Not losing weight with Weight Watchers: Why and what to do about it. - Justin Thomas Miller (2024)

If you’re not losing weight with Weight Watchers (WW) and wondering why today’s article is for you.

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Why am I not losing weight following Weight Watchers (WW)

To lose weight you have to take in fewer calories than your body needs. Or you have to use more calories than your body needs. Usually, it’s a combination of both.

If you’re not losing weight it’s because you are not in a consistent calorie deficit over time.

All diet methods, nutrition protocols, and systems help you lose weight in the same way. They put you in a calorie deficit. If you maintain an average calorie deficit over time you will lose weight.

  • Keto
  • Paleo
  • Noom
  • Vegan
  • Carnivore
  • Jenny Craig
  • Weight Watchers
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Tracking calories and macronutrients

The only difference between them is how they get you to do it. Some of them get you to restrict calories indirectly. This means you are restricting them without realizing it. Others have you restrict them directly.

For example, keto has you restrict a food group (carbs). Carbs have 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate.

Let’s say you eat on average 2,000 calories per day and you’re maintaining your weight. Within these calories, you eat the following carbohydrates every day.

  • Breakfast: 2 slices of toast (200 calories)
  • Lunch: 1 apple (80 calories)
  • Dinner: 1 cup of rice (200 calories)
  • Total calories: 480

If you restricted carbohydrates you would not be eating 480 calories. You are now eating 1,620 calories per day. This puts you in a calorie deficit and if you do not replace those calories you may start losing weight.

Weight Watchers is a simplified calorie-counting system by assigns points to various foods that have calories. You reduce your calories by reducing your points.

If you’re following (WW) and not losing weight it’s most likely because you are:

  • Overeating zero-point foods. Zero-point foods still have calories.
  • It feels too restrictive and you’re overeating later
  • Not tracking points accurately and eating more than you realize
  • Are not being consistent with it for a long enough period
  • Are losing weight and not looking at your weight trend over time
  • Are focusing too much on scale weight and not enough on body stats and photos to measure fat loss.

Some other things to keep in mind:

  • Start resistance training: If you are not to avoid losing lean muscle while losing weight. You want as much of your weight loss to come from body fat as possible. Losing muscle will affect your metabolism.
  • Medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders, PCOS, or hormonal imbalances, can impact weight loss. If you suspect any issues, see a specialist in those areas.
  • Stress and sleep: Lack of sleep and high stress levels can affect your body’s ability to lose weight. Tired and stressed people tend to move less, eat more, and have lower levels of motivation to work on those things.
  • Check your steps: It’s natural for steps to decrease when it is a weight loss phase. It’s a natural adaptation your body goes through. The fewer calories coming in the more energy your body wants to preserve.

Pros and cons of (WW)

Every diet or nutritional approach has its pros and cons. For Weight Watchers, some of the pros may include:

  • Flexibility: WW encourages flexibility in food choices. Instead of restricting specific foods, it assigns SmartPoints to foods based on their nutritional value, allowing you to make choices that fit their preferences.
  • Behavioral support: WW provides behavioral support through meetings, online communities, and digital tools. This support can be beneficial for you if you like community and need help with motivation and accountability.
  • Structured program: The program provides structure and a point system that helps you make healthier food choices while still allowing for treats in moderation.
  • Education: WW offers educational resources on nutrition, portion control, and healthy habits, helping you make informed decisions about your food choices.
  • Adaptability to different lifestyles: WW can be adapted to various dietary preferences and lifestyles.
  • No food elimination: Unlike some diets that eliminate entire food groups, WW does not require the exclusion of specific foods, promoting a more sustainable and balanced approach to eating.
  • Online tools: WW provides digital tools and apps that make it easier for you to track your food intake, activity, and progress.

There are also some cons:

  • Cost: Depending on your budget and what you value in a coaching program. It can be relatively expensive, especially if you opt for in-person meetings or personalized coaching.
  • Dependency on points: Some argue that the point system can lead to a focus on numbers rather than the nutritional quality of food. People may choose low-point but less nutritious options.
  • Potential for overeating: While the point system encourages portion control, some might interpret it as permission to eat low-nutrient, high-point foods in excessive amounts. Or overeat “zero” point foods that still contain calories.
  • Not a quick fix: Weight loss with WW is gradual and may not provide quick results. This can be discouraging if you’re seeking rapid changes.

How can I speed up weight loss on Weight Watchers?

You can speed up weight loss on Weight Watchers the same way you would speed up weight loss using any other method. By creating a bigger calorie deficit.

However, most people don’t need to do this nor is it in their best interest. A larger deficit usually means more restrictions. This can make adhering to your diet harder over a longer period. If you can’t adhere to your diet you can’t be successful.

If you’re losing between .5% and 1.5% of your body weight most weeks you’re making great progress. There is no need to speed it up.

