavens...
Lucifer: And yet you were dropped like three pounds of sh*t for something that wasn't even your fault. (the cherubs look down, tears streaming down their faces) ...But don't fret. I am here to help you.
Cletus: Wait, shouldn't you be t- t- t- t- ...Torturing us?
Lucifer: Child, you said a naughty word. There are rapists and murderers down here. The way I see it, you should be lavished for shuffling that piece of human filth from the mortal coil.
Collin: I- It's just...
Lucifer: I know. I know. Legends would have you believe I'm some sort of Machiavellian monster who eats babies, correct? But that's just baseless bullsh*t that the higher-ups have fed you and all the others. You'll find that, in reality, I'm a reasonable man. (he points up in the sky) The old man in the sky? He asks for nothing less than blind subservience and His own, fallacious idea of perfection. All I ask for is loyalty; for those who depend on me prove their worth and worship me, and I will pay them back in kind.
Cletus: (he and the other cherubs share an uncertain look before turning to Lucifer) What- What can you do to help us?
Lucifer: Well, first, I have a little assignment for you three to complete. There's this little operation that has been a thorn in my side for quite a long time, and I need you lot to rid me of this nuisance. If you fulfill your mission, you will have your positions back in Heaven once I ascend to my rightful place. You grant me my wish, and I grant you yours. (grinning deviously) Deal?
— Lucifer makes a deal with the C.H.E.R.U.B.
"Charlie: Dad, could I get some dating advice?
Lucifer: Rule one, be kind of a dick. Girls love that. Rule two, if you break out into spontaneous song and they give you that weird "stop song-humping that lamp post" look, it means they like you. Rule three, if she says she’s not interested... be persistent.
— Lucifer and Charlie in a flashback.
"Blitzø: (on his Hellphone) Lucifer...
Lucifer: Yes, what is it? I'm very busy, y'anno.
Blitzø: It's... It's Moxxie... He's... (voice breaking) He's dead.
Lucifer: Awww... Well, isn't that too bad?
Blitzø: Don't act like you're f*cking sorry. ...I know you set up all of this to punish me, right? How about... How about you let everyone go; Millie, Loona, Verosika, everybody, and I go kill those hotel sh*tbags myself?
Lucifer: Ah, ah, ah... (laughs) Don't think you can escape that easily. I do want to punish you, yes. And this is the best way to do so. Consider yourself lucky I didn't execute you and your allies on the spot for all that bullsh*t you caused on Earth. It's not my fault your little friend was too weak. Next time, do a better job at protecting that family of yours. You wouldn't want the same to happen to... your Hellhound? (he chuckles darkly)
Blitzø: Please... Please, let me do this...
Lucifer: Oop! Gotta run. Business meeting with Ozzie. See ya soon! (he hangs up his phone)
Blitzø: (he clenches his Hellphone in anger and shatter it by slamming it into a wall, before punching and kicking said wall in a blind rage) f*ckIN' SON OF A BITCH!!! (he screams in anger, sliding onto the floor as be breaks down crying)
— Blitzø informs Lucifer of Moxxie's assumed fate.
"Welp, Belphegor's dead, the Sloth Ring has a power vacuum. And worst of all... that narcoleptic factory recall still owed me 500 quadrillion souls. That's 500 quadrillion souls I'll never see ever."
— Lucifer about Belphegor's death.

Chapter 5

"My, oh, my! It's been some time since we've all had a little get-together! Just us pure bloods! (sarcastically) Isn't life just so grand? (normally) I think it's safe to say that the past week has been... A complete sh*tshow. One minute you're on top, the next... (gestures to himself, Asmodeus, Mammon, and Beelzebub) There aren't even seven Deadly Sins anymore. Why, I remember when there was, I would force them to count my rubber duck collection and watch my circus troupe! Ahhh, what good times! Back when I had a daughter, before everybody began disappointing or betraying me, when I used to spend my time, carefree, hacking sinners' limbs off with a paper cutter and setting fire to glass houses when a stone wouldn't suffice. I do miss it sometimes... (shrugs) Ah, well! That's the way the apple crumbles!"
