10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You) (2024)

Water is all around us, yet it remains one of the earth's most valuable resources. When we did the research for this list, we learned that there are far more people shelling out real money for "premium water" than we ever could have imagined. It feels gauche, considering how many millions of people are suffering from water scarcity all over the world. But the fact remains that luxury water in its uber-fresh, pure, Swarovski-covered glory exists, and more people are paying for it than you may think.

And once in a while, it's fun to put on our imaginary top hats and monocles and pretend to be right there with them. If you have the cash to burn, why not put it towards a bottle of water that looks more like a centuries-old potion? Or maybe a tall, sleek glass bottle covered with Swarovski crystals is closer to your brand of "stupidly rich." Some of these luxury water brands have the stamp of approval from real-life water sommeliers. Others come from the furthest corners of the world, from the fjords of Norway to the humid jungles of Brazil to the fresh springs of Tennessee. What they all have in common is a price that far exceeds $100. It begs the question: how much would you spend on a bottle of water?

Prices are as of the date of publication and may vary based on region.

Read more: 25 Popular Bottled Water Brands, Ranked Worst To Best

Asahi Rokko No Mizu Pet Bottle: $108.31

10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You) (1)

At first glance, theAsahi Rokko No Mizu pet bottle doesn't seem like the epitome of luxury. In fact, one could argue that it's nearly indistinguishable from any other plastic water bottle from the grocery store. Except, of course, for the adorable cartoon tiger found on the pet bottle edition of the water bottle. But the cutesy cartoon doesn't really scream "rich," so what's with the extravagant price? A single bottle costs around $108.31; Rokko No Mizu is the water version of not judging a book by its cover.The water itself has a rich history that sets it apart from other water brands.

The water stored within the ordinary plastic bottles hails from the Rokko Mountains in Japan's Hyogo Prefecture. If that sounds familiar, it may be because the Kobe district in the prefecture is the source of Kobe beef, some of the world's highest-quality meat, aside from wagyu. Clearly, the region is no stranger to producing luxury foods, as the water was, at one point, one of the most costly bottles of mineral water on the market.

Mount Rokko offers stunning views, but it's as dense with history as it is with trees. The mythicism surrounding Rokko No Mizu and Mount Rokko raises the water's value: legend has it that the mineral water comes from the fountain of youth, which accounts for the abnormally high number of 100+ year-olds living in the area.

Svalbarði 750 Milliliter Bottle: $117

10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You) (2)

If you had to travel thousands of miles, brave frigid temperatures, and risk polar bear encounters to obtain truly pure water, would you? Sticking to tap water sounds easier (and safer), so we're all lucky that some intrepid water lovers are willing to brave the trek for us. Thought has gone into every element of the design for Svalbarði's 750-milliliter clear glass bottle of still water, from the recyclable flint glass to the stylish wooden cap that Svalbarði claims comes from sustainable forests. The bottle alone is tall, sleek, and the height of minimalism. After all, the icy water within speaks for itself — and for its $105 to$117 price tag, depending on where you order it from.

Obtaining a bottle of the rare water is easier said than done, not only because it's currently sold out on Svalbarði's website. It takes time, energy, and expertise to source the water, which comes from arctic glaciers in Norway. It's not unusual for Nordic countries like Norway and Iceland to source water from icebergs and glaciers, mainly because glacier water is considered to be "fine water" due to its untouched, pure origins. Svalbardi's procurement method involves an expedition to Norway's Svalbarði islands. There, vessels cut through frigid fjords that are surrounded by towering mountains of ice. "It has the fresh taste of snow in air that fell before modern pollution," claims Svalbarði. That is to say, this water isn't just pure — it's prehistoric.

Gaisbergwasser Edition Austria: $136

Water is just ... water, right? Not if Gaisbergwasser has a say. What makes Gaisbergwasser's "Edition Austria" so special is the creativity and ingenuity that goes into each bottle. First of all, the bottles are designed using the vibrant artwork of Austrian artist Albert Dschulnigg. Only 200 bottles were made, and Dschulnigg added a unique touch to each and every one, ensuring that no two bottles are exactly the same. The water bottles aren't meant to be recycled but treasured as pieces of art. There's an extremely limited number of bottles available for purchase. You'll have to shell out $136 for a single bottle of Gaisberg Edition Austria, but according to the company, this may be a steal.

