Ovulation test can it detect pregnancy | Mumsnet (2024)

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When's the best time to get pregnant? Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive.

When's the best time to get pregnant? Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive.


53 replies

Katywatty17 · 05/09/2021 16:39

Hi guys I was wandering if you could help.
We are trying for number 2 for over a year.. I’m so bloated and don’t feel right.. I have just done a ovulation test, I’m due on my period in 3 days, I was just wandering can they predict pregnancy? Also does this look like a positive test! Thank you for your help!

Ovulation test can it detect pregnancy | Mumsnet (1)

OP posts:



Hopefulhedgehog · 05/09/2021 17:02

Please don’t drive yourself crazy doing this - buy a pregnancy test. For what it’s worth I wouldn’t consider that to be a positive ovulation test.


Katywatty17 · 05/09/2021 17:13

Thanks, I know it’s just I can bear another negative.. so I thought I’d check this on the off chance. I mean if it doesn’t look positive, that’s good to know, in fairness I also did the test, 4:30 this afternoon! So probably the wrong time!

OP posts:


FelicityBob · 05/09/2021 17:23

Yes they can. I found out I was pregnant using an ovulation test as I didn’t have any pregnancy tests in the house


Katywatty17 · 05/09/2021 17:28


Yes they can. I found out I was pregnant using an ovulation test as I didn’t have any pregnancy tests in the house

Does this one look positive? I know I probably did it at the wrong time of day!

OP posts:


FelicityBob · 05/09/2021 19:46

No idea sorry, it was years ago, I can’t remember what they are supposed to look like



TinaYouFatLard · 05/09/2021 19:47

Yes. They definitely detect pregnancy hormone. I had a positive ovulation test the day before I got my BFP. There is a website called something like peeonastick.com which explains it.



TinaYouFatLard · 05/09/2021 19:49

Oh and my reason was the same as yours for doing the ovulation rather than a pregnancy test. I could t bear another negative and for some reason taking the ovulation test was easier to bear.


EmbarrassingMama · 05/09/2021 19:50

Yes, I found out I was pregnant with my first from a positive OPK. I realised the timing couldn’t be right and did a FRER. Good luck!


Trinacham · 05/09/2021 19:52

Yes. After I'd had positive pregnancy tests I continued testing as I liked to see the line progression (think I was scared it would turn out to be a chemical) and when I ran out I used ovulation sticks. There was always a line.


CustardGoodJamGoodMeatGood · 05/09/2021 19:56

Yes, I already knew I was pregnant but had some OPKs so gave one a bash as I often see stuff about them detecting pregnancy. It stole some of the dye from the test line and was really dark. Couldn't comment on yours OP but if you know you've already ovulated this month then fingers crossed for you🤞



Katywatty17 · 05/09/2021 20:03

Thanks so much for your replies, does anyone of you think or know if this might be positive?
I have already ovulated this month! That's what I'm trying to work out? Sorry for sounding daft!! Ovulation test can it detect pregnancy | Mumsnet (2)

OP posts:


Katywatty17 · 05/09/2021 20:03

Also can the time of day effect the result?

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Katywatty17 · 05/09/2021 20:04

My period is due in 3 days??

OP posts:


Ohpulltheotherone · 05/09/2021 20:18

OPKs pick up the same hormone as pregnancy tests.
Pregnancy tests do not pick up LH so you can’t use it in reverse.

I took a random OPK I had laid around the morning I first realised I could be pregnant- I had no tests in the house so I did the OPK and it was a very strong positive. I then rushed to the shops and got some tests. All positive. DC is now 3 Ovulation test can it detect pregnancy | Mumsnet (3)

If there is absolutely no way you might have had a delayed ovulation this month then I would say it’s very likely you’re pregnant and it’s detecting the hormone.

The only other reasons for positive OPKs are that you had a delayed ovulation or very rarely it is possible to ovulate twice in a month.

I would proceed with cautious optimism and straight to the shops tomorrow morning!


