Dominican Republic | CDC Yellow Book 2024 (2024)

Infectious Disease Risks

All travelers should be up to date on routine vaccinations, including coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and seasonal influenza. Cases of vaccine-preventable diseases have been reported among the local population and unvaccinated tourists from Europe and other parts of the world. Travelers also should be vaccinated against hepatitis A.

Enteric Infections & Diseases


The most recent cholera outbreak in the Dominican Republic occurred in 2018 in Independencia Province and was readily contained. Since then, no cholera cases have been reported. For current recommendations for travelers to the Dominican Republic, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Travelers’ Health website.

Travelers’ Diarrhea

Although food hygiene at large, all-inclusive resorts and popular tourist locations has improved in the past few years, travelers’ diarrhea (TD) continues to be the most common health problem for visitors to the Dominican Republic (see Sec. 2, Ch. 6, Travelers’ Diarrhea). Food purchased on the street or sold on beaches by informal sellers presents a greater risk for illness (see Sec. 2, Ch. 8, ). Advise travelers not to eat raw or undercooked seafood, and remind them to drink only purified, bottled water. Ice served in well-established tourist locations is usually made from purified water and safe to consume. Ice might not be safe in remote or non-tourist areas, however.

Typhoid Fever

Travelers should be vaccinated against typhoid fever, especially anyone visiting friends or relatives (see Sec. 5, Part 1, Ch. 24, ).

Respiratory Infections & Diseases

Coronavirus Disease 2019

All travelers going to the Dominican Republic should be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines.


In 2019, the National Tuberculosis (TB) Control Program reported an incidence of 30.4 TB cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Although there is community spread of TB, no reports exist of travelers or tourists becoming infected with TB while visiting the Dominican Republic.

Sexually Transmitted Infections & HIV

Although illegal, commercial sex workers (CSW) are found throughout the Dominican Republic; Samaná, Sosúa, and Puerto Plata are known sex tourism destinations. HIV prevalence among female CSW is ≈3%, and up to 6% in some areas; syphilis (12%), hepatitis B virus (2.4%), and hepatitis C virus (0.9%) are also concerns. Among men who have sex with men, HIV prevalence is ≤4.5% and active syphilis ≤13.9%. Travelers should avoid sexual intercourse with CSW and always use condoms with any partner whose HIV or sexually transmitted infection status is unknown (see Sec. 9, Ch. 12, ). Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for people who could be exposed to blood through needles or medical procedures, or body fluids during sexual intercourse with a new partner.

Soil- & Waterborne Infections


Leptospirosis is prevalent on the island; in 2020, 210 leptospirosis cases and 38 deaths were reported. Leptospira contamination can be attributed to climatic conditions (e.g., heavy rainfall, flooding) and to environmental factors, including agricultural practices, animal husbandry, inadequate disposal of waste, and poor sanitation. Travelers should avoid recreational activities in lakes and rivers, and other unprotected exposures to fresh water potentially contaminated with animal urine (see Sec. 5, Part 1, Ch. 10, Leptospirosis).


Based on the results of a 2013 serological survey conducted in provinces with a history of schistosomiasis transmission, the Dominican Republic has likely eliminated schistosomiasis transmission. This status has not yet been verified according to World Health Organization (WHO) criteria.

Vectorborne Diseases

Vectorborne viral diseases (e.g., dengue), as well as parasitic diseases (e.g., malaria) are potential concerns for travelers to the Dominican Republic. All travelers should take precautions to prevent mosquito bites by wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants and by using insect repellent (see Sec. 4, Ch. 6, ).

Arboviruses: Chikungunya, Dengue & Zika

Dengue is widespread in the Dominican Republic; 3,964 cases and 38 deaths were reported in 2020. Although cases of dengue are reported year-round, transmission frequently increases during the rainy season, May–November. The principal mosquito vector of the dengue virus, Aedes aegypti, is found in both rural and urban areas in the Dominican Republic (see Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 4, Dengue). Neither chikungunya nor Zika have been detected in the Dominican Republic for several years.

Lymphatic Filariasis

The Dominican Republic is actively participating in the global program to eliminate lymphatic filariasis (LF). LF is considered endemic to some smaller foci in the east and southwest regions of the country. As of 2020, the country had achieved targets set by the WHO to stop annual treatment, suggesting low likelihood of ongoing disease transmission and minimal risk to travelers. The Dominican Republic is still working to achieve all targets demonstrating elimination of LF as a public health problem (see Sec. 5, Part 3, Ch. 9, Lymphatic Filariasis, and the WHO website.


Malaria is endemic to the Dominican Republic (see Sec. 2, Ch. 5, , and Sec. 5, Part 3, Ch. 16, Malaria). During 2020, a total of 822 cases of malaria were reported; 2 were fatal.

Malaria transmission occurs primarily in the provinces near the border with Haiti, and the provinces of La Altagracia (including the resort areas of Bávaro and Punta Cana), San Cristóbal, San Juan, and Santo Domingo. In the Distrito Nacional, city of Santo Domingo (the capital), transmission has been reported in the Los Tres Brazos and La Ciénaga areas. Transmission is rare in other places. The malaria species found in the Dominican Republic, Plasmodium falciparum, remains sensitive to all known antimalarial drugs, including chloroquine. Malaria chemoprophylaxis is recommended for travelers to provinces of the Dominican Republic with documented transmission.