— Lucifer to Hell's nobility.
"Stolas: Sire? S- Sire?!
Peel: f*ck OFF, HE'S BUSY!
Lucifer: (impales Peel with his cane, silencing him) Good evening, Prince Stolas! It's just fantastic to see you and your family again! Though, in light of recent events, I guess it's not much quite a family anymore, is it? (giggles) Simpler times. I remember your father showing you to me when you an owlet. (whispers) He hates you, by the way. (laughs and merrily skips off)
Stolas: B- But, sire! (he follows Lucifer) I had a dream last night...
Lucifer: Did it involve killing me? Every demon has that dream once in a while. (singsongy) Keep dreaming!
Stolas: Listen, sire! This was no ordinary dream, but a premonition. There was destruction, screaming, upheaval-
Lucifer: Sounds lovely!
Stolas: No, NOT lovely! I've been fearing this for quite some time, sire, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. The end of Hell itself could very well be upon us!
Lucifer: (he stops in his tracks) R-... Really? ...Ah, poo! (in an upbeat tone; continues walking) I'll just move on. Rebuild. No biggie.
Stolas: No BIGGIE?! But what about us demons?! We need Hell to maintain our power!
Lucifer: N'awwww, isn't that just too bad? (snickers)
Stolas: (sneers; under his breath) You bastard...
Lucifer: (stops in his tracks again, finally facing Stolas) ...What was that again?
Stolas: My family, all of us are in grave danger! I won't stand idly by and wait to be erased while you could easily use your unfathomable power-
Lucifer: (he sprouts his angel wings and assumes a more demonic form before attacking Stolas, slamming and pinning him into the wall while strangling him with one arm) To What? Do this?
Stolas: (choking) S- sire... Please...
Lucifer: (he hurls Stolas on the ground, holding his head down with his hand) I've had just enough of you little demons and your endless, annoying disrespect. I know of your rendezvous with those pathetic imps, so if this little fairy tale vision comes to fruition, consider that you and your family's inevitable punishment. I AM THE RINGMASTER! Therefore, you all will act as I declare, or you could choose to serve as an example, just like Leviathan. I hope this is crystal clear to you, and your opinion and council means absolutely f*cking nothing to me.
Stolas: (wheezing) ...Very clear, sire...
Lucifer: (he shifts back to normal) Awesome! (he hums cheerfully, fixing his hat and bowtie before prancing off)
Stolas: (struggling to get on his knees) I... (Lucifer stops) I will prevent this from occurring, sire. I... I just need assistance.
Lucifer: ...I don't give a sh*t. (he teleports away in a flash of light, leaving Stolas battered on the floor)
— Lucifer being confronted by Stolas on Hell's impending apocalypse.
"Lucifer: Well, well, well. I'd recognize that unhinged grin and that pouty face anywhere. (laughs) Welcome back, ladies!
Carmilla: What is the occasion, Your Highness?
Lucifer: What occasion? Can't a man have a chat with his two most devoted Overlords?
Carmilla: You've never called for us on such an occasion... Except to show off your rubber duck collection.
Lucifer: That is more important than any assignment you'll ever receive. (chuckles) Oh, where are my manners?! Carmilla, would you like anything? Wine, tea, maybe some of my apple cider straight from the orchard?
Carmilla: Some earl grey would be divine.
Lucifer: (to Corey) You heard her! (to Peel) Peel, you already know what our Missi desires...
Peel: (sarcastically) Oh, joy... (Corey hands Carmilla a cup of tea from a tray, while Peel struggles to drag a demon's carcass over to Missi Zilla, who savagely leaps onto and devours the carcass)
Lucifer: (to Carmilla and Missi Zilla) Now that we're all comfy-cozy, I say enough dilly-dallying. I know we all have our sectors to run.
Carmilla: Indeed.
Lucifer: Oh, and I trust you two understand that I don't accept failure... (he slowly puts a knife on Carmilla's soul contract, causing her to wince slightly in pain) You haven't failed me yet. It would be unwise for you to start now.
