Positions To Relieve Gas: Research-Backed Techniques for Comfort - PharmEasy Blog (2024)

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2more

Positions To Relieve Gas: Research-Backed Techniques for Comfort - PharmEasy Blog (1) Medically reviewed byDr. Shubham Pandey

Positions To Relieve Gas: Research-Backed Techniques for Comfort - PharmEasy Blog (2)Last updated: May 6, 2024

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Table of Contents

Key Highlights:

  • Understanding the causes and symptoms of gas and bloating.
  • Yoga poses and stretches for gas relief, including wind-relieving pose, child’s pose, and seated forward bend.
  • Home remedies and tips to reduce trapped gas, such as getting a massage and drinking herbal teas.
  • Over-the-counter options for gas relief, including enzyme preparations and adsorbents.
  • Foods and beverages that may help promote the passage of gas.


Most of us have felt gas or bloating at some point. Trapped gas can cause discomfort or even pain. So, it’s crucial to know how to relieve these symptoms. Let’s learn about the ways to manage gas that are backed by research.

In this article, we’ll start by understanding the causes and symptoms of gas and bloating. Then we’ll delve into yoga poses and stretches that may help with gas relief. We’ll also discuss about home remedies and tips to avoid gas and bloating, along with over-the-counter options. We’ll explore foods and drinks that may ease the passage of gas. At the end, we’ll address some common questions about gas relief.

Positions To Relieve Gas: Research-Backed Techniques for Comfort - PharmEasy Blog (3)

Did you know?

  1. The supine knee-to-chest position can help relieve gas discomfort. source: NCBI
  2. The child’s pose in yoga can help relieve gas and bloating. source: NCBI
  3. Massaging the abdomen in a clockwise direction can help relieve gas. source: NCBI
  4. Walking or light exercise can help stimulate digestion and relieve gas. source: NCBI

Understanding Gas and Bloating

Causes of gas and bloating

Various factors can cause gas and bloating which are described below .

  • Food-induced causes

There are foods known to cause gas and bloating. For example, beans, broccoli, cabbage, dairy products, and soda. These foods are mostly high in fiber or contain gases-releasing carbohydrates.

  • Lifestyle causes

Swallowing air while eating can cause gas. This can happen when you chew gum, drink, or eat too fast, or drink fizzy drinks. Also, stress, anxiety, and being inactive could lead to gas buildup.

Symptoms of trapped gas

Trapped gas can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as:

  • Stomach pain or swelling.
  • Feeling bloated.
  • Burps and flatulence.
  • Hard time taking a deep breath (in some cases).

Tips for avoiding trapped gas

You may stop gas from building up in your gut. Here are some tips that may help.

  • Eating your food slowly.
  • Lessen your intake of gas-causing foods.
  • Drink water on a regular basis.
  • Get up and move often.
  • Manage stress with deep breathing exercises or meditation.

When to see a doctor?

If you have gas often, severe pain, or signs like sudden weight loss or changes in your stool consistency and bowel habit.

Positions To Relieve Gas: Research-Backed Techniques

Yoga offers loads of health benefits. It is proposed to ease pain and also aid digestion. Below we have described some yoga poses that may help release trapped gas.

1. Wind-relieving pose (Pawanmuktasana)

Wind-relieving pose is effective for gas relief. This pose presses on the stomach, which helps push out trapped gas.

  • Potential Benefits
  • Eases trapped gas
  • Aids digestion
  • Stretches the spine and neck
  • Step-by-step guide

The steps involved are described below.

  1. Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat or soft floor.
  1. Slowly pull your right knee to your chest. Keep your left leg straight.
  1. Hold your shin with your hands and gently pull your knee closer.
  1. Make sure your head and shoulders are relaxed. Hold this pose for 5 to 10 long breaths.
  1. Let go and do it with your left leg. You can also pose with both legs if you feel like it.

2. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

A child’s pose relaxes your body. It gives gentle pressure on your gut which could help relieve gas.

  • Potential Benefits
  • Eases gas and swelling.
  • Gently massages and stretches stomach organs.
  • Helps you relax.
  • Step-by-step guide

Following are the steps involved in a child’s pose.

  1. Start by kneeling on your mat. Your knees should be as wide as your hips and your big toes should touch.
  1. Sit back on your heels. Slowly bending from your waist, and try to touch your chest down to your thighs.
  1. Stretch your arms ahead of you. Rest your forehead on the floor.
  1. Hold this pose for as long as you are comfortable.

3. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

The seated forward bend offers a deep stretch for the spine, back of thighs, and lower back. It softly presses on your stomach.

  • Potential Benefits
  • Eases trapped gas
  • Aids in digestion
  • Stretches the spine and lowers the back.
  • Step-by-step guide

Following are the steps involved.

