What Grains are Good for Dogs? (2024)



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What Grains are Good for Dogs? (9)

Thanks to the growing popularity of gluten-free diets, people – along with their pets – are increasingly ditching the grain.

And this is no bad thing, especially when it comes to dog food. This is because choosing a wholesome and healthy, grain-free food alternative to traditional dog food can help your pup avoid highly processed grains, which are bad for their health.

At the same time, it’s important to remember that most dogs, just like most humans, can eat grains safely. In fact, some grains are good for dogs, namely wholegrains such as oats and brown rice.

Want to know why grains are good for dogs in more detail? Then read on, because we will be running through the benefits of oats and brown rice below. But first, whole grains: what are they and why are they beneficial for dogs?

Wholegrains are unrefined grains. They are grains where the three parts of the grain remain: the bran, the germ, and the endosperm.

In contrast to refined grains, wholegrains are an excellent source of insoluble fibre, which helps keep blood sugar levels normal, and contain important nutrients. Some examples of wholegrains include brown or wild rice, millet and oats.

According to some animal nutrition experts, dogs, like humans, can benefit from eating wholegrains in the following ways:

  • They can reduce the risks of cancers

  • Help prevent obesity, kidney disease and diabetes

  • Protect the heart and reduce high cholesterol levels

  • Keep blood sugar levels balanced.

Carbohydrates, like wholegrains, are an important part of a dog’s diet as they help boost their energy levels. However, it’s important to use grains sparingly as they are calorie dense and can cause dogs to gain weight.

What Grains are Good for Dogs? (10)

Are grains bad for dogs?

Grains, as we’ve already mentioned, are not necessarily bad for dogs. That’s because domestic dogs are omnivorous, meaning they’re able to digest starches.

However, a small proportion of dogs do suffer from grain or gluten-intolerances. For these dogs, living a grain-free or gluten-free life (depending on the allergy or intolerance) is an absolute necessity.

Grains can also be bad for dogs when they are cheap and refined. These are the kinds of grains you might find in highly processed dog food where they are used as cheap fillers, often in place of quality protein or vegetables. These offer no nutritional benefit to your dog, and can potentially upset their sensitive stomachs.

Brown rice for dogs

Brown rice is a wholegrain made by removing the hulls from the rice kernel but leaving some of the bran intact.

If you’ve been wondering if dogs can eat brown rice, then the answer is yes, this grain is safe and nutritious for your dog to eat. It is a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fibre, all of which makes it beneficial to your dog’s health.

Now, let’s look at these benefits in more detail:

A source of fibre

Unlike white rice, brown rice retains the outer kernel layers, which makes it a great source of fibre. Fibre supports a healthy pup gut, keeping their poop nice and normal.

Rich in vitamins and minerals

Brown rice is a source of vitamins and minerals that support heart health. These include vitaminB, a vitamin which has a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism.

Brown rice also contains vitamin E, magnesium, selenium, and phosphorus (a mineral found in bones).

Easy to digest

This grain is also easily digestible and can be suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Rice is also naturally gluten-free, so is suitable for a dog with a gluten intolerance.

Healthy carbohydrate

Brown rice is an excellent source of slow-release carbohydrates, but a word of warning: they do contain a lot of calories. So, be careful when feeding brown rice to your dog. Make sure large dogs have no more than a quarter of a cup. Smaller breeds should eat around a tablespoon.


Oats for dogs

Oats are another great wholegrain and, like brown rice, are a great source of carbohydrates, fibre, and nutrients. You’ll most often find oats labelled as oatmeal on dog food packaging.

Want to feed your dog oats but wondering, if they are safe for dogs? Well we can tell you that oats are a healthy and safe choice for feeding to your dog – with just a few caveats. We’ll go through these and the benefits below.

Low fat and high in fibre

Oats are high in protein and low in fat.Oats are also full of soluble fibre, which is great for keeping your pup’s poop regular and for managing cholesterol levels.

Balances blood sugar

The low glycaemic (GI) index of oats helps control blood sugar levels.

Contains vitamins and minerals

Oats contain vitamin B, which helps dogs maintain a healthy coat. It also contains linoleic acid, which is a type of omega-6 fatty acid which promotes healthy skin and fur.


Provided they are labelled “gluten-free” (meaning they are not processed in a factory with gluten-containing grains), oats are gluten-free and safe for those with intolerances and allergies.

Can dogs have porridge?

Plain porridge is healthy for dogs, but only in moderation, and without any additions of sugar, milk, or other toppings. As a rough guide, you can feed yourdog one tablespoon of cooked oatmeal for every 20 pounds of his weight - too much porridge will likely upset their stomach.

The benefits of grains for your dog

Carbohydrates help dogs produce energy, making them an essential part of any healthy, well-balanced doggy diet.