Environmental Hazards & Risks

Animal Bites & Rabies

Reports of animal rabies in the Dominican Republic are not uncommon, and the last reported case of human rabies was in 2019. In 2020, no cases of animal rabies or human rabies were reported. Postexposure rabies prophylaxis is available in specialized and regional hospitals. Consider preexposure vaccination for travelers potentially at risk for animal bites (e.g., people spending extended time outdoors, anyone handling animals). Advise travelers to avoid petting or playing with animals.

Climate & Sun Exposure

Visitors to the Dominican Republic often underestimate the strength of the sun and the dehydrating effect of the humid environment. Encourage travelers to take precautions to avoid sunburn by wearing hats and suitable clothing, along with proper application of a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) ≥15 that protects against both ultraviolet A and B (see Sec. 4, Ch. 1, Sun Exposure). Travelers should drink plenty of hydrating fluids throughout the day.

Toxic Exposures


Poisonings from consuming methanol- contaminated ethanol in fermented beverages occur in both resort areas and in the community in the Dominican Republic. In December 2017, an outbreak involved 41 vacationers in the resort areas of Punta Cana. In December 2019, 4 people became sick and 2 died from methanol poisoning. In a community outbreak in November 2020, 9 men in the Santo Domingo Este municipality suffered methanol poisoning after consuming a contaminated drink. During January–April 2021, an outbreak involving >300 people, predominantly in the northern and northeastern regions of the country, was traced to drinking adulterated ethanol; >100 died. The majority of cases occurred the week after the long Easter weekend.

Safety & Security


The risk for crime in the Dominican Republic is like that of major cities in the United States. Although most crime affecting tourists involves robbery or pickpocketing, more serious assaults occasionally occur, and perpetrators might react violently if resisted (see Sec. 4, Ch. 11, ). Visitors to the Dominican Republic should follow normal safety precautions (e.g., going out in groups, especially at night; using only licensed taxi drivers; drinking alcohol in moderation; and being cautious of strangers). Criminal activity often is higher during the Christmas and New Year season, and additional caution during that time is warranted.

Traffic-Related Injuries

Driving in the Dominican Republic is hazardous (see Sec. 8, Ch. 5, ). Traffic laws are rarely enforced, and drivers commonly drive while intoxicated, text while driving, exceed speed limits, do not respect red lights or stop signs, and drive without seatbelts or helmets. According to WHO statistics, the Dominican Republic has the highest number of traffic deaths per capita in the world (110 per 100,000 population in 2019).

Many fatal or serious traffic crashes involve motorcycles and pedestrians. Motorcycle taxis, used throughout the country, including in tourist areas, frequently carry ≥2 passengers riding without helmets. Remind visitors to avoid motorcycle taxis, to use only licensed taxis, and to always wear a seatbelt.

Availability & Quality of Medical Care

In the Dominican Republic, public medical clinics lack basic resources and supplies, and few or no English-speaking staff are available. In addition, only minimal staff are available overnight in non-emergency wards; if hospitalized, travelers should consider hiring a private nurse to spend the night.

Private hospitals and doctors might offer a more comprehensive range of services but typically require advance payment or proof of adequate insurance before providing medical services or admitting a patient. Some hotels and resorts have preestablished, exclusive arrangements with select medical providers; these can have additional, associated costs, and might also limit choices for emergency medical care.

Psychological and psychiatric services are limited, even in the larger cities, with hospital-based care available only through government institutions.

Medical Tourism

The market for medical tourism, including plastic surgery and dental care, is growing in the Dominican Republic. Thousands of patients travel to the country each year to access medical services that cost a fraction of what they do in the United States. Several companies and clinics offer package deals that include postsurgical recovery at local tourist resorts. Most health care facilities catering to medical tourists have not, however, met the standards required by international accrediting bodies.

Some medical tourists to the Dominican Republic have experienced a substandard quality of care, health care–associated infections, and even death. Anyone considering the Dominican Republic as a destination for medical procedures should consult with a US health care provider before travel, and research whether the health care providers and facilities in the Dominican Republic meet accepted standards of care (see Sec. 6, Ch. 4, Medical Tourism). Legal options in case of malpractice are very limited in the Dominican Republic.

The following authors contributed to the previous version of this chapter:

Dominican Republic Ministry of Public Health. Annual national TB bulletin 2019 [in Spanish]. Santo Domingo (DR): The Ministry; 2019. Available from:

Dominican Republic Ministry of Public Health. Weekly epidemiological bulletin #16-2021 [in Spanish]. Santo Domingo (DR): The Ministry; 2021. Available from:

Dominican Republic Ministry of Public Health. Weekly epidemiological bulletin #19-2021 [in Spanish]. Santo Domingo (DR): The Ministry; 2021. Available from:

Dominican Republic Ministry of Public Health. Weekly epidemiological bulletin #42-2021 [in Spanish]. Santo Domingo (DR): The Ministry; 2021. Available from:

Ekdahl K, de Jong B, Andersson Y. Risk of travel-associated typhoid and paratyphoid fevers in various regions. J Travel Med. 2005;12(4):197–204.