  1. Sit on your mat, legs straight ahead, back upright.
  1. Breathe in, arms overhead, back lengthened.
  1. Breathe out and fold by your hips. Reach for your toes. But only as far as you are snug.
  1. Stay like this for 5 to 10 deep breaths, letting your body relax deeper with each breath out.

3. Two-knee Spinal Twist Pose (Supta Matsyendrasana)

This pose involves gentle twisting of the torso, which may help digestion and the release of gas.

  • Potential Benefits
  • Aids digestion
  • Eases trapped gas
  • Stretches the spine and lower back
  • Step-by-step guide

The following are the steps involved.

  1. Lie on your back on a yoga mat or a comfy spot.
  1. Bend your knees towards your chest.
  1. Slowly drop your knees to one side without lifting your shoulders off the floor.
  1. Turn your head opposite your knees.
  1. Stay like this for 5 to 10 deep breaths, then switch sides.

4. Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)

The Happy baby pose opens up hip space. This pose also may help to soothe stress and tension in the lower back and stomach.

  • Benefits
  • Let’s out trapped gas
  • Lowers stress and strain
  • Stretches the hips and lower back
  • Step-by-step guide

To do the happy baby pose, the following steps are involved.

  1. Lie on your back on your mat or a soft surface.
  1. Fold your knees and bring your feet near your chest, grab the sides of your feet.
  1. Gently pull your feet down, opening your knees wider than your torso. Try to touch the floor.
  1. Stay in this pose for up to 60 seconds. Take long breaths and rock gently side to side if it feels good.

Research shows that activated charcoal supplements may soak up extra gas in your belly, which helps you feel less bloated and uncomfortable. It works by grabbing onto the gas in your stomach and then getting rid of it from your body. Make sure to consult your doctor before you take any supplements.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D

Other yoga poses and stretches

Here are some other yoga poses that may help.

  • Half Spinal Twist
  • Supine Spinal Twist
  • Crescent Lunge Twist
  • Cobra Pose
  • Legs up the Wall Pose
  • Bow Pose
  • Adamant Pose

If you are a beginner, it is recommended that you learn these poses from a trained professional to avoid any undue strain or injuries to muscles by doing them incorrectly.

Below table summarizes different yoga poses and their health benefits.

Yoga Poses & StretchesBenefits
Wind-Relieving PoseRelieves gas, aids digestion, stretches spine and neck
Child’s PoseReleases gas and bloating, stretches abdominal organs, promotes relaxation
Seated Forward BendRelieves trapped gas, stretches spine and lower back, stimulates digestion
Two-Knee Spinal Twist PoseAids in digestion, relieves trapped gas, stretches spine and lower back
Happy Baby PoseReleases trapped gas, reduces stress and tension, stretches hips and lower back
Half Spinal TwistStretches and tones muscles, improves digestion, relieves trapped gas
Supine Spinal TwistImproves digestion, relieves trapped gas and bloating, stretches spine
Crescent Lunge TwistProvides a gentle stretch, assists in digestion, relieves trapped gas and bloating
Cobra PoseRelieves discomfort, helps pass gas, relaxes lower abdomen
Legs up the Wall PoseAssists with digestion, helps pass gas
Bow PoseStrengthens stomach muscles, encourages digestion, helps relieve gas and bloating
Adamant PoseStretches stomach to relieve gas pains, strengthens gastrointestinal muscles

Gas in your belly comes from the food in your gut getting fermented. Lactulose, a substance that doesn’t get absorbed well in the small intestine and gets fermented in the colon, has been linked to bloating and feeling swollen in both healthy people and those with ongoing constipation problems.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Home Remedies and Tips to Avoid Gas

Apart from yoga, home remedies may also help ease gas. They are as follows.

1. Move around

Walking or light exercise may help move gas through your gut. This may stop gas from building up.

2. Get a massage

A gentle stomach massage may stimulate the release of trapped gas. It may even improve digestion.

3. Drink more liquids

Drink lots of water or warm herbal tea. It may help with digestion and eases gas.

4. Herbs

You may try adding herbs to your food for gas relief. Herbs like nise, caraway, coriander, fennel, and turmeric may help.

5. Try baking soda

Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and drink it. It might give your stomach relief. But be careful, drinking a lot could rupture your stomach.

6. Drink apple cider vinegar

Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Drinking this might help with gas relief. More scientific evidence is needed to back this benefit but also be cautious of side effects of over consumption of apple cider vinegar.

Over-the-counter Options for Trapped Gas

  • Enzyme preparations

Enzyme products like lactase and alpha-galactosidase may help break down hard-to-digest carbohydrates. They may provide quick gas relief.

  • Adsorbents

Adsorbents like simethicone, activated charcoal and sodium bicarbonate are known to help. They may break up gas bubbles and lift gas symptoms. But remember, they might cause mild side effects like a black tongue.

Foods and Beverages that May Help You Pass Gas

Here are some foods you may add to your diet if you want to ease gas.

