Aurora Morningstar (2024)

"You said you wished you could be there for me when I needed you most... Dad, you were. You saved me."
— Aurora to her father, Lucifer Morningstar
in Partners 'Til the End

Aurora Morningstar, commonly known as Rory, is a central character in Lucifer. She is the Nephilim daughter of Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker. She was raised solely by her mother after Lucifer seemingly abandoned them before she was born, resulting in her resenting her absent father. When Chloe eventually fell ill in 2060 and was on her deathbed, Aurora became more furious then ever that Lucifer didn't show up to say goodbye to the love of his life and self-actualized the use of time-travel, arriving in 2020 before she was born, to kill her father in retribution. Arriving in Hell, Aurora freed Dan Espinoza to seek his aid, only to be betrayed once she returned him to Earth. Despite this setback, Aurora was finally able to confront her father, but was unsuccessful in her attempt to kill him.

Now stranded in the present with no way to travel back, Aurora bonded with the past versions of her family, all the while trying to avoid Lucifer, not willing to believe he loved her. He ultimately proved his love, leading to their reconciliation. Aurora was eventually kidnapped by Vincent Le Mec on the day Lucifer was to disappear to kill Lucifer himself, but she was able to save her father and dissuade from killing Vincent by him. Aurora ultimately realized that she was the catalyst for Lucifer's decision to leave Earth and become Hell's Healer, effectively being in a time-loop. Upon this realization and learning about the man Lucifer actually was, she made her father agree to never change his plans, which allows her to return to her Timeline. Having received the closure she needed, Aurora finally parted ways with Chloe, promising that she'll travel to the afterlife to see her parents again.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Upbringing
    • 1.2 Seeking Her Father
    • 1.3 Trapped in the Past
    • 1.4 Spending time with her family
    • 1.5 The Loop Closes
  • 2 Physical Appearance
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Powers and Abilities
    • 4.1 Abilities
  • 5 Weaknesses
  • 6 Family
  • 7 Appearances
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 Behind the Scenes
  • 10 Links
  • 11 References



Due to a promise made in late 2020 between Rory and her parents to help damned souls in Hell, Rory grew up not knowing her father; her mother still loved him, while refusing to answer about why he left to keep the Timeline established. Rory had a loving family of her mother, older half-sister Trixie Espinoza, her uncle Amenadiel, her cousin Charlie, and her surrogate aunts Mazikeen and Eve.[1] Rory eventually met her uncle Michael sometime after he served his sentence as Hell's janitor, but wasn't close with him, thinking he was "the worst."[2]

Rory had her birthday celebrated without a problem and shared Christmases with them. Maze taught her how to fight and how to torture someone psychologically.[3] Though disappointed in Trixie for not having p*rn hidden around for her to steal, Rory made do with stealing her sister's chocolate.[4] Rory even developed a rivalry with Charlie in the Angel department[5]; though she had trouble with flying at first, given the fact that her bladed wings may have caused some damage to herself and others. When it came time to learn how to drive, Rory was given Lucifer's corvette, which she drove like a madwoman.[4]

With her mother on her deathbed from old age, Rory was outraged Lucifer didn't come to see her. All her rage and hatred towards her absent father caused her to initiate the time-loop's beginning and self-actualize her back to 2020, the year of her conception.[6]

Seeking Her Father

Rory arrived in hell, where she briefly sat on her father's throne. Soon Rory began looking for her uncle Michael, who almost killed her father and was now being punished by cleaning hell. While searching, she met a demon who questioned her identity and her reason for visiting Hell. The Demon mentioned a human that nearly killed Lucifer, leading her to meet Dan Espinoza.