Carmilla: (she stares at Lucifer with determination) Bring it.
Lucifer: (he grins widely and brings the knife off of Carmilla's contract) Alrighty! First thing's first... (to Missi Zilla, pulling out an angelic feather) This feather belongs to the wings of one of those young angels Charlotte brought into Heaven. You've devoured all manner of demons, and I'm sure they've tasted ravishing, but wouldn't you like to try your fangs on something a little more... Heavenly? (Missi Zilla drools and laughs with excitement; Lucifer chuckles) That's my girl! (he drops the feather to the ground as Missi sniffs to ravenously) Pick up their scent, follow it, and it should lead you to the angels. If Charlotte's friends are stupid enough to try and defend them, by all means, have some sinners as an appetizer. (having picked up the scent, Missi cackles insanely before barreling out of Lucifer's office) AND REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN! (to Carmilla) And as for you... Stolas informed me at the gathering this evening of some apocalypse making its way to Hell. I suspect he's up to something. Keep an eye on him so he doesn't pull anything funny. Furthermore, you are to double your surveillance around Pride. You may have business meetings, maybe have some scheduled time with friends, sleep.... f*ck that. I don't want to hear about any of it. Until I declare it so, all you are to do is keep an eye on Stolas, and report any oddities or things out of place. Do you have any complaints? Problems...?
Carmilla: Why would I have any? I signed up for this, and my opinion has no value in the conversation, anyway.
Lucifer: (grins) Clever girl.
Carmilla: (she bows her head) It shall be done, my lord.
Lucifer: You always tell me what I want to here, and Missi does as I command with no problem at all! That's why you two are my favorites! (he giggles and gets up from his throne) Alright, class dismissed! Arrivederci, my submissive little looking glass! Ta-ta! (he teleports Carmilla out of his office)
— Lucifer's meeting with Carmilla and Missi Zilla.
"Applepie! Uh, just wanted to say it's a shame what happened to the hotel, but I guess that thing I said about shattered dreams became a reality, huh? Literally! (laughs) So, uh, anyway, I heard you were into lesbians! That's great! I like girls, too! Yet another thing we have in common! (frantically) COME BACK TO THE CASTLE, PLEASE! I'LL GIVE YOU LESBIANS!!! BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!"
— Lucifer's voicemail to Charlie.
"You know, I haven't felt something like this for a while. Not since an eternity... when my daughter was a little seedling."
— Lucifer upon receiving the embrace of a child.
"Ladies and gents, your favorite Ringmaster presets to you... THE TAP-DANCING DUCKS OF TAPPIN' TOWN! (he presents a group of ducks wearing top hates and wielding small canes, all of them tap-dancing) Ha ha! Look at 'em go! (he motions to the crowd, only for it to cut to an empty stadium) ....What am I doing with my life...?"
— Lucifer at Lu Lu World.
"We have Ozzie who... ok, he's not all bad, but he did make a pass at Lily at some point which I found very offensive! I've seen better fire twirling from Envy demons! Then we have Belphegor! The insufferable layabout who never shut his yap about sleeping and ALWAYS ran late to our rehearsals. Then Beelzebub, who wouldn't be so annoying if he wasn't constantly eating all the food in our gatherings with that constant smug, self-satisfied smirk on his stupid, bug-eyed face. Then Mammon, who ripped off my beloved Lu Lu World! I mean... I don't BLAME him for wanting to mimic my genius ideas, but he could have asked! And don't get me started on Leviathan.... (Lucifer rubs his brow, as if the mere thought of Leviathan brings him physical pain) A total party-pooper who spent all his centuries moaning and groaning about how unfair everything was and how he never could be as perfect as me. He should have accepted his place and realized that none could hope to measure up to me. There's nothing worse than a bitter, self-pitying, entitled crybaby with zero respect for his superiors. All I wanted was a troupe of loyal disciples to bring their own, fun flavor of sin AND INSTEAD I WAS f*ckED WITH THESE CLOWNS!!!! ...and I mean 'clowns' derogatorily!"
— Lucifer on the other Ringleaders.
"Better to be a freak in Hell than a sheep in Heaven."
