User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (2024)

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This is a list of events related to Colonies. (from Stellaris/events/colony_events_2.txt).


  • 1 Mharin Kharin event chain (id 1520-1534)
    • 1.1 Mharin Kharin: Floral Fascination
    • 1.2 Mharin Kharin: Olfactory Arousal
    • 1.3 Mharin Kharin: Making Time for Petals
    • 1.4 Mharin Kharin: Work Over Flowers
    • 1.5 Mharin Kharin: Rooted in Place
    • 1.6 Mharin Kharin: Transmission Trouble
    • 1.7 Mharin Kharin: Upper Management Betrayal
    • 1.8 Mharin Kharin: With an Iron Fist, From Afar
    • 1.9 Mharin Kharin: Slash and Burn
    • 1.10 Mharin Kharin: Pollen Worship
    • 1.11 Mharin Kharin: Beginning of Pollen's End
    • 1.12 Mharin Kharin: Disaster Averted
    • 1.13 Mharin Kharin: The Pollen's End of Us
    • 1.14 Mharin Kharin: A New Beginning
    • 1.15 Mharin Kharin: Pistil Pondering

Mharin Kharin event chain (id 1520-1534)

Mharin Kharin: Floral Fascination

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (1)

Several plants native to [colony name], where we recently established a colony, exude copious amounts of a pollen with an astounding chemical complexity.

A special research project has been prepared for further study of this flora.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (3) Gestalt Consciousness
  • Main species cannot be Machine
  • This event must not have already occurred for any empire
  • Must be the original owner of the colony
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
    • Not be the Player empire's homeworld
    • Not be occupied by another empire
    • Have not experienced (almost) any other colony event
  • The planet must:
    • User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (6) Ring World
    • User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (8) Shattered Ring World
    • User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (10) Habitat
    • User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (12) Arid World
    • User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (14) Desert World
    • User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (16) Savannah World
    • User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (18) Ecumenopolis
    • User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (20) Relic World
Is triggered only by:
  • 0.32% chance for this event to trigger 2 years after colonization
  • 0.29% chance for this event to trigger 3 years after colonization

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (22)


  • Issues the Floral Study special project
  • Triggers the Mharin Kharin: Olfactory Arousal event in 1 year

Mharin Kharin: Olfactory Arousal

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (23)

Long-term exposure to the pollen naturally occurring in [colony name]'s atmosphere acts on the colonists' pheromone receptors with a mild aphrodisiac effect, accompanied by a barely-perceptible "high." The plant that produces the most potent strain is a flower common to all areas of the planet; squirreled away into some obscure taxonomic nook by scientists on [colony name] but known in the local [main species name] dialect as "Mharin Kharin."

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
Is triggered only by:
  • Mharin Kharin: Floral Fascination event

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (25)


  • Adds the Pheromoned, First Stage modifier to the planet, giving the following effects:
    • +10% Happiness
  • Triggers the Mharin Kharin: Making Time for Petals event in 400 days

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (29)Enabled if:

  • Have at least 400 energy credits to choose this option.

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (31)

We cannot allow mind-altering particles in the atmosphere.

  • Lose 400 energy credits

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (33)Enabled if:

  • Have less than 400 energy credits

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (35)

We do not have the resources to exterminate the plant.

  • Adds the Pheromoned, First Stage modifier to the planet
  • Triggers the Mharin Kharin: Making Time for Petals event in 500 days

Mharin Kharin: Making Time for Petals

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (36)

Reports from [colony name] indicate that worker productivity has declined recently, becoming stable at levels several percent lower than the [empire name] average.

This may or may not be due to the stimulating effects of the pollen native to the planet.

It probably is.

A special project has been prepared should we wish to make our production pipelines more efficient to make up for the loss.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
Is triggered only by:
  • Mharin Kharin: Olfactory Arousal event

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (38)

Let's see what can be done.

  • Adds the Pheromoned, Second Stage modifier to the planet, giving the following effects:
    • −15% Resources from Jobs
  • Issues the Labor Study special project
  • Triggers the Mharin Kharin: Rooted in Place event in 300 days

Mharin Kharin: Work Over Flowers

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (42)

Far-reaching changes to time management paradigms and the way responsibility is delegated within all fields of production and other duties on [colony name] have produced good results. The populace has an evident desire - outside observers would call it an outright need - to be in close proximity to the native flora.

With clever scheduling and additional checks in place, productivity remains low but has risen above the lower limit of what can be deemed acceptable.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
    • Not have experienced the Mharin Kharin: Slash and Burn event
    • Not have experienced the Mharin Kharin: A New Beginning event
Is triggered only by:
  • Completing the Labor Study special project

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (44)

Good work.