If you’re not making any progress look are your adherence first.

  • Stay within your SmartPoints budget: Adhering to your daily and weekly SmartPoints budget is crucial for weight loss. Be mindful of portion sizes and choose nutrient-dense foods to stay satisfied within your allocated points.
  • Prioritize whole foods: Opt for whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible. These foods tend to be more filling and provide essential nutrients, helping you stay on track with your weight loss goals.
  • Include lean proteins: Protein-rich foods can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. Include lean proteins like chicken, fish, tofu, beans, and legumes in your meals. Plus, there is a larger thermic effect when you eat them.
  • Load up on vegetables: Vegetables are low in SmartPoints and high in fiber, making them a great choice for weight loss. Fill your plate with a variety of colorful vegetables to add volume to your meals without consuming excessive points.
  • Limit processed foods: Processed and highly refined foods can be higher in SmartPoints and may not be as satiating. Limit your intake of processed snacks, sugary beverages, and other high-point items.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is essential for overall health and can also help you feel full. Sometimes, feelings of hunger can be confused with dehydration.
  • Incorporate physical activity: Regular exercise is important for weight loss and overall well-being. Find activities you enjoy and make them a regular part of your routine. Aim for a mix of cardiovascular exercises and strength training.
  • Be mindful of emotional and stress eating: Pay attention to emotional triggers that may lead to overeating. Develop alternative coping mechanisms, such as going for a walk, practicing mindfulness, or talking to a friend.
  • Track everything: Be meticulous about tracking your food intake, including snacks and treats. This helps you stay accountable and aware of your choices.
  • Review and Adjust: Regularly assess your progress and adjust your approach as needed. If you find that you’re not seeing the desired results, consider consulting with a registered dietitian or coach to help you troubleshoot.

How long will it take to lose 25 pounds on Weight Watchers

The rate of weight loss varies from person to person and depends on several factors, including your starting weight, age, gender, metabolism, activity level, and adherence to the Weight Watchers program. Or any program that you’re on.

Generally speaking, reasonable and safe rates of weight loss per week according to experts, research, and governing bodies suggest the following.

Extreme (per week)

  • 1-1.5% of body weight
  • Men: 2-3 lbs
  • Women: 1.65-2.5 lbs

Reasonable (per week)

  • .5-1% of body weight
  • Men: 1-2 lbs
  • Women: .8-1.65 lbs

Comfortable (per week)

  • .5% of body weight
  • Men: <1 lbs
  • Women: <.8 lbs

Assuming a steady and healthy weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week, it might take approximately 12 to 25 weeks (or about 3 to 6 months) to lose 25 pounds. Keep in mind that these are rough estimates, and your results may vary.

People like to freak out when they’re not losing weight as fast as their friend, brother, sister, significant other, or random person on the Internet who is talking about their hashtag fitness journey. You may not lose weight at the rates described above and that is ok.

Something to keep in mind is that weight loss is often faster when you first start, and when you have more weight to lose. The more weight you lose, the slower the rate of weight loss.

Ultimately, how fast you can lose weight depends on how consistent and patient you can be with the program that you’re following.

How long does it take to see weight loss on Weight Watchers?

According to the company’s website, members can expect to lose0.5–2 pounds (0.23–0.9 kg) per week. However, results will vary from person to person

The time it takes to see weight loss results on Weight Watchers or any other weight loss program can vary from person to person. Several factors influence the rate at which individuals lose weight, including:

  • Starting weight: People with higher starting weights may see more significant initial weight loss.
  • Metabolism: Metabolic rates vary among individuals, affecting how quickly they burn calories.
  • Dietary adherence: Adherence to the Weight Watchers program, including staying within SmartPoints limits, can impact weight loss results.
  • Physical activity: Regular exercise can contribute to weight loss and overall health.
  • Genetics and hormones: Individual genetic factors and hormonal influences play a role in weight loss.

I dive deeper into how fast you can expect to lose weight in this article.

Ultimately weight loss depends on several factors.

  • are you in a consistent calorie deficit?
  • does the approach you’re taking make sense for your goals
  • are you enjoying the process (or at least not hating it to the max)
  • your current starting point (a lot of weight to lose or a little)
  • adherence to the plan

When working with clients I often find that it’s not a lack of progress for them that’s frustrating. It’s that they started with unrealistic expectations, don’t understand why they can’t sustain the results they got when they started, or a combination of the two. Make sure you have a good grasp on these before you start freaking out.


Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

Not losing weight with Weight Watchers: Why and what to do about it. - Justin Thomas Miller (2024)


Why am I gaining weight with Weight Watchers? ›

When you restrict your diet and eat less food than your body needs (which is, at its core, how Weight Watchers works) the body responds by increasing the desire for hyper-palatable foods, which includes foods high in carbs, fat, salt, or sugar.