List of foods

  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Green vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage
  • Fruits like apples and pears
  • Full grains
  • Nuts

List of beverages

  • Fizzy drinks like soda or beer (drink these little!)
  • Warm water
  • Herbal teas like peppermint, ginger, and chamomile


Gas and bloating aren’t comfortable. But the good news is, there are ways that may help you relieve these symptoms. You may practice yoga poses such as wind-relieving pose or child’s pose, etc. You may try home remedies or store-bought solutions. You may also help yourself by being aware of the food and drinks you consume. Always remember to seek medical advice if you often have gas, severe pain or other suspicious symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best position to relieve gas?

Yoga poses like wind-relieving pose, child’s pose, and seated forward bend are good. You could also lie on one side or do twists lying down.

How long can trapped gas last?

Trapped gas could last hours and cause discomfort all this time. If gas lasts a long time without going away, get medical help to check for other health issues.

Does drinking hot water relieve gas?

Yes, drinking water, hot or cold may help with digestion and gas. Hot water may be extra soothing.

What side do you lie on to pass gas?

Lying on your left would help. This is because the large bowel goes up the right side, over the top, and then goes down the left side.

Why do I feel bloated and can’t pass gas?

You might have a digestive issue or constant hard stools if you feel bloated but can’t let out gas. Sometimes, it might be a sign of a serious health issue. See a doctor if severe pain or other worrying signs show up with these symptoms.

How do you release trapped gas?

Try various yoga poses, get up and move around, or try home or store-bought remedies. These could help release gas and may make you feel better.

How do I get unbloated in 5 minutes?

It may be hard to get rid of the bloating in 5 minutes. But trying some yoga poses or light movement may give you fast relief.

What is the best position to avoid gas?

Try lying on your left. This follows the natural gas flow in the large bowel. So, it may help pass gas easily and lower gut discomfort.


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Positions To Relieve Gas: Research-Backed Techniques for Comfort - PharmEasy Blog (4)

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Positions To Relieve Gas: Research-Backed Techniques for Comfort - PharmEasy Blog (2024)


Which position is best for gas relief? ›

On a bed, sofa, or the floor, lie on your side. Gently draw both knees toward your chest. If you don't get relief after several minutes, try slowly moving your legs down and up a few times. Try using your hands to pull your knees closer to your chest, if you can do this comfortably or without causing more pain.

How do I massage my stomach for trapped gas? ›

Rub in a circular motion lightly up to the right side till you reach your rib bones. Move straight across to the left side. Work your way down to the left to the hip bone and back up to the belly button for 2-3 minutes. Rub with your fingertips in a circular motion.

What is the best position to feed to reduce gas? ›

Good news: This can be remedied with the proper breastfeeding positions, including upright or semi-upright positions, like the laid-back position. “Because milk isn't flowing downward with gravity into baby's mouth, they can control the milk flow better in this position, which helps avoid gas,” Nguyen says.

How to remove gas from stomach instantly in Ayurveda? ›

Asafoetida or hing gives you instant relief from gas or acidity. If you mix half a teaspoon of the spice with lukewarm water and drink it, you'll be able to relieve yourself from excess gas and the resultant acidity.

What is the best position for relieving gas? ›

What is the best position to relieve gas? Yoga poses like wind-relieving pose, child's pose, and seated forward bend are good. You could also lie on one side or do twists lying down.

Where do you push to release gas? ›

Point location: Roughly 6 inches above the small of the back and 1 1/2 inches outward on either side of the spine. To massage this point: Place one to two fingers on the weishu point. Apply gentle pressure in a circular motion.

What is the pressure point to release bowels? ›

Kidney 6 (KI6) is an acupressure point on the foot used to induce bowel movements. According to TCM, it can ease constipation by promoting fluid production. To use this point for acupressure: Find the KI6 point below your inner ankle bone.

What's the best way to lay when you have trapped gas? ›

Lying on your left would help. This is because the large bowel goes up the right side, over the top, and then goes down the left side. Why do I feel bloated and can't pass gas? You might have a digestive issue or constant hard stools if you feel bloated but can't let out gas.

Why do I feel a fart but it won't come out? ›

Farts are trapped: If you feel like gas gets trapped inside of you and you cannot let it out, this is likely due to tightness of the pelvic floor muscles. The deep pelvic floor muscles sling around the rectum, and the anal sphincters are also part of the pelvic floor.

How to make yourself burp to relieve gas? ›

Change the way you breathe

Breathe while sitting straight up to help increase the chances of a burp. Get air into your throat by sucking in air through your mouth until you feel an air bubble in your throat, and then block the front of your mouth with your tongue so you can release the air slowly.

Does drinking hot water relieve gas? ›

The theory is that hot water can also dissolve and dissipate the food you've eaten that your body might have had trouble digesting. More research is needed to prove this benefit, though a 2016 study showed that warm water may have favorable effects on intestinal movements and gas expulsion after surgery.

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