Rory flew Dan back up to Earth, landing in Lucifer's Penthouse, where she waited for him to return.[7] When Lucifer arrived back at his penthouse, she ambushed him. When Lucifer questioned her identity, Rory angrily claimed to be his daughter, a claim Lucifer insisted could not be true. This greatly upset Rory causing her to fly off crying.[7]

Trapped in the Past

Rory found herself unable to travel back to the future, so she decided to visit her mother Chloe Decker. At first Chloe didn't believe her, but when she properly explains her name, Chloe realizes that Rory is her daughter; Chloe always planned on naming a second daughter 'Aurora.' Having reunited with her mother, Rory brings her parents together and Lucifer realizes that Rory is indeed his child. Rory then explains while she had a loving mother, he himself was absent from her life even though he knew about her existence. As her parents decide to investigate on the matter, she goes downstairs to she Maze and Eve are planning their wedding. She calls Eve 'auntie' but Maze just by her nickname. The duo are confused until she again explains that she's Lucifer's and Chloe's daughter.

Aurora Morningstar (1)

Realizing that something might happen to the two of them that causes their wedding to never happen Maze secretly texts Amenadiel to come to Lux. Amenadiel is surprised and presses the women for more information. Rory says that she's already in a tight position and can't reveal any more information. Especially in front of a 'random stranger'. Amenadiel is again surprised as his future niece doesn't seem to know him. This caused Maze to realize that Rory is torturing them. Smirking and chuckling, Rory admits that she has been lying, and that she was taught to her by 'Auntie Maze'. She then apologized to everyone, especially 'Uncle A'.

When her family gets together again, they are seen in a family session with Linda. Linda is surprised by this and off handedly mentions adding this to her book. Rory says she wonders who they are speaking to as the only Linda Martin she knows is a convicted criminal. Lucifer interjects and says that unlike him, Rory tells lies.

Aurora Morningstar (2)

Spending time with her family

After it finally sets in that Lucifer never got to spend time with his daughter, he tries his best to do so while she is here in this time.

The Loop Closes

After her rescue, Rory realizes her presence caused her Father to fully realize his calling, saving the damned souls in Hell. Further, any change in Rory's past would alter who she is in the present day. Not wanting to lose who she is now, Rory made both her parents promise to keep the loop going and "not to change her." Despite the pain this causes both them and their daughter, Chloe and Lucifer agree.[1]

Aurora Morningstar (3)

Arriving back in the future, Rory thanks her dying mother for keeping the promise and despite the pain it caused them. Chloe told her that she wishes she could see her again, to which Rory smiled and reminded her mother that as an angel, she's capable of visiting the afterlife at any time to see her and Lucifer. With that, Rory watched her mother pass on in peace.

Physical Appearance

Rory's appearance is that of a young, short and petite woman in her early 20s, however as a half celestial, she stopped aging when she reached adulthood. Therefore she will always look like she is in her early 20s even though she's almost 40 by the time of her mother's death. Rory stands only 5'2" tall, over a foot shorter than her father and she has short black hair with dyed pink highlights. Her coloring takes after her father with dark eyes and dark hair.

Her crimson red wings are described as metallic with each feather sharp like a precision blade. Each feather/blade has the top part crimson with the hairs or fibers sticking out of the sides, while the end or blade itself is black.


Rory is an angsty, semi-rebellious angel with much in common with her father, despite her initial hatred of him. In contrast, she seems to have a healthy and close relationship with her mother, showing her much affection and respect. Despite not growing up with her father, she shares many aspects of him such as his sarcasm and sardonic humor. Even by describing her, people could question if they are actually describing her or her father because of those similarities. On their first few encounters, Rory puts up a cold front to hide her insecurities that came from not feeling worthy enough for her father to have stayed. Once she warms up to Lucifer, the positive aspects of her personality slowly start to come out: playful, fun-loving, musical, caring, and loyal. Unlike Lucifer, Rory lies, something Lucifer is disappointed about.

Even without a father in her life, Rory grew up with a loving family; taking many traits from them, like a sense of justice (Chloe), loving sweets (Trixie), psychology (Linda), torture (Maze), quirky shirts (Ella), putting family first (Amenadiel). She also inherited Lucifer's musical talent, playing the guitar and literally having the voice of an angel. Rory loves karaoke and Rum.

After spending a month with Lucifer, Rory grew to love and accept him, realizing her anger towards him was borne out of her parents' promise to her.