Gaisbergwasser claims that the artists who design the bottles sell their original works for upwards of €2,000 to €50,000. Of course, Gaisberg Edition Austria is a work of art on the inside, too. The water itself — which one could argue is the most important part — has been perfected over the years. It started out as ordinary Saltzberg Gaisberg water, which has since been refined. The company considers its water to be premium, and for good reason. Its alkaline spring water has won several gold medals for Best International Taste at the American Fine Water Society awards and is consistently certified by authorities in Salzberg.When water doubles as artwork and as an award-winning refreshment, the high price point starts to make more sense.

Ô Amazon Air Water: $140

10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You) (4)

From afar, a bottle from Ô Amazon Air Water's Onça Pintada series looks more like premium vodka than water. With its squat neck, thick glass, and distinguished navy and gold label, the bottle would look right at home behind an upper-class bar. And yet, Ô Amazon Air Water is the opposite of a night on the town.

Everything from the way the water is produced to the way it's sold is the height of high-tech efficiency. Unlike other luxury water brands, Ô Amazon doesn't source its water from remote mountain springs or deep Icelandic glaciers. Instead, "it floats ... on the flying rivers of the Brazilian Amazonian rainforest," the bottle proclaims. The water is obtained using an Air Water Generator, a process Ô Amazonassures consumers is not only backed by science but environmentally friendly.

The technology used at Ô Amazon is backed by the belief that the cleanest water is actually invisible in the air we breathe.An Air Water Generator condenses water vapor — such as the vapor over Brazil's "flying rivers" — and turns it into pure, clean drinking water. It's no wonder a single bottle in Ô Amazon'sOnça Pintada series costs $140. The air-to-water conversion process takes patience, time, and advanced tools, which accounts for the product's limited supply.But if you're passionate about drinking pure, clean water that's ethically sourced, then tracking down a bottle may be worth it.

APSU Origin Water: $151.75

10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You) (5)

What's a more refreshing image than the cooling, untouched springs flowing through Patagonia? Nothing, which is exactly why the luxury water brand APSU Origin decided to bottle and sell it. APSU Origin traveled deep into the Magallanes region of Chile in order to bring this dreamlike image to life. Judging by the bottle alone, APSU Origin succeeded: the bottle looks like luxury in glass form. Its smooth, sloped neck resembles a clear, refreshing stream of water.

Appearances aside, the water itself makes the price tag, which hovers between$140to$151.75,more understandable. The company is dedicated to extracting only the purest, highest-quality water and doing so in an environmentally sustainable way. Its water comes in at a pH of 7.3 and has an ultra-low mineral count of 46 milligrams of total dissolved solids per liter.

Populated by whales, penguins, and even a few brave tourists,Chile's Patagonian glaciers are pristine and somewhat hidden. As intimidating as they are, the glaciers contain pure water, untouched by time — until now. The water, which comes specifically from the Skyring Sound, is harvested at 4 degrees Celsius to ensure a crisp, fresh taste. The elaborate process pays off, as APSU Origin Water received two silver medals at the 2021 Fine Water Awards.

Orezza Natural Mineral Water: $155

10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You) (6)

Mineral water: we've all heard of it, but very few of us actually know what it is and how it differs from still or sparkling water. Well, Orezza Natural Mineral Water set out to make a name for itself. Judging by its price alone — $155 per liter, $930 for six bottles — it has succeeded. With people clamoring for a pricey bottle, we can't help but ask ourselves, what exactly makes this mineral water so special? Apparently, the region it's sourced from is as full of history as the water is with minerals.

The water is from Corsica, a Mediterranean island that is a territory of France. On its website, Orezza's water experts explain that 19th-century colonists highly sought Corsica's water due to its healing properties — namely, its alleged ability to treat malaria and anemia.As we know now, the "healing properties" weren't magical but biological.

Natural Corsican water can have an orange tinge to it, and this rusty color comes from the water's high iron content.If you're iron deficient, a glass of Corsican water from Orezza could do you some good. Sourced from a UNESCO heritage site, the slightly bubbly water derives from 70 meters under Corsica and is even the choice of Monaco's royal family.

Nevas Sparkling Water: $180

10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You) (7)

With its sleek black glass and ornate label, Nevas looks like it contains a mysterious potion, not sparkling water. In a way, "potion" is a good word for Nevas' unique sparkling water; Nevas water isthe first cuvée to infiltrate the world of luxury water,"cuvée"meaning it's a blend of water from different springs. "Cuvée" can also refer to the delicate carbonation process, as Nevas Water is infused with carbonic acid.This is what gives Nevas water its distinguishable bite.

Nevas' water comes from two artesian springs in Germany, specifically, two wells that house centuries-old mineral water. The unique taste can also be attributed to the layers of rock that make up the walls, filling the water with rich concentrations of calcium. With a TDS count of 2,000, this water is considered hard and mineral-packed.

