What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (2024)

Last updated on Jun 25, 2024

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Acknowledge the question


Ask for clarification


Explain your thought process


Use a related example


Be honest and positive


Here’s what else to consider

You've prepared well for your interview, but then you face a question that stumps you. How do you handle this situation without losing your confidence and credibility? Here are some tips to help you deal with the unexpected and show your interviewer that you are a professional and a problem-solver.

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What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (1)

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  • Mohamed El Derwy Managing Director Target HR Services MENA | Egypt President World Employment…

    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (3) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (4) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (5) 19

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  • Salman Ahmed Senior Full Stack Developer | Cloud Services | .NET | Angular | Typescript | RxJS | Agile | Microservices | Design…

    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (11) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (12) 15

What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (13) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (14) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (15)

1 Acknowledge the question

Don't panic or pretend that you know the answer when you don't. That will only make you look dishonest or incompetent. Instead, acknowledge the question and thank the interviewer for asking it. This shows that you are respectful and attentive, and that you are not afraid to admit your limitations.

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  • Laura T. Roberts, CPC Partner - Helping people and companies build winning pharmaceutical teams and successful careers for over 30 years 860-265-6152
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    I work with scientists, and have the perspective of many years of debriefing candidates and hiring managers after interviews… When you are “stumped” by a question - first - admit it! KEY is to offer a hypothesis about what you would do based on the experience you currently have to resolve the situation. Recognizing the limitations of your experience and being willing to venture a possible solution demonstrates creative problem solving character traits that every company values. Then follow up with humility- by asking - how your thought process aligns. This sets up a scientific conversation …. Beyond a typical interview… and might just get you the position because the hiring manager has gained an understanding of your thought process.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (24) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (25) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (26) 15

  • Sandeep Shetty HR Leader | Driving HR Strategy | LinkedIn Top Voice 2024
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    Keep it simple. if you don't know the answer say honestly acknowledge that you don't know. Ask the answer from interviewer itself. At least you will get know something because of this interaction. Learning begins when you acknowledge that you don't know something but you want to understand what it is. Further if it is perspective related opinion then you can still express whether it is right or wrong it doesn't matter. it shows the confidence.


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    100% - acknowledge the question & be frank about the reality of the situation. A huge mistake I often see is when candidates begin talking about a completely different skill set in order to try and make up for the fact that they don't have the one asked about in the question.They don't expect you to know everything, and if they do - it's not a position that you'll want to work in anyway.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (44) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (45) 8

  • Sara Stanisavljević HR Specialist at Origo Iceland
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    It's not a big deal if a person doesn't know the answer to some question - the more important thing is how he/she reacts to not knowing it. If the person becomes negative, unpleasant, arrogant or uninterested, that's a big red flag; but, if one honestly says he/she doesn't know the answer, but then tries to think of one on the spot, using logic, or asks if the interviewer/hiring manager can explain him/her the answer, showing he/she is willing to learn, or if he/she shows initiative to get more information about a certain topic after the interview, that's a very good approach (as long as it's genuine and authentic) and actually a green flag (even greener than if the candidate knew the answer, as it tells more about the personality).


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (54) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (55) 6

  • Syed Gaous A Human and NOT a Resource | Certified HR Analyst | ESTJ |People and culture | Start up mindset |Data Analytics
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    The best way to answer an unknown question is to accept first that it is not known to you. That reflects an attribute of your character. Additionally, you may ask the interviewer to give you an idea about it which you would explore further to learn more about it. This will show your assertiveness and inquisitiveness.


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2 Ask for clarification

Sometimes, you may not understand the question fully, or you may need more information to answer it. In that case, ask for clarification or follow-up questions. This can help you narrow down the scope of the question, or get some hints or examples from the interviewer. It also shows that you are curious and eager to learn, and that you can communicate effectively.