Powers and Abilities

Rory presumably shares many of the same abilities as all other Angels.

  • Longevity: Aurora's lifespan is eternal, meaning she will stop aging, likely in her 20s, and won't die of old age, but she can still suffer injuries and be killed by ordinary weapons. While looking like she's in her twenties, she’s actually far older than that, looking like this to the point where Chloe Decker dies in her late 70s. When Lucifer Morningstar didn't want to miss her childhood by returning to Hell, Rory tells her father that the decades that they will be separated will be only a short period of time in their eternal existence.
  • Shape-Shifting: Just like her father, she is able to transform into a "Devil Form" - which is self-actualized by her innermost emotions/anger.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: As witnessed, Rory heals much faster than humans do. However, she cannot heal at the same rate as her father due to being half mortal.
  • Spirit Communication: As any other angel, Rory can communicate with ghosts, like she did with Dan Espinoza, even though she was no longer able to touch him after she placed his soul on Earth.
  • Superhuman Strength: After breaking free of her chains, Rory nearly strangled Vincent Le Mec to death with just one hand.
  • Flight: Like all other angels she can use her wings to fly.
  • Bladed Wings: Rory's wings naturally have blades as feathers that can harm and possibly kill other celestials. Each feather seems almost metallic and sharp as a razor. Her wings are strong and sharp enough that they can slice through stone with ease and agile enough to stab a fly with pinpoint accuracy. When Chloe suggests that this is because of Rory self-actualizing herself as a weapon due to her guilt and anger, Rory instead explains that she has them because she grew up watching her mother stand up for justice and that she loves them because they remind Rory of the person that she admires the most: her mother.
  • Dimensional Travel: Rory is able to travel into Hell and pull out Dan's soul using her wings. However, as she didn't resurrect him, it simply left Dan trapped on Earth as a ghost. She later tells Chloe that as an angel, she is capable of visiting both of her parents in the afterlife any time that she wishes.
  • Chronokinesis (limited): Like her uncle Amenadiel, she shares the ability to manipulate time, albeit to a far less extent.
    • Time Travel: Rory self-actualized herself so that she could travel back in time. She was unable to purposefully control this ability and return herself to her own time. After her mission was completed, Rory was automatically returned to her own time. When Rory appears in a time period, thunder and lightning flash in the location.
    • Weather Manipulation: Whenever Rory appears in a different timeline lightning and thunderstorms appears.
    • Electrokinesis: When Rory appeared at Chloe's death bed volts of electricity started going haywire.
    • Teleportation: Rory has shown the ability to disappear and appear even without the use of her wings.
    • Thermokinesis: Rory could change her own temperature to the point that when she transforms her face was seen burning.


  • Exceptional Talent in the Arts: Like her father, she has shown herself to have amazing ability in music with her exceptional singing and guitar performance.


  • Human Vulnerabilities: Not only is Rory part-angel, she is also part-human, meaning she shares the same vulnerabilities that a human may have. While she may not age after reaching adulthood, she can be injured and killed by the same things a human may be susceptible to. Rory was knocked out and captured by Vincent Le Mec, a human without any supernatural powers. The feathers from her wings were pulled out with earthly instruments and Vincent Le Mec had pointed a gun at her, indicating that it could kill her.


To edit this section, go to Lucifer Morningstar/Family.

LindaAmenadielMichaelChloe DeckerLuciferUriel
CharlieAzraelGabrielAurora MorningstarRaphael
Other AngelsLezmegadielIbrielSaraqaelCastiel


  • Solid lines denote blood relationships
  • Dashed lines denote romantic relationships
  • denote deceased individuals

To edit this section, go to Chloe Decker/Family.