— Lucifer.
"Did I ever tell you about that time I burned that restaurant to the ground? I swear, I had a totally valid reason! One time, Lily generously offered me a happy meal cuz I was behaving and going to our royal meetings as promised. But when I looked inside... THERE WAS NO TOY!!! They embarrassed not only me, but my beloved Lily! That pâté I roasted over their smoldering corpses was more delicious than any of that fast food garbage they could offer! (he sighs wistfully) Ah, those were the good old days..."
— Lucifer telling stories to his rubber ducks in a bathtub.
"Lucifer: Oh, Lily left me ages ago.
Charlie: WHAT?!
Lucifer: Yep. (in a British accent) Bit sad, innit?
Charlie: But wh-... Why on Hell would she do that? You two are inseparable!
Lucifer: (normal) She's been on some self-finding mission for the past few days. Grappling with her 'other half', and such.
Charlie: ...Is that why she hasn't been answering my calls?
Lucifer: (Lucifer sighs) It's like talking to a wall when she's going through it. I haven't spoken to her in ages myself, though I do miss her dearly. I wish she would be back home with us... Ah, well! What's done is done! My life may be falling apart, but dammit, I'm still gonna have fun while it does so! (Lucifer pulls a conductor's hat out of nowhere and puts it on; he snaps his fingers, teleporting himself and Charlie into a rollercoaster shaped in his imagery and riding it throughout Lu Lu World at high speeds)
Charlie: Dad?! Are you sure this is healthy?!
Lucifer: Not at all, my little duckling! But life is a road of bitter disappointment, and we're both gonna ride it to the end! (Lucifer and Charlie hit a bump in the tracks that sends them flying through the air; Charlie screams while Lucifer puts his arms in the air) Weeeee!!! Ha ha! Jokes on you, life! The bumps are my favorite part!!!!
— Lucifer and Charlie in Lu Lu World.
"Lucifer: Yeah, I'm not on speaking terms with your mother... This morning, things got a little outta hand and I don't think she wants to talk to me again.
Charlie: Why? What happened?
Lucifer: Well, I've noticed she's been down in the dumps for quite some time, and I've tried to get her to speak to me. Three weeks ago, I inquired what was wrong, but she just told me nothing was wrong, to let her be. I knew that something was in fact very wrong! So I persisted. ...She cut the breaks to my tricycle. The next morning, I asked again. She stuffed me in a box and sent me to the Wrath Ring... Without a 'fragile' sticker. The next week, "Hey, Lily! Is somethin' wrong'? She stuffed Basil's morning mouse in my trousers so he would attack me. Then she replaced my bathtub duckies with flesh-eating Hellfish. Two days after that, she slipped Belphegor's Silencer Potion in my morning apple cider, again. A few days ago, she dumped me... in an Envy whirlpool that sent me to another plane of reality. It was only this morning, when I woke up alone, holy-glued to my bed with a note magically dangling above my head, reading 'LEAVE ME THE f*ck ALONE, LUCI', that I started thinking... maybe she doesn't want to talk things out...
— Lucifer about his deteriorating relationship with Lilith.

Holy Hell

"Lucifer: (he laughs nervously) Don't worry, my people! It's just... part of the show! Ha, ha! (he uses magic to conjure a smokescreen, before turning to God's choir) Aw, come the f*ck on! Guys! You did...adequately in rehearsals, why must you f*ck up during the ACTUAL performance?!
Cherub Musician: With respect, dear prince, we're composers, not dancers...
Lucifer: (in a mocking, high-pitched voice, fluttering his long eyelashes) 'We're composers, not dancers!' What kinda bullsh*ttery is this?! You all belong to me! And my orders are absolute! If I tell you to compose a pyramid formation, I expect a picture-perfect goddamn pyramid formation! Is that understood?!
Seraphim Musician: Our rehearsals didn't include a pyramid, my great prince! You gave us no prior warning! ...N-Not that we don't appreciate your surprises, of course!