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  • Salman Ahmed Senior Full Stack Developer | Cloud Services | .NET | Angular | Typescript | RxJS | Agile | Microservices | Design Patterns | Teamwork | Leadership | Creative Thinker
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    When confronted with an interview question I can't immediately answer, I stay calm and ask for clarification if needed. If I don't know the answer, I admit it honestly and offer my thought process on how I would approach finding a solution. I also express my eagerness to learn. If possible, I redirect the conversation to my strengths and may follow up with additional information after the interview to demonstrate my commitment to self-improvement.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (74) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (75) 15

  • Bel Freitas Career Mentor | No. 1 Job interview Specialist on Linkedin | Resume writer | Linkedin Expert | International career | Writer | Headhunter
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    Apart from asking for clarification, you can admit you do not know. It is not wrong to do that. Nobody is perfect and the interviewer knows that. What is inadequate is to pretend answering something you are not qualified to. Showing vulnerability is a virtue not a loss.


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  • Lilliana Olivera Líder HR | Mentora en Empleabilidad y Marca Personal | Hacker Cultural | Scrum Master Professional | Asociada Women CEO Perú | Women Who Code 💚
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    Según mi experiencia, te puedo asegurar que es mucho más importante pedir una aclaración que escuchar una respuesta direccionada a otra pregunta.Ya que es muy probable que el reclutador crea que no tienes el conocimiento y estas tratando de irte por la tangente contestando otra cosa o desviando la pregunta, la manera más sincera es mirar a los ojos al reclutador, y en un tono muy amigable indicarle que pueda volver a formular la pregunta.



    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (93) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (94) 3

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    In my experience, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for clarification when needed. Don’t hesitate to politely request additional information or context. Effective communication is key during interviews, and asking for clarification shows your willingness to engage in a meaningful dialogue. It can also prevent you from making assumptions that may lead to inaccurate answers. Remember, interviews are not just about having all the answers; they’re also about demonstrating your problem-solving skills and your ability to gather and process information effectively.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (103) 2

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    Always be honest if you don't know the answer. However, remember an interview is a two-way street so take the opportunity to bounce it back to them. Maybe you don't know the answer as you haven't understood what is being asked of you. Be polite but don't panic. Explain that you don't know the answer but could they elaborate on the question in case you do know the answer but from a different perspective. However, if you still don't know then there's still no reason to get flustered. It doesn't mean you're not suitable. Rarely does someone meet every single bit of criteria and personality counts for a lot too so keep positive through the remainder of the interview.


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3 Explain your thought process

If you have some idea of how to approach the question, but you are not sure of the exact answer, explain your thought process to the interviewer. This can demonstrate your analytical and logical skills, and how you apply your knowledge and experience to new situations. It can also invite feedback or suggestions from the interviewer, which can help you reach the answer or learn something new.

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  • Mohamed El Derwy Managing Director Target HR Services MENA | Egypt President World Employment Confederation (WEC)
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    If you're faced with an interview question you don't know the answer to, it's important to handle it professionally and honestly. Here are some recommendations:1. Pause and Think: Take a moment to consider the question. A brief pause shows that you are thoughtful and considering your answer carefully. 2. Clarify: If the question is unclear, ask for clarification rather than guessing what is being asked.3. Be Honest, But Tactful: If you don't know the answer, it's better to admit it than to fabricate a response. However, relate it to your willingness and ability to find the answer or solve similar problems.4. Bridge to a Related Topic: If the specific answer is unknown, pivoting to a related area .


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (121) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (122) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (123) 19

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    Walk through how you would analyze the situation and attempt to find a solution. Use examples of similar problems you’ve solved successfully in the past. Explain how you would learn the answer if this was your real job responsibility.Thank the interviewer for the learning opportunity. Show that you appreciate being challenged and are excited to expand your skills.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (132) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (133) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (134) 18

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    I agree, When faced with a tough interview question, it’s okay to explain how you’re thinking. Start by saying the question is challenging. Then, share your plan step by step. Mention any relevant experience or knowledge you have. If you’re unsure about some parts, be honest. Explaining your thought process shows problem-solving skills and adaptability. It helps the interviewer see how you think and handle tricky situations, which can be as important as getting the answer right. Being open about your thinking can make a positive impression during an interview.