John DeckerPenelope Decker
Lucifer MorningstarChloe DeckerDan Espinoza
Aurora MorningstarTrixie Espinoza


  • Solid lines denote parent-child blood relationships
  • Dashed lines denote romantic relationships
  • denote deceased individuals


Season Six
#1"Nothing Ever Changes Around Here"Appears
#2"Buckets of Baggage"Appears
#3"Yabba Dabba Do Me"Appears
#4"Pin the Tail on the Daddy"Appears
#5"The Murder of Lucifer Morningstar"Appears
#6"A Lot Dirtier Than That"Appears
#7"My Best Fiend's Wedding"Appears
#8"Save the Devil, Save the World"Appears
#9"Goodbye, Lucifer"Appears
#10"Partners 'Til the End"Appears


  • Rory is the second Angel not to have 'el' at the end of their name; given it was Chloe who named her.
    • Chloe said that if she ever had another daughter she would call her Rory, short for Aurora.
  • It makes sense Rory shows up right at the end of "Nothing Ever Changes Around Here"; she had JUST been conceived right before that moment. Meaning her time travel power could only take Rory as far back as she's existed.
  • Rory is implied to be a lesbian, but not open about it; though past Mazikeen picked up on it and selected some girls for Rory to pick from to have fun. She's implied to not have a partner in the future, instead playing the field like her father.
    • When Lucifer and Rory were driving together, they saw a female driver Rory started hitting on and flirting with, only for Lucifer to scare the driver off. He then said (ironically and hypocritically from at least millions year-old Lucifer and with his infinite list and history of sexual intercourses and relationships regardless of age) that she was too old for her, indicating that he too knew of Rory being a lesbian or bisexual.
    • Though she implied that she has some attraction to men; having been disappointed Trixie never had p*rn (and Trixie is straight).
  • Her fashion choices seemed to be influenced by both Maze and Ella Lopez; punk rock and quirky shirts. It later softens over the course of the season, so she dresses more like Ella and Trixie Espinoza by the end.
  • She's two years younger than Charlie.
  • The name "Aurora" means "brilliant, bright and radiant" and refers to the northern lights and also the first light of the dawn, which ties back to her father (and his name, "Morningstar") who is known as the Lightbringer.
  • With her ability to travel to and from Hell it's unknown why she never tried to go see her Lucifer Morningstar. It is implied that she didn’t know that Lucifer had returned to Hell, due to the fact she was convinced he had just disappeared from their lives, meaning she never thought to go to Hell to check if he was there
  • While she doesn't originate from the original comic similar to most of the characters in the series, she does however have counterparts in the form of both Caliban and Takehiko who are both Lucifer's sons in the comics.

Behind the Scenes

  • The press release for Rory was intentionally misleading, falsely describing her as a "rebellious, angsty, and ready-to-start-some-trouble angel", who dreamed of following Lucifer Morningstar's wayward footsteps, but soon realized he isn't "the devilish big bro she hoped he’d be."[8]


Main Characters

Lucifer MorningstarChloe DeckerDan EspinozaAmenadielMazikeenTrixie EspinozaLinda MartinMalcolm GrahamElla LopezGoddessCharlotte RichardsMarcus PierceEveMichaelAurora Morningstar


Amenadiel (formerly) • AzraelCastielGabrielHanjobadielIbrielJophielLezmegadielMichaelLucifer MorningstarRaphaelRazielRemielSaraqaelUrielZadkiel






CharlieAurora Morningstar




Aurora Morningstar (2024)


Is Rory really Chloe and Lucifer's daughter? ›

Rory soon returned Dan to Los Angeles, albeit as a ghost, and she quickly confronted Lucifer himself. Rory also sought out her mother, Chloe Decker (Lauren German), and it became clear Rory was who she said she was: Lucifer and Chloe's adult daughter who time-traveled back to before her birth.

Who was Lucifer's daughter? ›

In season 6, Lucifer's daughter with Chloe, Aurora "Rory" Morningstar, travels back in time to kill her father as revenge for him one day abandoning them, leaving Chloe to live the rest of her natural life alone.

Who is Chloe Decker's daughter? ›

Beatrice "Trixie" Espinoza

Trixie is portrayed by Scarlett Estevez. Trixie is Chloe and Dan's seven-year-old (at the start of the series) daughter, who befriends Lucifer and Mazikeen.