The term "cuvée" is almost exclusively used for wines, so its use to describe Nevas' sparkling water is revolutionary, indeed.Just like wine sommeliers, water sommeliers — yes, water sommeliers really do exist! — are experts at deducing why and how luxury water is considered premium, and Nevas fits the category.A single 3-liter bottle of Nevas water is priced at $180.99,and smaller variations cost upwards of $64. Nevas received a gold medal for its curated water at the 2019 Taste & Design Awards. And as if it wasn't champagne-like enough, the bottle is designed with a cork you can pop off whenever you have something to celebrate.

Bling H20: $182

10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You) (8)

Unlike other luxury brands on this list, it's no secret why Bling H20 boasts a hefty cost. We can barely see the price tag, what with all the dazzlingly bright Swarovski crystals. Bling H20 lives up to its name by decorating the bottle with enough eye-catching premium crystals to make anyone's head spin. The frosted glass, which comes in different shapes and colors, is the perfect canvas for the unique crystal designs, which have been redesigned in spectacular fashion over the years.

You see, Bling H20 really hit its stride in the mid-2000s, back when glamor was defined by how much your accessories sparkled. This expensive bottled water brand markets itself as "water for the stars," but don't be fooled: this H20 isn't all flash, no substance.

The "substance" itself is obtained in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, near Knoxville and Nashville.Bling H20 is bottled right at the source, but you won't be drinking dirty spring water. Although filtering water doesn't always make it safe to drink, Bling H20 ensures freshness by using advanced reverse osmosis processes — nine times over.

You need truly deep pockets in order to justify this extravagant water. "The Original" is sold for around$182, but a bottle called "The Ten Thousand" costs a shocking $2,700. Why the exorbitant price? The ten thousand hand-applied Swarovski crystals might have something to do with it.

Fillico Black King: $4,104

10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You) (9)

Fillico's water shares similar characteristics with other high-end bottles. It originates in the legendary Rokko National Park in Japan's Kobe region, and its most eye-catching line, FillicoJewelry Water, is decked out in delicate Swarovski crystals and topped with an ornate crown. The water is fit for royalty,which has been Fillico's main goal ever since it debuted in 2005.Fillico produces luxurious mineral water that, the brand vows, always strives for perfection.

After all, perfection is hard to avoid when you delve into Rokko National Park. The lush green forests hide natural wonders, from historic nature trails to awe-inspiring waterfalls. One of these waterfalls, Nunobiki Spring, is where Fillico bottles its famous mineral water.

One of Japan's most beloved waterfalls, Nunobiki Falls, plays an almost fantastical role in Japanese culture. It's known as one of Japan's three "divine falls," so its beauty is considered to be a gift from God himself. It's no wonder Fillico decided to source its water from such a sacred place. As a company, Fillico has aligned itself with other luxury brands, from Christian Dior to the Cannes Film Festival, which it co-sponsored in 2008. With all this in mind, it makes sense why the colorful, uniquely decorated bottles usually sell for upwards of $215. And one of the most exclusive Fillico bottles — the obsidian-colored Black King — can be found sold for up to$4,104.

Acqua Di Cristallo Tributo A Modigliani: $60,000

10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You) (10)

As of writing, Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani is largely believed to be the most expensive water ever sold at auction. It even got the stamp of authenticity from the Guinness Book of World Recordsback in 2010. We won't leave you in suspense: Acqua di Cristallo sold for $60,000 at auction. With so much hype surrounding a singular bottle of water, the water itself had better be downright magical. And since the water is sourced from all corners of the globe, it just might be.

Combining natural spring water from Fiji and France with frigid glacier water from Iceland makes for a singularly storied drink of water. History aside, Acqua di Cristallo is the epitome of wealth: there's actual gold in the water, 5 grams of 23-carat gold, to be exact. Calling it a "bottle" feels reductive since it's more like a piece of art.

Fernando Altamiranoas designed the bottle as a tribute to the artist Amedeo Clemente Modigliani. This is where the soaring price tag starts to make sense: The one-of-a-kind 750-milliliter glass bottle is decorated with solid 24-carat gold. From afar, the bottle looks more like a golden sculpture of an ancient face than a glass of water, but that's exactly why someone once shelled out thousands of dollars to own it. There's nothing else like it.

Read the original article on Tasting Table

10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You) (2024)


10 Most Expensive Bottled Water Brands (The Prices Will Shock You)? ›

The most expensive bottled water is Tributo Modigliani, Acqua di Cristallo, produced by Fernando Altamirano of Paolo Di Verachi Studio.