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  • Maria Li GP | GAICD | Health Regulation | Podcaster |WHO Fides social media educator ⏩ I demystify safe practice for clinicians 💡 and make health literacy relatable for consumers 🤳
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    When I've been the hiring manager in the past, I've always prioritised resourcefulness rather than knowledge. Everyone has gaps in their knowledge, not knowing what to do is a daily reality of work. It's far more valuable to me to know how a candidate approaches the task of finding out how to solve a problem, than knowing that they already know how to solve a problem. Not knowing the answer is a hidden opportunity to dazzle the interviewer with your resourcefulness and problem solving skills. The biggest mistake would be to make up an answer, deflect the question, or simply throw your hands up and say you don't know. That sends a signal to the interviewer that this is how you're likely to approach conundrums at work as well.


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  • Czarina Tabayoyong
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    Showing an ability to think on one's feet is crucial. Even if you don’t know the exact answer, outlining how you would work through the problem shows a logical and analytical mindset. This is often more valuable to an employer than rote knowledge.


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4 Use a related example

If you have no clue how to answer the question, but you have a related example from your previous work or projects, use it to show your relevance and skills. For example, if you are asked about a specific tool or technique that you have never used, but you have used something similar or comparable, explain how you used it and what results you achieved. This can show that you are adaptable and resourceful, and that you have transferable skills.

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    Focus on transferable skills like adaptability, problem-solving, and being a fast learner. For instance, if asked about your experience with software you haven't used, talk about a different program you have worked with that required learning a new system quickly.If you genuinely can't come up with any relevant experiences, it’s okay to admit you don’t have direct experience with the specific thing they asked about. But quickly pivot to your ability to learn new skills quickly, ask thoughtful questions, and leverage the experience you do have.The key is to stay calm, tap into related experiences you do have, and emphasize your broader strengths and potential even if you can’t address that specific question.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (169) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (170) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (171) 19

  • Yanira (Janita) Sesniak, M.Ed.❤️ Former high school English teacher 🍎 | Sr. Program Manager @ Microsoft 💻 | AI Advocate 📣 | Onboarding Leadership 🌟| Efficiency Queen Bee from AZ 🏜️ | My patronus is a bookworm 📚🪄
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    If you find yourself in a situation where you don't know the answer to an interview question, don't panic. Instead, leverage your previous work or project experiences to your advantage. Even if the question pertains to a specific tool or technique you haven't used before, if you have a related example from your past, share it. For instance, if you're asked about a particular tool but have never used it, explain how you effectively utilized a similar or comparable tool in the past, detailing the results you achieved. This approach demonstrates your adaptability, resourcefulness, and your ability to apply transferable skills, which can make a positive impression on your potential employer.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (180) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (181) 4

  • Carlos Palomares Head de Prevenção de Perdas, Gestor de Risco, Operações de Varejo e cadeia Logística, Mentor de carreiras e Metodologias Ágeis/Black Belt
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    Digamos que durante uma entrevista, você me pergunte sobre um software específico que não está em meu conjunto de dados. Em vez de tentar inventar uma resposta, eu poderia responder algo como: “Peço desculpas, não tenho informações específicas sobre esse software. No entanto, com base em minha experiência com tecnologia similar, eu consideraria consultar documentações, buscar treinamentos relevantes ou consultar colegas especializados na área para obter uma compreensão mais aprofundada e fornecer uma resposta mais informada no futuro.”



5 Be honest and positive

If none of the above strategies work, and you still don't know the answer, be honest and positive. Tell the interviewer that you don't know the answer, but that you are interested in learning it, and that you are willing to research it or take a course if necessary. This shows that you are humble and motivated, and that you have a growth mindset. It also shows that you are not afraid to face challenges and learn from your mistakes.