  • Gain 12x society output (potential gain of250 ~ 100 000)
  • Adds the Pheromoned, Workaround modifier to the planet, giving the following effects:
    • +10% Resources from Jobs

Mharin Kharin: Rooted in Place

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (49)

A recent survey indicates that residents of [colony name] are much less likely than other denizens of the [empire name] to migrate to other planets.

The survey does not address whether this could be due to a psychological dependency on the low-level sensory arousal caused by Mharin Kharin and its sibling-plants.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
Is triggered only by:
  • Mharin Kharin: Making Time for Petals event

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (51)


  • Adds the Pheromoned, Third Stage modifier to the planet, giving the following effects:
    • −75% Immigration Pull
    • −75% Emigration Push
  • Triggers the Mharin Kharin: Transmission Trouble event in 100 days

Mharin Kharin: Transmission Trouble

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (56)

While productivity is no longer declining on the planet, communications between the colony on [colony name] and the capital on [capital name] are breaking down. Senior officials on [colony name] are growing increasingly distant, and our clerks are complaining that even relaying simple directives is becoming an exercise in frustration.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • Must be the original owner of the colony
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
    • Not be the Player empire's homeworld
Is triggered only by:
  • Mharin Kharin: Rooted in Place event

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (58)


  • Triggers the Mharin Kharin: Pollen Worship event in 200 days

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (59)

Deploy an administrative task force. Code mauve.

  • Adds the Pheromoned, Fourth Stage modifier to the planet, giving the following effects:
    • +5% Resources from Jobs
    • −10% Happiness
  • Triggers the Mharin Kharin: Upper Management Betrayal event in 200 days

Mharin Kharin: Upper Management Betrayal

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (64)

It appears that the crack team of administrators we sent to [colony name] in order to set things straight have been turned. Fortunately for us, their plot to do as little work as possible was, unsurprisingly, sloppily executed and easily discovered. Heads will roll - metaphorically speaking of course - as our last recourse is to depose the local government and manage the colony's affairs from the capital.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • Must be the original owner of the colony
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
    • Not be the Player empire's homeworld
Is triggered only by:
  • Mharin Kharin: Transmission Trouble event

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (66)

It won't be pretty.

  • Triggers the Mharin Kharin: With an Iron Fist, From Afar event in 300 days

Mharin Kharin: With an Iron Fist, From Afar

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (67)

Our remote-government of [colony name] is now firmly established. It has met with some success in suppressing the proliferation of the pollen-bearing plant Mharin Kharin as well as in eroding the community's acceptance of "using" it - no small feat considering the act is as innocent as smelling a flower.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • Must be the original owner of the colony
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
    • Not be the Player empire's homeworld
Is triggered only by:
  • Mharin Kharin: Upper Management Betrayal event

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (69)


  • Triggers the Mharin Kharin: Slash and Burn event in 1 year

Mharin Kharin: Slash and Burn

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (70)

Our remote-governance of [colony name] continues to be a somewhat awkward but effective arrangement. The council in charge has allegedly secured the loyalty of a faction of our armed forces on the planet - apparently they prefer staying indoors to breathing in the Mharin Kharin pollen. The remote-government wishes to use these troops to mount an offensive on the flower, having them erect atmospheric purifiers and wiping the plant from all urban areas entirely.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • Must be the original owner of the colony
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
    • Not be the Player empire's homeworld
Is triggered only by:
  • Mharin Kharin: With an Iron Fist, From Afar event

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (72)

We should have done this a long time ago.

  • Removes all modifiers from this event chain from the planet:

Mharin Kharin: Pollen Worship

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (73)

Fringe elements on [colony name] have banded together to form a quasi-religious organization seeking to control all aspects of the Mharin Kharin flower and its cultivation. Their leader, a self-styled "Green Hierophant" of this "Flower Temple" claims to speak for all flora and fauna of [colony name] and demands exclusive trading rights for the plant.

This is of course completely unacceptable and impossible, as the native flora of [colony name] is of little strategic or economic value and thus may not be brought off-world by law.

Unfortunately, they are unlikely to accept this fact gracefully.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • Must be the original owner of the colony
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
    • Not be the Player empire's homeworld
Is triggered only by:
  • Mharin Kharin: Transmission Trouble event

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (75)


  • Triggers the Mharin Kharin: Beginning of Pollen's End event in 60 days

Mharin Kharin: Beginning of Pollen's End

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (76)

The Flower Temple and its followers now make up a sizable minority of the population on [colony name], and reports indicate a disturbing change in the movement. Their futile attempts to smuggle Mharin Kharin specimen off-world have been growing less enthusiastic by the day, as the Flower Temple seems to be transitioning into a doomsday cult. There is likely a correlation with the recent changes in the Mharin Kharin pollen's chemical makeup, detected by atmospheric sensors.