What is the most expensive bottled water brand? ›

The most expensive bottled water is Tributo Modigliani, Acqua di Cristallo, produced by Fernando Altamirano of Paolo Di Verachi Studio.

Is it worth buying expensive water? ›

Regardless of their prices or promises, all the waters on the market hydrate you equally well, and no better than tap water does. So if that is all you care about, just grab the cheapest. Even better, remember to fill up a reusable bottle at home before you leave next time.

Is the price of bottled water worth it compared to the price of tap water? ›

The main advantage of tap water throughout the world is its low cost. Tap water costs a fraction of a penny per gallon. According to the Harvard Energy and Facilities department, tap water is 3000% less expensive per gallon than bottled water, at $0.02 per gallon to $0.64 per gallon of bottled water.

Why is the price of bottled water going up? ›

The plastic bottles of bottled water—Plastics are made from petroleum. When a barrel of oil goes up in the global commodities market, the price of plastics also increases as well. The transportation of bottled water—It takes a lot of trucking fuel to transport bottled water around the world.

Which water is so expensive? ›

Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani, which costs around Rs 50 lakh, is the priciest water in the world.

Why is Dasani water so expensive? ›

Many people wonder why bottled water costs so much more than tap water. The price has less to do with the water itself and more to do with business expenses. The associated costs are high when you factor in the manufacturing, transportation, and advertising costs of producing each bottle.

Is it cheaper to buy water by the gallon or by the bottle? ›

On average, a 20-ounce bottle of water costs approximately $1.50. When translating this into gallons, water costs approximately $9.60 per gallon on average when consumed in bottled water form. In order to see just how costly this is, imagine if gas prices were that high!

Should we stop buying bottled water? ›

One plastic bottle can take up to a thousand years to break down. All the plastic bottles that don't get properly recycled are filling up our landfills and polluting our oceans. It isn't just the bottles themselves causing the problem either—the production and transportation of these bottles also creates pollution.

Which brands of bottled water are actually tap water? ›

***Keep in mind, there are even brands of bottled water that are actually just filtered tap water – like Aquafina and Dasani. The best way to conclude something so heavily swayed by opinion is to conduct a blind taste test.

Is tap water good for your teeth? ›

Drinking water with fluoride, which is “nature's cavity fighter” is one of the easiest and most beneficial things you can do to help prevent cavities. Fluoride is a mineral and in the right amount, fluoride in drinking water strengthens teeth. You can generally get fluoride in your local tap water.

Is tap water cleaner than bottled water? ›

Tap water undergoes more treatment than bottled water

It not only removes harmful bacteria at the treatment centre, but a residual amount of it will also do the same for the pipes that the water is carried through. Meanwhile, bottled waters do get treated, but there is a difference between mineral and spring.

How much is a bottle of water in 2024? ›

Download Table Data
CountryBottled Water Cost
United States$1.90
85 more rows

Should we raise the price of water? ›

Raising the price of water will work -- people and industries will use less water if it costs more. Raising water prices brings in more money; money that you could use to do things like find new sources of water or build new water-storage facilities.

Should I buy spring water or purified water? ›

There's no right answer. Still, to put it simply, spring water and purified water can come from the same source, but purified water undergoes a more rigorous purification process. The choice between the two depends on access and personal preference. People who like spring water like the taste of its natural minerals.

Is FIJI Water the most expensive? ›

A six-pack of Poland Springs sells for $3.19. A six-pack of San Pellegrino sparkling mineral water sells for $6.39. Smartwater with its "vapor distilled water and electrolytes for taste" sells a six-pack for $6.49. FIJI Natural Artesian Water offers the same amount of liquids for $7.19.

Why is Evian water so expensive? ›

Evian uses polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, which is the most recyclable bottle worldwide. The process of production for such material is complicated. Numerous tests are required for such bottles and that leads to an increase in production cost. Evian is known for their Limited Edition bottle.

What water brand makes the most money? ›

Largest Bottled Water Companies Research Summary

The largest bottled water company in the world is Nestle Waters, with a gross annual sales of $104.11 billion. As of 2023, the global bottled water industry has a market size of $342.4 billion. About 50 billion bottles of water are purchased in the U.S. each year.

Why is Bling H2O so expensive? ›

The presentation and designs of each bottle of Bling H2O is one of the main aspects that makes the water so luxurious. The designs on each bottle of Bling consist of an exterior of Swarovski crystals.

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