What are the Common Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance? | Rose Wellness (2024)

Over the last several years, gluten has received a lot of attention. Numerous gluten-free products have been introduced, and more and more people are embracing a gluten-free lifestyle. Gluten can cause problems in many people. Whether you have a gluten sensitivity or suffer from Celiac disease, gluten can cause a number of symptoms including gluten belly. Here we explore more about gluten and the most common symptoms of gluten intolerance.

What is Gluten?What are the Common Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance? | Rose Wellness (1)

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, malt, and rye. Products like pasta, bread, tortillas, crackers, cereal, croutons, baked goods, some sauces, meat substitutes, beer, and salad dressings may contain gluten. Because it is used in so many products, it is essential that you read food labels.

Why Has Gluten Sensitivity Increased?

Many people think that gluten sensitivities are just a marketing fad; however, gluten intolerance, gluten sensitivity, and celiac disease are real problems that affect real people. So why have gluten sensitivities increased? Beginning in the 1950s, researchers began experimenting with the DNA of wheat to try to create wheat that required less maintenance and could be grown in a smaller space.

The wheat created today is half as tall and more productive than what was grown 70 years ago. Unfortunately, the hybridization and modification done to wheat have caused other results. For example, wheat is lower in fiber and higher in substances like agglutinin, amylopectin, and gliadin, which are all found in gluten. These changes have had a drastic impact on the health of men and women around the world. Today, you will find gluten as an ingredient in almost every type of processed food. It is also found in lotions, makeup, medications, and much more.

Gluten Belly

What is gluten belly and how does it impact your life?Gluten belly results in excessive, painful bloating that occurs when an individual who has a gluten sensitivity, gluten intolerance, or a gluten allergy eats foods that contain gluten.

What does gluten belly look like? Gluten causes inflammation throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract. This GI inflammation causes the belly to become distended from the upper abdominal region all the way down to the bottom abdominal region. The distended belly feels hard to the touch. Because bloating and excess gas can build up in the gastrointestinal tract, the abdominal region becomes rounded.

Simply put, gluten belly is the visceral fat found around your abdominal region. This type of fat is dangerous as it can encase your vital organs and lead to a number of serious health conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Visceral fat from a gluten belly impacts your brain health, your hormones, your immune system, and much more. It is important to get rid of the excessive weight in your midsection.

Does Gluten Make You Bloated?

What are the Common Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance? | Rose Wellness (2)Many people wonder does gluten makes you bloated. The short answer is bloat from gluten does occur in individuals with gluten intolerance, gluten sensitivity, or a gluten allergy. Those suffering from celiac disease and non-celiac disease sensitivity should avoid gluten to help relieve bloating.

Bloating occurs when the gastrointestinal tract fills with gas or air. When you are bloated, you may feel like your stomach is overfull and tight. Bloating can be uncomfortable and cause your stomach to appear bigger and your clothing may fit tighter. You may burp frequently, your stomach may gurgle, and you may experience abdominal discomfort or pain.

Most Common Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance

Gluten intolerance causes a number of adverse symptoms when gluten is consumed. The symptoms of gluten intolerance and celiac attack symptoms can be almost unbearable. The most common symptoms experienced with gluten intolerance include-