Lucifer: (he throws his arms up) Oh, well excUUUUUse me! I thought it was obvious that I require a pyramid formation from all choir performances - with me on top! Was this not apparent?! I am a perfect being - I require Heaven's top chorus to be on their toes and act with precision at all times! (he uses telekinesis on the choir, forcing them all into a pyramid formation before slicking back his hair and speaking sarcastically and hurriedly) 'Oh, look! Lucifer has to save the performance once more! Who woulda thunk it?' I'll tell you who; f*cking everybody.
— Lucifer Morningstar in a flashback, disciplining God's choir during a musical performance in Heaven.
— Lucifer calling for pudding pops from his personal chefs.
"Reporter Angel: (a news crew of angels swarm around Lucifer) Prince Lucifer, what are your thoughts on the latest decree from God to love humanity even more than Himself?
Lucifer: (his eye twitches, but he puts on an unhinged smile for the cameras) My inferior fawners, I'm sure my Father has His best intentions at heart, but... Think about it, what have humans really done with their freedom? I'll tell you; They do drugs and kill each other over stupid sh*t. (he puts his hands up as the angels gasp) NOW- Now... I'm only trying to protect our virtues from them! And that's why I've dedicated my time to being the best damn ruler I can be, in spite and lieu of my Father's lackluster leadership! I mean, the very concept that a human deserves to be placed above the perfection that is myself is an assault on my very fiber of existence! Dad may as well put a blade through my metaphorical heart! A hefty blade! (he snatches a microphone) WITH SERRATED f*ckING EDGES!! (he realizes he may have said too much as every angel nearby looks horrified; he chuckles nervously and attempts a smile) What I meant to say is that obviously I agree with my Father. And... Uh...I am so very, very grateful that He is putting my skills... to good use... worshiping ....hairless apes and- hehe.... (he points behind the angels) LOOK! A cat stuck in a tree! (the angels frantically look the other way for the "cat", while Lucifer tip-toes away before flying into the sky)
— Lucifer Morningstar when questioned on God's decree by an angelic news crew.
"Adam, Eve! They're the reason everything is a mess! Father could have had perfectly good, uncomplicated puppets who worship me, but noooo! He just had to f*ck it up by giving them (mocking, goofy voice) 'freeee willlll'! And then Eve doubly f*cked up everything just 'cuz that apple looked just too good. (Lucifer looks at a portrait of Adam and Eve) Just look at them! Do angels actually think they're beautiful? Adam's always swinging around his oversized... DANGLEHOPPER! And Eve... eugh! She looks like an oversized, pregnant potato with tit*!"
— Lucifer being humanity's biggest hater.
"Ooooh! I find myself constantly challenged in these duels! I swear, if I'm challenged to one more fiddle contest, I'm going to go insane! Is this, like, gonna be a thing forever? So sick of it. I'm teaching you guys accordion now!"
— Lucifer Morningstar to God's choir

Quotes Pertaining to Lucifer

"♫Lucifer, our beloved prince
You are our shining star!
Lucifer, our beloved prince
You are our shining star!♫
— A song that children in Heaven used to sing about Lucifer during his reign.
"All was good for a time, until a great war began against the Creator and His elect angels. An army of corrupt angels, led by the Dragon and the Devil, and so the great war ravaged the heavens. The Creator sent forth His champion, Archangel Forti, to evict the Devil and the Dragon, that old serpent, from our heavens. And so, the Dragon fell along with those who followed him in exile, to walk and wander the physical plane, awaiting their final judgement. The war still rages on against the darkness. Us angels must fight on with might and valor to ensure the safety of the material universe, and the precious lives of all who inhabit it."
— A scripture in Heaven, detailing an abridged version of the War in Heaven.
"♫There once was an angel named Luci
Bitter, spoiled, and screw-loosey
With an army en masse, he was kicked out of Heaven
And fell right down on his ass♫
— Vox, Velvette, and Valentino's mocking song about Lucifer's fall from Heaven.