A special project has been prepared to assess the risks associated with this, and it is recommended to complete it before something goes horribly wrong.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • Must be the original owner of the colony
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be the Player empire's homeworld
Is triggered only by:
  • Mharin Kharin: Pollen Worship event

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (78)

Very well.

  • Issues the A Sense of Impending Doom special project

Mharin Kharin: Disaster Averted

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (79)

Quick and decisive action allowed us to identify the risks associated with the rapid changes in the pollen native to [colony name] and take the necessary steps.

The necessary steps were a complete planetary evacuation and a planet-wide tactical pesticide bombing run, targeting the Mharin Kharin flower and its ilk.

The plants were rapidly mutating and their unique pollen would, had they not been destroyed, soon have begun delivering a potent neurotoxin to the olfactory organs of all sapient life on [colony name].

The scientists on the colonization council theorize that this is part of a natural cycle on [colony name] and that the pollen's adverse effects on us, in the form of a crumbling local administration, the rise of the Flower Temple cult, and eventual pollen toxicity, were chance side-effects rather than the product of a plant's sinister self-defense mechanism.

Regardless, any and all traces of the flower have been wiped from the planet's surface, and our colonists are safe and free of the pollen's influence.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • Must be the original owner of the colony
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
    • Not be the Player empire's homeworld
Is triggered only by:
  • Completing the A Sense of Impending Doom special project
Immediate effects:
  • Removes all modifiers from this event chain from the planet:

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (81)

All's well that ends well.

  • Gain 12x unity output (potential gain of150 ~ 2000)

Mharin Kharin: The Pollen's End of Us

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (83)

Something went horribly wrong.

Vast swaths of Mharin Kharin flowers spontaneously mutated in unison, spreading like wildfire and turning their pollen poisonous, and we were too late.

Both our evacuation efforts and our attempts to neutralize the pollen fell short of the mark and the inhabitants of [colony name] paid the price.

The plant life of [colony name] achieved only a pyrrhic victory, though this fact is scant consolation. The whole genus that Mharin Kharin belonged to burned in the fire of its own unnaturally rapid proliferation. The soil is starved of the specific nutrients the pollinating plants need - once the currently living specimens die, which will be soon, it will be a long time before that flora can again establish a foothold in the ecosystem, if it ever will.

The inhabitants of [colony name] are dead, and the planet's atmosphere is temporarily noxious with plant emissions.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • Must be the original owner of the colony
  • The colony must:
    • Have at least 1 pop
    • Not be in ground combat
    • Not be the Player empire's capital
    • Not be the Player empire's homeworld
Is triggered only by:
  • Failing to complete the A Sense of Impending Doom special project before it times out
Immediate effects:
  • Removes all modifiers from this event chain from the planet:
  • Gain the Pheromone Tragedy empire modifier for 10 years, giving the following effects:
    • −10% Happiness
    • −10% Monthly Unity

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (87)

We will not forget this tragedy.

  • Destroys the colony
  • The planet becomes a Toxic World
  • Triggers the Mharin Kharin: A New Beginning event in 2 years

Mharin Kharin: A New Beginning

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (89)

A planetary surveillance team reports that the toxic miasma that enveloped a planet two years ago and led to the destruction of our colony has lifted. The planet is different now, changed into a desert world after the violent blooming of Mharin Kharin and the atmosphere becoming saturated with pollen.

It will take more than these two years for the [empire name] to forget the tragic fate of those who lived there, but the planet itself is no longer actively hostile to sapient life.

Trigger conditions:
  • The planet is a Toxic World
Is triggered only by:
  • Mharin Kharin: The Pollen's End of Us event
Immediate effects:
  • The planet becomes a Desert World

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (93)

I see...

Mharin Kharin: Pistil Pondering

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (94)

On closer examination, the plants native to [colony name] turn out to be rather dull. Some excrete pollen that have a mild stimulating effect and they are likely to have a propensity for rapid genetic change; hardly impressive enough to warrant adopting as a strategic or luxury resource.

Trigger conditions:
  • Player-controlled empire
  • Must be the original owner of the colony
  • The colony must:
    • Not be the Player empire's homeworld
Is triggered only by:
  • Completing the Floral Study special project

User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (96)


  • Gain 12x society output (potential gain of250 ~ 100 000)

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User:Rampagingcarrot/Colony events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.