  • Abdominal Pain – Abdominal pain is another common complaint experienced by those who eat gluten. The pain can be due to a build-up of gas, inflammation in the intestines, and digestive upset.What are the Common Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance? | Rose Wellness (3)
  • Anemia – Iron deficient anemia is often one of the first symptoms of gluten intolerance or celiac disease. When the small intestines become impaired, your body can have difficulty absorbing iron from the foods that you eat.
  • Brain FogBrain fog is used to describe the inability of thinking clearly. People often describe brain fog as having a cloudy memory, forgetfulness, difficulty thinking, and mental fatigue. When an individual with a gluten sensitivity consumes foods containing gluten, antibodies are produced which can cause brain fog.
  • Bloating – Bloating is one of the key symptoms of gluten belly. Sufferers often report feeling as if their belly is swollen and overfull. Bloating occurs when gas builds up in the digestive tract. As gluten is digested, gas begins to build and causes an unpleasant amount of gas to develop in the digestive tract.
  • Digestive Disturbances – Consuming gluten often causes a number of digestive disturbances, which are often referred to as gluten belly. Gluten can cause inflammation of the small intestines, which can cause alternating diarrhea and constipation. Because of the inflammation and damage to the digestive tract, many people experience extremely smelly feces after eating gluten.
  • Fatigue – Fatigue is another common symptom of gluten sensitivity. When the digestive tract becomes inflamed and damaged from gluten, it can cause poor nutrient absorption, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies. When your body does not get the nutrients it needs, unrelenting fatigue can occur. One of the best ways to counteract nutritional deficiency fatigue is to take a multivitamin supplement along with eating a healthy diet.
  • Headaches – Headaches and migraines are often experienced in individuals who are gluten intolerant. If you experience regular headaches with no apparent cause, you may have a gluten intolerance.
  • Joint and Muscle Pain – When you have gluten sensitivity, it can cause systemic inflammation. This inflammation can spread to the surrounding muscle and joint tissues, causing debilitating pain. If you notice an increase in joint stiffness or pain after eating foods that contain gluten.
  • Mental Illness – Individuals with digestive problems like a gluten belly are prone to depression and anxiety. Gluten intolerance can cause serotonin levels to decrease, which raises the risk of depression. The microbiota in the digestive tract can become altered which can cause an alteration of the neurotransmitters in the body.
  • What are the Common Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance? | Rose Wellness (4)Neuropathy – Celiac attack symptoms also include numbness or tingling in the arms or legs. Chronic inflammation throughout the body and the presence of certain antibodies can increase the risk of experiencing the symptoms of neuropathy.
  • Skin Conditions – Gluten can affect your skin. One manifestation of celiac disease is dermatitis herpetiformis, which is a blistering skin condition. In addition to this, gluten consumption can lead to psoriasis characterized by red, scaly skin, alopecia areata characterized by hair loss, and chronic urticaria characterized by red or pink itchy lesions with pale centers.

Do You Have a Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac Disease

There are a few ways to determine if you have a gluten sensitivity. One such method is the elimination diet. With this method, you remove all traces of gluten from your diet and then slowly introduce them into the diet once again. If you experience symptoms during the reintroduction stage, you may have a gluten intolerance and need further testing.What are the Common Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance? | Rose Wellness (5)

The other method used to verify a gluten sensitivity is a blood test. This blood test checks for antibodies in the blood. If it is determined that you have gluten sensitivity, your doctor will make recommendations to help ensure that you are protecting your body from damage. A customized gluten free diet and meal plan may help improve your health.

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the immune system. When you ingest products containing gluten, the immune system begins attacking the intestinal tract. This can lead to debilitating symptoms, including diarrhea, bloating, fatigue, anemia, edema, excessive bruising and vitamin K deficiency. If gluten is not avoided, the condition can cause long-term health consequences, including osteoporosis, damage to the intestinal walls and even cancer.

Food AllergiesWhat are the Common Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance? | Rose Wellness (6)

Food allergies occur when the body thinks a food is a foreign invader. This causes the immune system to flare up and fight off the “invader.” This flare up can cause a variety of symptoms, such as swelling, itching, hives and even life-threatening symptoms, including difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, low blood pressure, difficulty swallowing and anaphylactic shock can occur. The most common food allergens include peanuts, milk, wheat, eggs, fish, shellfish and soy.

Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity, often referred to as gluten sensitivity, is neither an autoimmune response nor an allergic reaction. This disorder often mimics the symptoms of celiac disease; however, the gastrointestinal tract is not damaged and there are no immediate severe reactions to contend with. Most often, patients with this type of sensitivity will experience gastrointestinal disturbances, such as diarrhea, upset stomach, bloating, gas and abdominal pain.

Ready To Seek Help

If you have the symptoms of a gluten belly, i.e. bloating, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, excess gas, and systemic inflammation, help is here. Functional medicine clinicians understand that all systems must work together to maintain optimal health. When you consume gluten, it can cause adverse health effects throughout the body. Removing gluten from your diet and following an anti-inflammatory diet filled with whole foods can help heal your gut and relieve your symptoms.

What are the Common Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance? | Rose Wellness (2024)


What are the Common Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance? | Rose Wellness? ›

The five major illnesses associated with gluten are celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, wheat allergy, gluten ataxia, and dermatitis herpetiformis. Each is distinct, but all are related and manageable.

What are the symptoms of being gluten intolerant? ›

People may experience the following symptoms for several hours or days after they consume gluten:
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Anemia.
  • Anxiety.
  • Bloating or gas.
  • Brain fog, or trouble concentrating.
  • Depression.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Fatigue.