"Lucifer convinced me that he would make the Universe a better galleon fer everyone. A Universe without death, a Universe where everyone 'n everythin' be fulfilled 'n prosperous. A Universe where a parent ne'er has t' bury thar owns child. A paradise'. By the time I knew, it were too late, but I realized that he was only trying t' make it a better place fer hisself. He ne'er cared about me, my family, or my men. He doesn't give a damn if an innocent family be torn apart by war, or how many souls he has t' butcher in the pursuit o' his 'perfect world'. The only thing he gives a sh*t about be his owns sufferin'; when he has t' look outside his castle every day, 'n see everyone less 'perfect' than 'im go about thar lives."
— Fergus about Lucifer to Charlie, while revealing himself as a fallen angel.
"Lucifer is little more than a foul creature. In my eyes, nothing can justify what he has done. He is no more than a blasphemous fool in need of death. He had paradise, love and power, and threw it all away! And for what? To be equal to God? What a waste, all that potential."
— Sera about Lucifer.
"The manlet who gave Hell form? Who's light created the very dominion that you preside over? Who is the literal embodiment of knowledge? The true lord of all magic and all creation? That... 'Manlet'?"
— Lilith to Bethesda.
"Lucifer is someone we do not talk about! I know everyone must be curious as to what he's like and that's totally understandable, but we have these guidelines for a reason..."
— Serenity about Lucifer.


  • Lucifer's character is based on the pop-culture version of the Devil, where he is typically portrayed as being the fallen-archangel, Lucifer, who attempted to conquer Heaven in a great war, before being defeated by the archangel Michael and cast down to Hell as his punishment, where he became its ruler and the primary adversary of God. In some versions and renditions, Lucifer is dubbed "Satan", one of the many names of the Devil.
    • Despite this, Lucifer and Satan are depicted as being separate characters in this series.
  • Lucifer's first name translates to "shining one", "the morning star" (referring to Venus), or "light-bringer" in Hebrew.
    • His adopted surname "Magne", which is of French origins (derived from the Latin word "magnus"), translates to "The Great".
      • This means that his full name would mean "The Great Bringer of Light".
  • His theme song would either be "The Greatest Show" from The Greatest Showman, or "This is The Life" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.
    • Lucifer and Lilith's theme song would either be "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge!, or "Queen Elizabeth" by Cheat Codes.
  • Each Ringleader is themed after a particular circus performance; in Lucifer's case, he represents the ringmaster.
    • Each Ringleader is also themed after a particular genre of music, Lucifer's being Broadway-style musical theater and polka.
  • His last name was originally "Morningstar" before his fall from Heaven. Upon taking over Hell, he changed his last name to "Magne" due to its meaning, and because "Morningstar" was the name God bestowed upon him.
  • Lucifer's affinity towards apples and snakes is a reference to the story of Adam and Eve, where a talking snake (sometimes interpreted as being the Devil) persuades the first woman, Eve, into eating the forbidden fruit, which is often depicted in pop culture as an apple, resulting in her and Adam being thrown out of paradise.
    • Unlike the canon version of Lucifer, this interpretation of Lucifer is not responsible for the fall of mankind nor the temptation of Adam and Eve, as that deed is attributed to Roo instead (in fact, it was the very fall of mankind that led to Lucifer rebelling against God).
  • The authors of the series agree that Lucifer is demisexual autosexual because Lilith is the only other person he would ever be attracted to (as well as the fact that she basically looks like a genderbent version of himself), and if she was out of the picture, he would only be attracted to himself.
  • There are parallels between Lucifer and Lilith's relationship and Vaggie and Charlie's. Lucifer and Charlie are supernatural beings, whereas Lilith and Vaggie were Earth-born. Just as Charlie and Lucifer are the lighthearted and ambitious halves of the respective pairs, Lilith and Vaggie are the more composed and rational half. Lucifer befriended, inspired, and charmed Lilith at her darkest point, naturally using his charming and passionate personality to lift her up, much like what Charlie did to Vaggie. Lilith extended her support to Lucifer after his fall from Heaven, mirroring Charlie's role as the one who took Vaggie in during her supposed time of need.
  • He is described by one of the series' authors as "the lovechild of Walt Disney, The Greatest Showman's P.T Barnum, Willy Wonka, and Caligula".