Hewitt R, Willingham AL. Status of schistosomiasis elimination in the Caribbean region. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2019;4(1):24.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA), Dominican Republic: cholera outbreak. DREF no. MDRDO011, 2018. Available from:

National Council for HIV AIDS. Third survey of behavioral surveillance with serological linkage in key populations [in Spanish]. Santo Domingo (DR): CONIVISIDA; 2018. Available from:

Presidency of the Dominican Republic. Under the slogan “For zero cases of human rabies in the Dominican Republic,” government begins National Day of Vaccination against rabies; Oct 29, 2021 [in Spanish]. Available from:

Dominican Republic | CDC Yellow Book 2024 (2024)


Is it safe to go to the Dominican Republic in 2024? ›

The risk for crime in the Dominican Republic is like that of major cities in the United States. Although most crime affecting tourists involves robbery or pickpocketing, more serious assaults occasionally occur, and perpetrators might react violently if resisted (see Sec. 4, Ch. 11, Safety & Security Overseas).

Is yellow fever vaccine needed for the Dominican Republic? ›

The Government of Canada and CDC recommend the following vaccinations for travelling to the Dominican Republic In 2024: Measles, Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Cholera, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Malaria, Flu, Yellow Fever, COVID-19.

Is there a travel warning for the Dominican Republic? ›

US State Dept Travel Advisory

The US State Department currently recommends US citizens exercise increased caution in the Dominican Republic due to crime.

How to avoid getting sick in the Dominican Republic? ›

Vaccines cannot protect you from many diseases in the Dominican Republic, so your behaviors are important.
  1. Eat and drink safely. ...
  2. Prevent bug bites. ...
  3. Stay safe outdoors. ...
  4. Keep away from animals. ...
  5. Reduce your exposure to germs. ...
  6. Avoid sharing body fluids. ...
  7. Know how to get medical care while traveling. ...
  8. Select safe transportation.

What not to bring to the Dominican Republic? ›

Illegal drugs, animal, horticultural and agricultural products are prohibited. The prescription medication you bring for personal use should be in its original container. Find out what items you can bring home with you and in what quantities by reading the information on customs and duty for your own country.

What happens if you travel without yellow fever vaccine? ›

Transmitted by infected mosquitoes, Yellow Fever infection causes fever, severe liver issues, acute kidney problems, bleeding, and shock. Case fatality is 10% to 50% in the indigenous population in an endemic area but approaches 90% in unimmunized travelers.

What injections do I need for the Dominican Republic? ›

Courses or boosters usually advised: Hepatitis A; Tetanus. Other vaccines to consider: Diphtheria; Hepatitis B; Rabies; Typhoid. Selectively advised vaccines - only for those individuals at highest risk: Cholera.

Is yellow fever vaccine mandatory? ›

Yellow Fever Vaccine: Requirements and Recommendations

Some countries may require arriving travelers to show proof of yellow fever vaccination. Countries do this as a public health measure to keep travelers from importing the virus. Proof of vaccination requirements may apply to some or all arriving travelers.

What level of risk is Punta Cana? ›

Dominican Republic - Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution.

What is the threat level in the Dominican Republic? ›

Danger level: 3 - Travel with high caution. This is the general advisory usually covering the country as a whole.

Is Punta Cana safe to walk around? ›

Punta Cana is one of the safest vacation spots in the Caribbean. Tourists should feel comfortable traveling outside of the hotel zone. However, petty theft (especially of cell phones, according to some) does sometimes occur, so you should be careful when carrying valuables with you.

Is it safe to travel to Punta Cana in 2024? ›

Rest easy. A combination of a dedicated tourist police force and other measures taken by the Dominican government have enhanced the safety of popular destinations like Punta Cana.

What to do if you get diarrhea in the Dominican Republic? ›

Traveller's diarrhea kits that contain antibiotics, oral rehydration salts and antidiarrhetics are also recommended for trips to places like the Dominican Republic in case you do come down with an infection. Cholera is another potential problem.

Is it safe to go to the Dominican Republic at the moment? ›

The U.S. State Department last updated its travel advisory to the Dominican Republic on June 6, 2023. Since then, it remains at a Level 2, which encourages visitors to exercise increased caution.

Is it safe in Punta Cana now? ›

Punta Cana is one of the safest vacation spots in the Caribbean. Tourists should feel comfortable traveling outside of the hotel zone.

Is Punta Cana safer than Cancun? ›

Cancun is known for its vibrant nightlife and bustling tourist scene. Punta Cana has a lower crime rate compared to Cancun, making it a safer choice for some travelers. Regardless of the destination chosen, it is important to be mindful of your surroundings and follow local safety guidelines.

What time of year are mosquitoes most active in the Dominican Republic? ›

In Punta Cana, mosquitoes are usually most active during the rainy season, typically from July to November. During this period, the increased humidity and still water create ideal conditions for mosquitoes to breed.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.