Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (2024)

By: Manvendra Singh |Comments (14) | Related: 1 | 2 | More > Database Administration


Have you ever thought about how SQL Server stores data in its data files?As you know, data in tables is stored in row and column format at the logical level,but physically it stores data in data pages which are allocated from the data files ofthe database.In this tip I will show how pages are allocated to data files andwhat happens when there are multiple data files for a SQL Server database.


Every SQL Server database has at least two operating system files: a data file and a logfile. Data files can be of two types: Primary or Secondary. The Primary data file contains startupinformation for the database and points to other files in the database. Userdata and objects can be stored in this file and every databasehas one primary data file. Secondary data files are optional andcan be used to spread data across multiple files/disks by putting each file on a differentdisk drive. SQL Server databases can have multiple data and log files, but only oneprimary data file. Above these operating system files, there are Filegroups. Filegroupswork as a logical container for the data files and a filegroup can have multiple datafiles.

The disk space allocated to a data file is logically divided into pages whichis the fundamental unit of data storage in SQL Server. A database page is an 8 KBchunk of data. When you insert any data into a SQL Server database, it saves thedata to a series of 8 KB pages inside the data file. If multiple data filesexist within a filegroup, SQL Server allocates pages to all data files basedon a round-robin mechanism. So if we insert data into a table, SQL Server allocatespages first to data file 1, then allocates to data file 2, and so on, thenback to data file 1 again. SQL Server achieves this by an algorithm known as ProportionalFill.

The proportional fill algorithm is used when allocating pages, so all data files allocate space around the same time. This algorithm determines the amount of informationthat should be written to each of the data files in a multi-file filegroup based on theproportion of free space within each file, which allows the files to become fullat approximately the same time. Proportional fill works based on the free spacewithin a file.

Analyzing How SQL Server Data is Stored

Step 1: First we will create a database named "Manvendra" with three datafiles (1 primary and 2 secondary data files) and one log file by running the below T-SQLcode. You can change the name of the database, file path, file names, size and filegrowth according to your needs.


Step 2: Now we can check the available free space in each data file ofthis database to track the sequence of page allocations to the data files.There are multiple ways to check such information and below is one option. Runthe below command to check freespace in each data file.

USE ManvendraGOSelect DB_NAME() AS [DatabaseName], Name, file_id, physical_name, (size * 8.0/1024) as Size, ((size * 8.0/1024) - (FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') * 8.0/1024)) As FreeSpace From sys.database_files

You can see the data file names, file IDs, physical name, total size and available free spacein each of the database files.

Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (1)

We can also check how many Extents areallocated for this database. We will run the below DBCC command to getthis information. Although this is undocumented DBCC command this can be very usefulinformation.

USE ManvendraGODBCC showfilestats

With this command we can see the number of Extents for each data file. As youmay know, the size of each data page is 8KB and eight continuous pages equalsone extent, so the size ofan extent would be approximately 64KB. We created each data file with a size of 5 MB, sothe totalnumber of available extents would be 80 which is shown in column TotalExtents, we can get this by (5*1024)/64.

UsedExtents is the number of extents allocated withdata. As I mentioned above, the primary data file includes system informationabout the database, so this is why this file has a higher number of UsedExtents.

Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (2)

Step 3: The next step is to create a table in which we will insert data. Runthebelow command to create a table. Once the table is created we will run bothcommands again which we ran in step 2 to get the details of free space and used/allocatedextents.

USE Manvendra;GOCREATE TABLE [Test_Data] ( [Sr.No] INT IDENTITY, [Date] DATETIME DEFAULT GETDATE (), [City] CHAR (25) DEFAULT 'Bangalore', [Name] CHAR (25) DEFAULT 'Manvendra Deo Singh');

Step 4: Check the allocated pages and free space available in each datafile by running same commands from step 2.

USE ManvendraGoSelect DB_NAME() AS [DatabaseName], Name, file_id, physical_name, (size * 8.0/1024) as Size, ((size * 8.0/1024) - (FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') * 8.0/1024)) As FreeSpace From sys.database_files

You can see that there is no difference between this screenshot and the abovescreenshot except for a little difference in the FreeSpace for the transactionlog file.

Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (3)

Now run the below DBCC command to check the allocated pages for each data file.

DBCC showfilestats

You can see the allocated pages of each data files has not changed.

Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (4)

Step 5: Now we will insert some datainto this table to fill each of the data files. Run the below command to insert 10,000 rows to table Test_Data.


Step 6: Once data is inserted we will check the availablefree space in each data file and the total allocated pages of each data file.

USE ManvendraGoSelect DB_NAME() AS [DatabaseName], Name, file_id, physical_name, (size * 8.0/1024) as Size, ((size * 8.0/1024) - (FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') * 8.0/1024)) As FreeSpace From sys.database_files

You can see the difference between the screenshot below and the abovescreenshot. Free space in each data file has been reduced and the same amount ofspace has been allocated from both of the secondary data files, because bothfiles have the same amount of free space and proportional fill works based onthe free space within a file.

Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (5)

Nowrun below DBCC command to check the allocated pages for each data files.

DBCC showfilestats

You can see a few more pages have been allocated for each data file. Now the primarydata file has 41 extents and the secondary data files have a total of 10 extents, so total datasaved so far is 51 extents. Both secondary data files have the same number of extents allocatedwhich proves the proportional fill algorithm.

Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (6)

Step 7: We can also see where data is stored for table "Test_Data" foreach data fileby running the below DBCC command. This will let us know that data is stored onall data files.

DBCC IND ('Manvendra', 'Test_data', -1);

I attached two screenshots because the number of rows was very large to showall data file IDs where data has been stored. File IDs are shown ineach screenshot, so we can see each data page and their respective file ID.From this we can say that table Test_data is saved on all three data files asshownin the following screenshots.

Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (7)

Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (8)

Step 8: We will repeat the same exercise again to check space allocation foreach data file. Insert an additional 10,000 rows to the same table Test_Data to checkand validate the page allocation for each data file. Run the same command which weran in step 5 to insert 10,000 more rows to the table test_data. Once the rows havebeen inserted, check the free space and allocated extents for each datafile.

USE ManvendraGOINSERT INTO Test_DATA DEFAULT VALUES;GO 10000Select DB_NAME() AS [DatabaseName], Name, file_id, physical_name, (size * 8.0/1024) as Size, ((size * 8.0/1024) - (FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') * 8.0/1024)) As FreeSpace From sys.database_files

We can see again both secondary data files have the same amount of free space andsimilar amount of space has been allocated from the primary data file as well.Thismeans SQL Server uses a proportional fill algorithm to fill data in to the datafiles.

Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (9)

We can get the extent information again for the data files.

DBCC showfilestats

Again we can see in increase in the UsedExtents for all three of the datafiles.

Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (10)

Next Steps
  • Create a test database and follow these steps, so you can better understandhow SQL Server stores data at a physical and logical level.
  • Exploremore knowledge withSQL Server Database Administration Tips

About the author

Manvendra Singh has over 5 years of experience with SQL Server and has focused on Database Mirroring, Replication, Log Shipping, etc.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Understanding how SQL Server stores data in data files (2024)
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