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  • ℝ𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕥 𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖 Cybersecurity Leader | Maker | Mentor
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    Just own it, what you don't know is more important than what you do. I say, I am not sure but I can tell you that I'll know after this call because I don't like not knowing things.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (198) 5

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    This is great advice.If you don't know the answer, be honest about that.Tell the interviewer that you will research the question and get back to them with an answer.After the interview, research the question and make sure to answer it in your thank-you email.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (207) 3

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    Ask them if you could use ChatGPT...But in all seriousness, sometimes "I don't know but I am curious how...[end according to the situation]" is truly the best answer. In my experience as a job seeker, I got jobs even when I did not know the answer to a certain question.Also, I recommended hiring people that I interviewed if they did know a question but handled the situation professionally.Even if it is a deal breaker for your potential employer it is a lesson for you.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (216) 1

  • Tim Bowman Author of The Leadership Letter weekly column; Consulting Expert with OnFrontiers; advisor and mentor on leadership and public service; retired U.S. Army and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Officer.
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    Being honest and saying that you don't know is the best answer, for anything else will come off as dishonest, phony, insincere, or even wrong. I don't expect you will have all the answers, and I'm evaluating you as a person, and not just based on the answers you provide.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (225) 1

  • Mark Licke-LION Solutions Consultant | Business Development | Talent Acquisition\Management | Recruiting | Staffing | Customer Success | Always open to opportunity conversations |No banner = Fewer bots
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    One of the things that you can do is turn the question into a conversation. Admitting you don't know isn't the end of the world, but maybe try saying something like this. "I know I don't know the answer, but if I did know this is what I might do" and then tell them what you'd do. Follow that up with a question of your own, "would that work?" and see if you can have a conversation and not an interrogation. Don't panic, and do your best in the conversation to learn something new. Even if you don't get the job you'll have learned something you can apply to a future interview.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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    Be honest. It's perfectly acceptable to admit you don't know the answer. Interviewers don't expect you to be all-knowing.If applicable, explain how you would research the issue or consult experts to get the information you need on the job. Demonstrate resourcefulness.Discuss related experience you do have and how it has equipped you with skills to problem-solve and learn quickly. Draw connections.Thank the interviewer for the learning opportunity this question presented. Maintain a positive attitude.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (242) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (243) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (244) 19

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    Don't allow the interview to take the form of an interrogation - ask them questions too, make it interesting! You will get a better understanding of the business and create a more memorable impression.


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  • Malika Mirkhanova International Development Recruitment Leader ✦ International Development Career Services Founder
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    I believe the key here is to maintain a positive and solution-oriented tone. Consider the following steps:Stay Calm: Begin with an affirming response, such as 'Great question!'Acknowledge Lack of Knowledge: Be honest and direct, saying something like, 'To be completely honest, I do not know the answer to this question.'Express Willingness to Find Out OR Share Relatable Experience: Demonstrate your commitment to resolving the issue by saying, 'However, I am confident I can find the answer by XYZ' OR 'I encountered a similar situation at XYZ where I did ABC.


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (262) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (263) 8

  • Czarina Tabayoyong
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    Post-interview, taking the initiative to research the unanswered question and sharing your findings in a thank-you email could reinforce your enthusiasm for the position and your willingness to grow and learn.Remember, every interaction in an interview is a chance to showcase not just what you know, but who you are and how you approach challenges.


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  • Depikka Siingh Career Coach | Interview and Salary Negotiation Expert | ICF Certified Executive and Leadership Coach | Speaker
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    My go-to tip: Express your enthusiasm to learn!Convey that while you might not know the answer now, you're proactive about filling gaps in your knowledge. You could say, "That's an area I'm not as familiar with, but I'm always eager to expand my knowledge and skills."And then do it, go back - research, study, and then get back to them in an email with what you learned and thank them for helping you learn something more and show how excited you are to continue going in-depth and implement your knowledge in the role. A total game-changer I say!


    What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (281) What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (282) 5


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What should you do if you don't know the answer to an interview question? (2024)
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