  • In "Extermination Day: Part 1", it is revealed that Lucifer had not been defeated by God when he fell from Heaven, as he had claimed. Instead, it was Michael who had bested him in that momentous battle, and Lucifer had fabricated the story of God's victory to perpetuate the illusion of his incredible power, suggesting that only a being as mighty as God could have vanquished him.
  • In Holy Hell, it is implied that Lucifer (as well as other male angels) lacks genitalia, based on his confused reaction to Adam's "danglehopper".
  • Whenever Lucifer is upset, he retreats to his "playroom" and rides a carousel until he feels better.
  • Lucifer is the only known entity who is immune to Death's fatal touch, as evidenced by the framed portrait of him shaking hands with Death simply to mock the Grim Reaper over his inability to kill him.
  • He owns his own brand of apple cider which he makes from an orchard he owns.
  • His theme park, Lu Lu World, is a clear parody of Disney World.
  • While criticizing sinners for being "ungrateful", Lucifer implies the reason he doesn't have a nose is because he lost it the one time he decided to look a gift horse in the mouth.
  • It is implied that Lucifer suffers from a Napoleon Complex, and goes to somewhat ridiculous means to compensate for his rather short stature, from living in an extremely large and luxurious castle, having massive statues of him spread across Hell, and standing his servants' backs while posing for portraits to appear taller.
    • Despite this, Lucifer is not actually that short from a human point of view. He is around 5'9, being only inches shorter than Charlie, though he appears smaller in Hell as most demons naturally tower over angels.
  • Lucifer never actually refers to himself as Hell's king, but rather its "ringleader", because he sees Hell as a big circus rather than a kingdom.
  • Lucifer is the only known seraph angel whose name does not start with "Ser".
  • As seen on Loona's Sinstagram account, there is a documentary about Lucifer's life simply titled Lucifer that is available to stream on Voxflix.
  • It is strongly implied that Lucifer has compulsive hoarding disorder, due to his habit of hoarding and surrounding himself with an excessive number of things that bring him joy.
    • He also develops depression in Chapter 5, as shown by him giving up on all his goals and not even Lu Lu World or watching his circus troupe bringing him much joy.
  • There is a service in Hell named after Lucifer known as Lucimaster, though it is unclear if Lucifer owns the app or if it was simply made in his name.
  • Many of Lucifer's sudden movements are accompanied by the sounds of a snake-like hissing noise.
  • Lucifer's obsession with rubber ducks might be a reference to the song "I Want a New Duck" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.
  • Despite his deep-seated disdain for Christmas due to its religious significance and association with God and Jesus Christ, Lucifer exhibits a penchant for irony and mischief; He is willing to don a Santa hat, seeing it as a symbol of the commercialization and secularization of a holiday that holds profound religious meaning.
  • In the darkly comedic song "Fall of the Morningstar", it is claimed by various sinners that Lucifer often forces families to watch the executions of their loved ones, and to make this worse, he’d force the relatives of the victims to smile and cheer over the execution before they themselves would also be executed. He also regularly holds parties and gatherings of a joyous nature to watch people be brutally murdered, and invites their grieving loved ones to join in the festivities, forced to act like they are having a good time. It is unknown if these stories are true, or merely the sinners of Hell telling hilariously exaggerated stories to make Lucifer seem as fearsome and vile as possible.
  • Lucifer is very prideful of the fact that pride is the only sin that has its own month, and loves bragging about it to the other Sins.
  • Lucifer displayed some form of all the Seven Deadly Sins:
    • Pride: Aside from believing himself to be deserving of absolute power, he was incredibly vain, constantly remarking on his beauty and power, put his own wants and desires over the welfare of others, repeatedly refused to admit his flaws and blamed them on others, viewing himself as completely flawless. He even had an entire ring of Hell made in his name and image to showcase his "greatness".
      • However, he does, to a small degree, eventually let go of his hubris, putting all of his pride into Charlie being his daughter.