Although dog food containing healthy, starchy vegetables are a great way for dogs to meet their carbohydrate quota, wholegrains, like oats and brown rice, are also an excellent option. Oats and brown rice also contribute vital nutrients, minerals, and fibre.

Despite their many benefits, however, it is important to feed these calorie-dense grains in moderation to dogs. Giving too many of them to your dog can contribute to obesity and a growth of the wrong kind of bacteria in their gut, both of which can play havoc with their health.

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What Grains are Good for Dogs? (18)

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What Grains are Good for Dogs? (2024)


What Grains are Good for Dogs? ›

Recently, interest has arisen surrounding grain-free diets and their impact on canine health. When searching for the right food for their dogs, pet owners often focus on corn and wheat; however, many other grains are used in pet foods that have great nutritional value, including rice, barley, oats, and millet.

What is the healthiest grain for dogs? ›

Although dog food containing healthy, starchy vegetables are a great way for dogs to meet their carbohydrate quota, wholegrains, like oats and brown rice, are also an excellent option. Oats and brown rice also contribute vital nutrients, minerals, and fibre.

Should dogs eat grains or not? ›

Grain is not harmful to dogs, but neither is it essential. Some dogs might tolerate grains better than others, but they all will thrive on a diet primarily composed of animal-based proteins.

Is oatmeal or rice better for dogs? ›

If you're considering oatmeal as an easily digestible option for a dog with an upset stomach, go for white or brown rice instead. “Those are much more tried-and-true and safe,” Watkins says. Oatmeal does, however, make a healthy addition to your dog's shampoo, Watkins says.

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Whole (cooked) grains, like brown rice, wheat, couscous, oatmeal, and quinoa. Boiled pasta (without sauce) Eggs in any form - scrambled, hardboiled, or poached - no more than a few times a week. You can even feed your dog the eggshells - bake them for ten or fifteen minutes to soften and then grind them up.

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However, a rice meal on its own should not be a daily affair – rice should only be part of a varied diet that offers all the nutrients your dog needs. Dogs can eat rice in moderation as long as it's simply cooked, without any seasoning or flavours, and as long as it's included as part of your dog's balanced diet.

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Some of these grains include wheat, rye, barley, oats, rice, amaranth, buckwheat, corn, millet, quinoa, and certain beans.

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Chicken and rice: These two ingredients are very easy for dogs to digest, and are the prime ingredients in many commercial dog foods. This mixture will give your dog the protein and carbs needed for recovery. Sweet Potato: Full of healthy fiber and vitamins that dogs need, most pets consider sweet potatoes a treat.

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Consuming a large amount can also lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and/or bloat, which can be life threatening. Half-a-cup of cooked oatmeal (at most), one to two times a week is more than enough for most large dogs. “Your dog should be eating a well-balanced commercial diet,” Dr.

Is chicken or rice better for dogs? ›

While rice is lower in protein than other grains, it's still a good source of protein and amino acids. And chicken is a fantastic source of protein and amino acids for dogs. It's a complete protein source, meaning that it provides all of the amino acids that dogs need to stay healthy and grow.

What not to put in homemade dog food? ›

What ingredients should you avoid in homemade dog food? There's a vast number of human foods which should never be fed to dogs. Here's a list of ingredients you should avoid in your homemade dog food recipe: Onions, garlics and chives: these can cause gastrointestinal problems and damage to red blood cells.

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Feed the Appropriate Amount

Cooked lean meats are good options as treats or food toppers for your dog. If feeding ground beef as a treat, limit the total amount to no more than 10% of your dog's daily calories. Ground beef and plain white rice could be an option for dogs who need to eat a bland diet temporarily.

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What are the top 3 ingredients to look for in dog food? The top ingredients to look for in dog food are high-quality proteins (named meat sources - chicken, beef, fish, and lamb), natural carbohydrates (whole fruits and vegetables), and healthy fats (animal fats or plant-based oils).

Is grain or grain-free better for dogs with sensitive stomachs? ›

“Grains like wheat, corn and soy that contain gluten can be difficult for some dogs to digest,” Ochoa says. “Look for grain-free or gluten-free options to support your dog's sensitive stomach.”

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Grain-free diets may help some dogs with sensitive digestion. Although most dogs can digest grains without any problems, there are a few pooches that might struggle. If your dog is prone to digestive problems such as constipation, talk to your vet about grain-free dog food and whether this is a good idea for your pet.

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So what alternative can we use instead of the rice? Sweet Potato, Butternut Squash or Pumpkin. Steamed or boiled (pumpkin also comes canned which works well). All of these items are rich in soluble fibre (the type that dissolves in water to form a viscous gel, which also coats and soothes irritated bowels.

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If your dog has a gluten intolerance (you may see signs of food sensitivity which can be itchy skin, vomiting, diarrhea, and more), rice will be the winner over barley which does contain gluten. Barley is the winner when it comes to fiber.

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