Why is it taking so long to lose weight on Weight Watchers? ›

Your age, lifestyle, biological sex, and even medical history can affect how quickly or slowly you'll lose weight. Understanding these factors can help you have realistic expectations for your journey and sidestep any frustration when it feels like it's taking longer than you thought it would.

What is bad about the Weight Watchers diet? ›

What is negative about Weight Watchers? Weight Watchers lacks education when it comes to nutrition and learning about why and how the foods you eat affect your weight. You also can't follow the points system outside WW, making the plan hard to continue after canceling your subscription.

What is the stuck point in weight loss? ›

When the calories you burn equal the calories you eat, you reach a plateau. To lose more weight, you need to either increase your physical activity or decrease the calories you eat. Using the same approach that worked at first may maintain your weight loss, but it won't lead to more weight loss.

Why am I not losing weight on Weight Watchers diet? ›

If you're following (WW) and not losing weight it's most likely because you are: Overeating zero-point foods. Zero-point foods still have calories. It feels too restrictive and you're overeating later.

How can I speed up weight loss on Weight Watchers? ›

6 Science-Backed Tricks That Can Help Make Weight Watchers Work Better
  1. How to lose weight faster on Weight Watchers. ...
  2. Dig in at breakfast. ...
  3. Go for protein early in the day. ...
  4. Look for Mother Nature's seal of approval. ...
  5. Drink a cup of water before every meal. ...
  6. Sip some green tea. ...
  7. Enjoy metabolism-shocking splurges.
Nov 13, 2023

Why isn't WW working for me? ›

WW must be followed consistently to work, meaning you have to track your points daily. If you do it for a few days, fall off, track again, then fall off, you can't make consistent progress.

Why am I not losing weight but clothes fit better? ›

A decrease in your size but not on the scale may be caused by losing fat while gaining muscle at the same time. Other causes may be temporary water retention or a weight loss plateau. If you're trying to lose weight, you might be using a scale to gauge your progress.

How to break a weight loss plateau on Weight Watchers? ›

10 ways to break through a weight-loss plateau
  1. Track your foods. People tend to underestimate how much they actually eat, research shows. ...
  2. Go big on fruits and veggies. ...
  3. Drink more water. ...
  4. Switch up your workout routine. ...
  5. Sneak in more movement. ...
  6. Make sure you're getting enough sleep. ...
  7. Manage stress. ...
  8. Be patient.
Nov 15, 2015

What is the lawsuit against Weight Watchers? ›

In a complaint, filed by the Department of Justice on behalf of the Federal Trade Commission, the agency alleged that WW International, Inc., formerly known as Weight Watchers, and a subsidiary called Kurbo, Inc., marketed a weight loss app for use by children as young as eight and then collected their personal ...

What is the failure rate of Weight Watchers? ›

So, let's look again at the assertion that 57% of people in the WeightWatchers Success Registry maintained their weight over one year of follow-up, and 43% experienced weight regain of more than five pounds.

Can you eat too many zero point foods on Weight Watchers? ›

Full of fiber and protein, these foods also support overall health, keep you full, and bulk up and add flavor to your meals. And, of course, you can eat as much as you like.

What is the most common cause of unexplained weight loss? ›

Some causes of unintentional weight loss include: mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) problems with digestion, such as coeliac disease or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

What speeds up metabolism? ›

5 ways to boost metabolism
  • Exercise more. Add interval training to your cardio routine and burn more calories in less time. ...
  • Weight train. Add muscle mass to your body and you can burn more calories at rest. ...
  • Don't skip meals, especially breakfast. ...
  • Eat fat-burning foods. ...
  • Get a good night's sleep every night.

How to shock your body out of a plateau? ›

12 Simple Ways to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau
  1. Cut carbs.
  2. Exercise more.
  3. Track your foods.
  4. Eat protein.
  5. Manage stress.
  6. Try fasting.
  7. Avoid alcohol.
  8. Increase fiber.
Feb 26, 2024

Why do I keep gaining weight even though I watch what I eat? ›

Some causes of unintentional weight gain include underlying health conditions, being stressed, eating more highly processed foods, and not exercising.

Why do I look slimmer but weigh the same? ›

A decrease in your size but not on the scale may be caused by losing fat while gaining muscle at the same time. Other causes may be temporary water retention or a weight loss plateau. If you're trying to lose weight, you might be using a scale to gauge your progress.

Why am I losing inches but not weight on Weight Watchers? ›

This happens when you lose body fat while gaining muscle. Your weight may stay the same, even as you lose inches, a sign that you're moving in the right direction. Knowing the difference between losing weight and losing body fat may influence how you assess your progress.

Why is my weight fluctuating on Weight Watchers? ›

Truth is, daily fluctuations on the scale are completely normal. Body weight will shift a bit depending on the status of your body's fluids and solids (e.g., how much food and water you've consumed, bowel movements, urination and sweat rate).

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.