    • Envy: He was envious of humanity for how much God and the angels loved them despite their sins, which was the entire reason behind him starting a war with Heaven itself. He also shows a level of possessiveness towards Lilith, displaying jealousy and murderous rage towards anyone who even gets near her.
    • Gluttony: He is frequently seen eating food of some kind (eating buckets of candy corn, drinking apple cider, eating apples, etc.) while letting many of Hell's poor and needy denizens (such as the imp population) rot in poverty without lifting a finger to help them. Gluttony can also be applied to Lucifer if one interprets Gluttony as selfishness, which he is guilty of in abundance.
    • Lust: He is outright obsessed with Lilith and regularly engages in extremely disturbing, sadomasoch*stic sexual activities with her on an almost daily basis.
    • Wrath: He is motivated by his hatred of sinners, throws childish and violet temper tantrums when things don't go his way, and held a desire to punish and destroy anyone who displeased or disrespected him in any perceived way.
    • Greed: He is very materialistic as he loves hoarding overly expensive things he does not need and hoarding them in his massive playroom, such as rollercoasters, carousels, and expensive, old cars.
    • Sloth: He is very indolent as the King of Hell and is overall a terrible ruler, staying in either his castle or Lu Lu World and keeping himself entertained, since he believes that Hell can run itself. His lack of initiative to better himself and constant blaming of others for his own shortcomings can also be seen as a form of Sloth.
  • As shown by a plaque in The Circus, Lucifer has a set of "sins" that are considered to be the worst "sins" one can commit in Hell, and are punishable by immediate torture and/or death. They include:
    • Mentioning God's name in Lucifer's presence.
    • Wearing socks with sandals.
    • Not responding to text messages.
    • Disobeying an order from the Magne family.
    • Eating all the food and putting the box back into the cabinet.
    • Putting discs in the wrong cases.


ve Characters
Hazbin Hotel CrewCharlie MagneAngel DustAlastorVaggieNifftyHuskRazzle and DazzleAlastor's friendsFat NuggetsRenFergusMimzyBaxterCryminiSquishKaren 2.OCorey and PeelVillaPrincessSir PentiousEgg Bois
Seven Deadly SinsLucifer MagneLeviathan Von EldritchMammonBeelzebubBelphegorAsmodeusSatan
OverlordsAlastorValentinoVoxVelvetteRosieMissi ZillaCarmilla CarmineStellarSock and Buskin
KingpinsCherri BombSir PentiousHenroinMaulreese JackjawBruce
Ars GoetiaStolasStellaOctaviaPaimonAndrealphus
Pride RingLilith MagneHuniBunKatie KilljoyTom TrenchAracknissIzziThe InsurgencyVarkDiaSummerBasilSir Pentious' HatRumYuckLailaBoar ButcherQueefSabreMelvynLoopty GooptyLyle LiptonJeffrey Dahmer
Wrath RingThe DivineStrikerScorpiusThe ChosenBombproofAzazel
Gluttony RingMr. PVortexBehemothBee-lzebub
Greed RingRobo FizzLarsonCalliopeTinglesWally WackfordTillaCash BuckzoLoo LooCrimsonAlessio
Lust RingFizzarolliVerosika Mayday
Envy RingSeviathan Von EldritchHellsa Von EldritchBethesda Von EldritchFinThe KrakenMishelle
Sloth RingLugnutClaptrapKarenScavenger UnitsHellhound Adoption FoundationMs. SweetrubyBelle-phegor
HeavenGodLuxArchangel FortiMancoCharlie's AngelsAdinaMollyAzraelExterminatorsLuteChieftess AdinaEbonyAlastor's motherSeraSerenityThe Speaker of GodOphanimC.H.E.R.U.BLeo LightheartCletusCollinKeenieDeerieRachelHoneyBeaBeauSeraphielMr. TreeArchangel MichaelArchangel GabrielArchangel UrielArchangel SandalphonArchangel RaphaelArchangel CassielArchangel BarachielArchangel ZadkielAnnie
Other charactersDeathRooVaggie's fatherSpindleAzathothQueen SpiderArmy of DarknessSanta ClausKrampusValentine
Lucifer Magne (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.