Is Aurora the morning star? ›

Aurora is the Roman Goddess of the Dawn. Lucifer is the Morning Star (the planet Venus) in Roman Mythology and also the name of the Roman priesthood (the flamifers) who carried torches in the processions.

Where was Trixie when Chloe died? ›

“So for people wondering,” Henderson reiterated, adult Trixie, Charlie et al are “in the next room, because Chloe asked for some privacy to talk to Rory.” Read More About: burning-questions.

Why are Rory's wings blades? ›

Rory's wing feathers are blades that can be used to harm celestial beings, which is because she witnessed her mother always stand up for justice and the wings reminded them of her, so she loved them.

Is Chloe Decker an angel? ›

While it doesn't seem like Chloe is an angel, she is considered to be "blessed," and that's probably why she's immune to Lucifer's powers.

Is Aurora actually Lucifer's daughter? ›

Aurora Morningstar, commonly known as Rory, is a central character in Lucifer. She is the Nephilim daughter of Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker. She was raised solely by her mother after Lucifer seemingly abandoned them before she was born, resulting in her resenting her absent father.

Why is Lucifer's name Morningstar? ›

The metaphor of the morning star that Isaiah 14:12 applied to a king of Babylon gave rise to the general use of the Latin word for "morning star", capitalized, as the original name of the devil before his fall from grace, linking Isaiah 14:12 with Luke 10 ("I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven") and interpreting ...

Does Chloe become immortal? ›

Although she is blessed, Chloe was still only human and therefore, was mortal and thus could be injured, poisoned, or killed the same way any human normally can. However, following her marriage to Lucifer, Chloe gained celestial immortality that made her immune to human weaknesses.

Why did God put Chloe in Lucifer's path? ›

That was the first and only time God asked Amenadiel to do anything like that. It is implied that Chloe was meant to cross paths with Lucifer, so he could form a connection with a Human who was immune to his ability to reflect ones desires, and would see him as he truly was.

Who did Chloe Decker end up with? ›

Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker (or Deckerstar) are initially friends and LAPD co-workers, but as the series progresses they become best friends, fall in love with each other and eventually become a couple. In the final season they become parents to a daughter, named Aurora "Rory" Morningstar.

What is aurora the goddess of? ›

Aurora is the Roman goddess of dawn. She is also referred to as Eos in Greek mythology. Each morning, she is the first to wake and brings forth the dawn across the sky.

Who is the morning star in the Bible? ›

The Hebrew word used here is heylel – shining one, morning star, Lucifer. This is the only place this specific Hebrew word is found, and it comes from another Hebrew word, halal, meaning to shine; to praise, boast, be boastful. The term "morning star" is used to describe angels (Job 38:7), and Jesus (Rev. 22:16).

What does the Bible say about aurora? ›

The northern lights is also mentioned in the Bible, in the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament. In the 2,600 years old description it says:” I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north–an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light.”

Does Chloe see Lucifer's true form? ›

Chloe found out about Lucifer's devil face in the season three finale. In the episode, Lucifer finally killed Cain (Tom Welling) after a long battle, which led Chloe to see his true identity.

Who is Lucifer's daughter in Hazbin Hotel? ›

Charlie Morningstar (voiced by Erika Henningsen) is the main protagonist and founder of the Hazbin Hotel. She is the daughter of King Lucifer and Queen Lilith, and was born in Hell. Charlie is optimistic and cares deeply for the well-being of her people, which is not taken seriously by the majority of demons in Hell.

Does Chloe know about Lucifer's mom? ›

Chloe heads over to Lux and reveals Charlotte told her the truth about how she is related to Lucifer. Surprised, Lucifer replies, “I somehow doubt that.” Chloe says she knows Charlotte is his Father's ex. Chloe seems sympathetic with what she was put through, and Lucifer nods, “Mm-hmm.

Is Charlie Lucifer's daughter? ›

Charlie runs the titular Hazbin Hotel, where she hopes to redeem the souls of those in Hell and help them earn a place in Heaven. She is the daughter of Lilith and Lucifer Morningstar and is also dating Vaggie.

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