Moonshine160 · 05/09/2021 20:20

I had a positive ovulation test before a positive pregnancy test so yes it does work.
I’m not sure if your test is positive or not as I haven’t seen that brand of test before. Which one is the control line and which one is the test line? If the test line is the line on the right then I would say it’s positive. The test line has to be the same or darker than the control line.
As a PP has said though, the only way to be sure is doing a pregnancy test.



beautifulinitstime · 06/09/2021 08:31

Hello op. The ovulation test isnt positive (yet). Has to be of the same darkness or the left line should appear darker than the right. And sharing from my own experience, I did use opk to detect pregnancy few days before my period. There was a rapid surge and mistakenly took it as early pregnancy sign. Little did i know period come the day after. So, it's true LH can surge right before your period. But hope it isnt your case. The only way to know as others had said is to dip a pregnancy test! Wishing you luck 🍀


Katywatty17 · 06/09/2021 09:59

Ah so it doesn't look positive then, I was wandering also does it matter what time of day you test.. it's probably nothing... I've just not been sleeping and waking up so hot last 2 weeks..

OP posts:


beautifulinitstime · 06/09/2021 10:19

@Katywatty17 the only way to know is to dip a pregnancy test hun Ovulation test can it detect pregnancy | Mumsnet (4) fingers crossed for u x


Katywatty17 · 06/09/2021 10:43

I think I'm too scared to do one, I wait and see if I'm late... it's just all hope at the moment... I'm probably also symptom searching... my leg as and joints are aching..
We didn't even have to try for number o e, buts it's been well over a year trying for number 2. I'm lucky to have her so that's what I need to remember. Thank you ladies

OP posts:


Katywatty17 · 06/09/2021 19:16

I think what's confused me more is, seeing posts and instructions that it depends on what time of day you should text, also what some people say is positive some people say it isn't! So confusing Ovulation test can it detect pregnancy | Mumsnet (5)

OP posts:



Boredmotherofone · 06/09/2021 21:37

Yep! This is how I found out I'm pregnant the day before my period was due! Ovulation tests are far, far more sensitive to HCG than even FRERS


Boredmotherofone · 06/09/2021 21:40

These are my ovulation test BFPs! Taken the day before period Ovulation test can it detect pregnancy | Mumsnet (6)

Ovulation test can it detect pregnancy | Mumsnet (7)


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Boredmotherofone · 06/09/2021 21:41

*The day before period due I meant


Boredmotherofone · 06/09/2021 21:43


I think what's confused me more is, seeing posts and instructions that it depends on what time of day you should text, also what some people say is positive some people say it isn't! So confusing Ovulation test can it detect pregnancy | Mumsnet (8)

The thing is, you ovulate 2 weeks (give or take a day) after the first day of your period. So that test you took is not indicating ovulation if you're due your period in 3 days! It says on the box that any visible line is a positive. So if it's not indicating ovulation then it's indicating pregnancy!

Congratulations OP :)


Skybooks · 06/09/2021 21:46

I accidentally did an ovulation test the day of my missed period and it was pretty strong before I realised I'd picked up the wrong test.

I was pregnant but as I haven't done one before a period when not pregnant I can't say for certain, sorry.



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Ovulation test can it detect pregnancy | Mumsnet (2024)


Ovulation test can it detect pregnancy | Mumsnet? ›

An ovulation test was not designed to detect pregnancy, so it should not be used to test for it.

Can an ovulation test detect pregnancy? ›

If you're pregnant, your hCG levels will continue to rise, doubling every couple of days in early pregnancy. In this case, the positive result on an ovulation test may well be a reading of those climbing hCG levels. However, an ovulation test isn't a reliable way to tell whether you're pregnant.

Will a pregnancy test be positive during ovulation? ›

Traces of HCG are present from 6 days after ovulation, but it typically takes 7–10 days after ovulatation for the body to build up enough HCG to show up on a test. If you have an irregular cycle and don't know when your period was due, it's best to take the test at least 21 days after having unprotected sex.

Can you use ovulation test to get pregnant? ›

You should start to test during the time you're expected to be fertile, once a day. A positive test lets you know you're about to ovulate (usually within 36 hours) and to have sex that day and/or the next day. When is the best time to take an ovulation test? You can take an ovulation test at any time of day.

Does a faint line on an ovulation test mean pregnant? ›

The hormone that ovulation tests are looking for, luteinizing hormone (LH), peaks right before ovulation, but is present throughout your menstrual cycle. A lighter line on ovulation test results means a little LH was detected, but not enough to indicate an LH surge which happens right before ovulation.