What are the 3 major conditions that gluten can cause problems for? ›

The five major illnesses associated with gluten are celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, wheat allergy, gluten ataxia, and dermatitis herpetiformis. Each is distinct, but all are related and manageable.

What are the symptoms of gluten intolerance NCBI? ›

Non-classic celiac disease refers to celiac disease without prominent gastrointestinal symptoms or malabsorption (see Figure 2); however, individuals with atypical celiac disease can also have gastrointestinal symptoms such as reflux, abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, constipation, and dyspepsia.

What does a gluten belly look like? ›

FAQs about gluten intolerance symptoms

The intestines make up most of the middle and lower abdomen, so “gluten belly” will look like any other type of lower digestive tract bloating. However, if bloating seems to be a regular or constant problem, that's a possible sign that it may be due to gluten intolerance.

How do I know if gluten is making me sick? ›

Symptoms of celiac disease include severe diarrhea after eating gluten-containing products, a rash, severe weight loss or failure to properly gain weight, and abdominal pain. In small children, you may only see poor weight gain and no pain, or other symptoms.

How fast do gluten symptoms appear? ›

In most cases, symptoms develop within 60 minutes but, for a small percentage of people, symptoms are delayed by 12 hours or more. The same may be true for individuals with gluten sensitivity. Some of the most common symptoms of gluten exposure include: Bloating.

What does gluten fatigue feel like? ›

Fatigue: Tiredness and lack of energy are another symptom of gluten intolerance. People with this condition may feel lethargic, even after getting enough sleep. This type of fatigue can make you unable to function as normal during the day.

What is the root cause of gluten intolerance? ›

Your genes, combined with eating foods with gluten and other factors, can contribute to celiac disease. However, the precise cause isn't known. Infant-feeding practices, gastrointestinal infections and gut bacteria may contribute, but these causes have not been proved.

Can I suddenly become gluten intolerant? ›

People with celiac disease are genetically predisposed to gluten intolerance, and even ingesting a very small amount can lead to severe damage of the small intestine. The disease can develop at any age and, if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems.

What does your stomach feel like when you are gluten intolerant? ›

Digestive issues after eating gluten can be a huge sign that you might be intolerant. This can include symptoms like gas, diarrhea, and constipation. Having these symptoms occasionally is pretty normal, but having them every day can indicate a problem.

How do you know if your body doesn't like gluten? ›

Chronic joint pain and tingling and numbness in the fingers, arms or legs are clear signs of a health issue. In those with a gluten sensitivity, it happens frequently for no apparent reason. Diarrhea, gas or constipation. Distended stomach or bloating.

What is often mistaken for gluten intolerance? ›

The symptoms of gluten intolerance may also resemble those of a wheat allergy or intestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Experts estimate that 10–15% of adults in the U.S. have IBS symptoms.

What are unusual symptoms of gluten? ›

However, celiac disease is much more than a digestive problem. Some of the top atypical symptoms are anemia, bones disease, elevated liver enzymes, neurological problems like migraines, short stature and reproductive problems.

How do I know if gluten is hurting me? ›

People with gluten intolerance may experience gastrointestinal symptoms or other symptoms, such as a headache, joint pain, and fatigue, after consuming gluten. These symptoms typically resolve when someone removes gluten from their diet.

What does a gluten face look like? ›

A typical gluten face will present with red, puffy cheeks, with spots of hyperpigmentation around the chin. Some people will also have pimples spread out over the chin. Your face can also become bloated or swollen.

What does a gluten flare up feel like? ›

Abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and gas are common reactions to gluten in people with celiac disease. Although it's not common, vomiting can occur, especially if you've ingested a large amount of gluten (think: a slice of pizza or a doughnut, as opposed to a few crumbs).

How do I test myself for gluten intolerance? ›

There's no definitive test for gluten sensitivity. If you suspect your symptoms are related to gluten in the foods you eat, the best treatment is to change your diet. Since gluten is the protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, these are foods you'd need to eliminate.

What can be mistaken for gluten intolerance? ›

The symptoms of gluten intolerance may also resemble those of a wheat allergy or intestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Experts estimate that 10–15% of adults in the U.S. have IBS symptoms.

What foods can trigger gluten intolerance? ›

Processed foods that often contain gluten
  • Beer, ale, porter, stout (usually contain barley)
  • Breads.
  • Bulgur wheat.
  • Cakes and pies.
  • Candies.
  • Cereals.
  • Communion wafers.
  • Cookies and crackers.

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