Will LH be high if pregnant? ›

What are my LH levels if I'm pregnant? Although the hormone spikes to kick start ovulation, LH levels do not remain high during pregnancy. The amount of LH in your body will start to drop after ovulation and LH levels are typically very low during pregnancy (<1.5 IU/L).

Do you ovulate when pregnant? ›

Superfetation is rare because, once a person is pregnant, changes in their hormones typically prevent their body from continuing to ovulate, Dr. Greves explained. But if a person does ovulate again—and if that egg becomes fertilized and implants in the uterus—they can carry a double pregnancy.

Are ovulation tests positive while pregnant? ›

They don't have the kind of sensitivity it takes to distinguish LH and hCG. So, this means that if you're pregnant and you take an ovulation test, it might show a false positive because it's accidentally identifying high hCG levels, not LH. This does not mean that it's accurately detecting your pregnancy.

What are very early signs of pregnancy? ›

The signs of early pregnancy can include:
  • missed period.
  • nausea and vomiting (often called 'morning' sickness, but it can occur at any time)
  • breast tenderness and enlargement.
  • fatigue.
  • passing urine more frequently than usual, particularly at night.

Why are my ovulation test positive but not pregnant? ›

A positive ovulation test is generally a good sign that indicates an LH surge and normally ovulation should occur within 36 hours. But in some women ovulation may not occur and LH surge may be because of conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), pituitary disorder, or perimenopause.

Do ovulation tests help pregnancy? ›

An ovulation test can accurately tell you when you are most likely to conceive if you have intercourse and can help you get pregnant faster. Ovulation tests work by identifying the rise in hormones that surge just before you release an egg, so you know when you should have sex to get pregnant.

Can ovulation test avoid pregnancy? ›

It is not recommended to use ovulation tests or fertility monitors as a means of tracking your ovulation in order to avoid pregnancy. Ovulation tests only identify the LH surge up to 24 to 48 hours before ovulation, and sperm can survive in the body up to 3 to 5 days.

Can you get pregnant without a positive ovulation test? ›

Most women only do not see an LH surge when they are not ovulating. If you do not ovulate during your menstrual cycle — i.e. experience an anovulatory cycle — your body does not release an egg, so it cannot be fertilized. In other words, conception cannot occur without a surge in LH.

Can pregnancy show up on an ovulation test? ›

An OPK can be positive if you're pregnant — but it's quite possible it's a false positive. “LH and hCG have very similar molecular structures, and the over-the-counter predictor kits aren't sensitive enough to distinguish between these two hormones,” says Dr. Styer.

Can you be pregnant and have two lines on ovulation test? ›

The other is the test line (T) that shows the ovulation test result. Unlike a pregnancy test, two lines alone is not a positive result since your body makes LH at low levels throughout your cycle. A result is only positive if the test line (T) is as dark or darker than the control line (C) line.

Can you get a positive pregnancy test during ovulation? ›

Trace levels of hCG can be detected as early as eight days after ovulation. That means you could get positive results several days before you expect your period to start. However, the first part of your cycle is more variable than the second, making it tricky to determine the best time for an early test.

Why is my ovulation test always positive? ›

If you are not having regular periods, the kit may still work, but it may difficult to know when to start testing or even what stage of the cycle you're in. If you are receiving persistently positive results, it most likely means that your LH levels are abnormally elevated. In such a case, the kit may be unreliable.

Can you ovulate while hCG is present? ›

Your hCG level is elevated when you are pregnant, and elevated hCG levels suppress ovulation. After a miscarriage, hCG levels need to drop below 5 mIU/mL for your menstrual cycle to resume (and your pregnancy tests to return to normal).

Can you have a positive ovulation test but no period? ›

While ovulation and periods naturally go together, it is possible to ovulate without having a period. This often occurs for women with irregular periods. Conversely, it is possible to experience monthly bleeding with no ovulation.

How early can you detect pregnancy? ›

In many cases, you might get a positive result from an at-home test as early as 10 days after conception. For a more accurate result, wait until after you've missed your period to take a test. Remember, if you take a test too soon, it could be negative even if you're pregnant.

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